Laser Tank
Windows - 1998
Description of Laser Tank
One of the best shareware puzzles games ever, Laser Tank is an excellent variant of popular Capture the Flag game.
The comprehensive review at Rocket Download says it all: "Laser Tank may be one of the most difficult puzzle games you can download. While its ultimate objective seems simple, this game provides hours of truly mind-numbing pleasure. To win, you must capture a flag on each level. This sounds easy, but there're dozens of dangerous obstacles and traps standing in the way.
The game arms your tank with a useful, yet mostly useless, laser cannon. While it's certainly needed, the laser cannot directly thwart your biggest threat, the anti-tank gun. The only way to neutralize the anti-tank gun is to blast it from an angle, push it out of the way or block it from blasting you. There are about eight objects that must either be navigated around or moved. For example, movable blocks can be used to form bridges or, more importantly, defend you from certain death. You'll also find two kinds of mirrors to deflect lasers as well as a Tank Mover to transport you.
The beauty of Laser Tank is its community of users. Because this software comes with a level editor, most of the game's levels are designed by Laser Tank enthusiasts. This ensures the game's endless variety and constant challenge. Indeed, this program is considered "HelpWare." Rather than registering it with cash, you must produce your own level and send it to the author. The author will also post your high scores, as long as you provide evidence. The game includes a record and playback feature, so that you can save your successes for posterity.
Laser Tank receives four smileys" - and a Top Dog status from us. Two thumbs up, way up!
Review By HOTUD
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Comments and reviews
MarkTheMorose 2019-07-06 0 point
Ouch! Those mis-spellings on the help screen: "block's", "gun's", "drive you're tank"... Programmers are good at programming, but not so good at spelling.
KingLich 2019-05-17 0 point
Yeeeeeah, I barely remember this but I did remember trying this game thinking it was some kind of action-y game, nice really tough logic puzzles though.
Donald Trump 2018-03-25 0 point
Is there an Android version of LaserTank puzzle game? I found some, but they have very few levels and do not allow to load the latest levels published in the main LaserTank web page.
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Windows Version
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