Abandonware games developed by Hoffmann + Associates Inc.

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Browse games developed by Hoffmann + Associates Inc.

List of all abandonware games originally developed by Hoffmann + Associates Inc., between 1995 and 1999.

Hoffmann + Associates Inc.'s Games 1-8 of 8

Nikolai in Outer Space abandonware
Nikolai in Outer SpaceWin1998
Nikolai's Knights abandonware
Nikolai's KnightsWin, Win 3.x, Mac1996
Nikolai's Pharaohs abandonware
Nikolai's PharaohsWin, Win 3.x, Mac1996
Nikolai's Pirates abandonware
Nikolai's PiratesWin, Mac1997
Nikolai's Trains abandonware
Nikolai's TrainsWin 3.x, Mac1995
Nikolai's Treats abandonware
Nikolai's TreatsWin, Mac1999
NN’n N Toy Makers abandonware
NN’n N Toy MakersWin 3.x, Mac1995

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