Abandonware games developed by Modern Media Ventures

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Browse games developed by Modern Media Ventures

List of all abandonware games originally developed by Modern Media Ventures, between 1993 and 1996.

Modern Media Ventures' Games 1-5 of 5

Gus Goes to Cyberopolis abandonware
Gus Goes to CyberopolisWin 3.x1994
Gus Goes to Cyberstone Park abandonware
Gus Goes to Cyberstone ParkWin 3.x, Mac1996
Gus Goes to Cybertown abandonware
Gus Goes to CybertownWin 3.x, Mac1993
Gus Goes to the Kooky Carnival abandonware
Gus Goes to the Kooky CarnivalWin 3.x1995
Gus Goes to the Megarific Museum abandonware
Gus Goes to the Megarific MuseumWin 3.x1996

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