Download Boxworld (Windows 3.x)

More than 32800 old games to download for free!


Windows 3.x - 1991

Year 1991
Platform Windows 3.x
Released in United States
Genre Strategy
Theme Puzzle-Solving
Publisher Jeng Long Jiang
4.24 / 5 - 17 votes

Description of Boxworld

If you haven't played Boxworld or want to try this strategy video game, download it now for free! Published in 1991 by Jeng Long Jiang, Boxworld is still a popular puzzle-solving title amongst retrogamers, with a whopping 4.2/5 rating.

Captures and Snapshots

  • Windows 3.x

Comments and reviews

Holykris 2022-10-12 0 point

Finally found it, I remember that I never finished it but my late father did. Now is the time to fulfill my long promise.

JustZ 2022-09-22 -1 point

Damn. Now this is a classic, too bad I still remember the puzzles, would love to go through the levels without instantly being hit by nostalgia and remember how to beat the levels

Theee 2022-07-11 0 point

Great day, I had this game back in the 80 on my old computer. Just found it again. How do I get the link to download to my new computer

Lol 2022-06-22 0 point

One of the Best!

JanJan 2022-04-11 0 point

awesome game of stratergy

Lulu 2022-02-15 1 point

Is Boxworld available for Windows 11

NostalgiaMaster98 2019-12-03 0 point

Ah, yes. Another classic.

admin 2015-03-25 -3 points Windows 3.x version

Absolutely Tumurgo ! I have rectified it, thx ;)

Tumurgo 2015-03-24 -1 point Windows 3.x version

BoxWorld is a Windows 3.x to XP game, not for DOS.

admin 2011-04-06 -1 point Windows 3.x version

You are right Check that one !

Marc 2011-04-06 1 point Windows 3.x version

This is only the freeware version containing 13 puzzles not the complete 100 puzzles.

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Download Boxworld

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows 3.x Version

DownloadDemo version English version 33 KB DownloadFull version English version 37 KB

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