Moria - Play Online
DOS - 1988
For small DOS games like Moria, you can play online immediately with your browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer...). This feature is still experimental, the game may not work properly. Warning: game save should work, but you should try it early! Also, be careful to select the right game executable in the list below.
Emulator configuration
You can choose which game version you want to use, then you have to choose the right game executable and press PLAY.
To exit fullscreen mode, press escape. Playing experience can be poor due to your browser or your computer. Download Moria and launch it with DOSBox to have the best playing experience!
If the game is too fast or too slow, try hitting CTRL-F11 (slower) and CTRL-F12 (faster).
Larry 2024-12-13
Sure: The game saves your character on your hard drive. Each time you save using CTRL-X , it will bump you to the C:\prompt. It is important that you back-up your character each time you play. You do so by typing copy moria.sav moria1.sav and press enter. The prompt will confirm that the the file was copied. In the event that you die, you will end with a c:\ prompt, and you type the same command only in reverse, as follows: copy moria1.sav moria.sav This will copy the most recently saved character (still alive) back to your game. Then you play the game as usual by typing moria and pressing enter. It is a good idea to back-up your character when you encounter a dangerous monster like an Evil Iggy, the Balrog or an anciant multi-hued dragon. Then you can restore it if you die without losing too much progress.
Broskinschnitzl 2024-12-07
Larry, would you mind giving step-by-step directions on how to revive a character after death when playing in the browser? I did the "copy moria.sav moria1.sav" part in the C:\ prompt and I got confirmation that a copy was successfully made, but I can't figure out how to load that copy after my character dies.
LARRY 2024-10-04
BRO: If you want to play the moria1.sav file, you can copy it back as follows: copy moria1.sav moria.sav Then run moria as usual.
Broskinschnitzl 2024-10-01
The commenter Larry describes a way to resurrect your player after you die by making a copy of the save file. I'm playing through a browser, After I save and I'm at the DOS command line I followed his instructions of typing in "copy moria.sav moria1.sav", and I get a positive response saying the save file was successfully copied. While playing through the browser, how do I load up this copied save file if my character dies?
Larry 2022-08-16
I probably have more hours in this game than most people on the planet put together...seriously. I played it on my 8086XT all through college and for years after that. May I recommend you type "copy moria.sav moria1.sav" at the C:\ prompt ? That way if you die, you can resurrect your player at the last save point. You have to do this every time you save.
Brian 2022-02-01
Tried playing - does not run (as per previous comment).
[Rouge works just fine though... thanks for this.]
hello 2021-12-25
Sorry can someone redo the moria.exe file? I accidentally saved over it, now the exe file doesn't work
hmnegr 2021-11-24
Hit ? in the game for the list of options. Hit Ctrl-X to save. Use the default name to save (just hit Return).
Rockweeder 2020-03-03
How do you save the game ….no point in playing if you cant save.
ruffy 2019-08-01
Can't workout how to save online? Does it work?
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