Abandonware games published by Sinclair Research Ltd.

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Browse games published by Sinclair Research Ltd.

List of all abandonware games originally published by Sinclair Research Ltd., between 1982 and 1984.

Sinclair Research Ltd.'s Games 1-15 of 21

1K ZX Chess abandonware
1K ZX ChessZX811982
Alien Destroyer abandonware
Alien DestroyerZX Spectrum1984
Backgammon abandonware
BackgammonZX Spectrum1983
Cyrus abandonware
CyrusZX Spectrum1983
Driller Tanks abandonware
Driller TanksZX Spectrum1984
Embassy Assault abandonware
Embassy AssaultZX Spectrum1983
Eric and the Floaters abandonware
Eric and the FloatersZX Spectrum1984
Espionage Island abandonware
Espionage IslandZX Spectrum1982
Games 4 abandonware
Games 4ZX Spectrum1982
Horace & The Spiders abandonware
Horace & The SpidersZX Spectrum1983
Horace Goes Skiing abandonware
Horace Goes SkiingZX Spectrum1982
Hungry Horace abandonware
Hungry HoraceZX Spectrum1982
Montezuma's Revenge abandonware
Montezuma's RevengeZX Spectrum1984
Planetoids abandonware
PlanetoidsZX Spectrum1982
Reversi abandonware
ReversiZX Spectrum1982

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