Download LEGO Creator: Knights' Kingdom (Windows)

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LEGO Creator: Knights' Kingdom

Windows - 2000

Alt name レゴ・クリエイター 騎士の王国
Year 2000
Platform Windows
Released in United States (2000)
Japan (2001)
Genre Simulation
Theme Licensed Title
Publisher Eidos KK, LEGO Media International, Inc.
Developer Superscape Ltd.
Perspectives 1st-Person, 3rd-Person
4.33 / 5 - 43 votes

Description of LEGO Creator: Knights' Kingdom

In 2000, LEGO Media International, Inc., Eidos KK publishes LEGO Creator: Knights' Kingdom on Windows. This simulation game is now abandonware and is set in a licensed title theme.

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Comments and reviews

KASUMI65 2024-12-24 0 point

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uu 2022-06-27 0 point

LEGO Creator Knights Kingdom Log File
Started at: Mon Jun 27 10:17:35 AM 2022

[Log Level 0] Finished loading System PAK file
[Log Level 0] Finished loading Warehouse PAK file
[Log Level 0] SERIOUS ERROR: System PAK Manager OCX dispatched an error
i go to my this pc and i see this how i fix this

SmokedCarpenter 2022-05-15 0 point

To fix the cutscenes not loading, right click on the CreatorKK.exe and go to the Compatibility tab. Select Windows XP (Service Pack 2), 16-bit color mode, and run as admin, then click apply.

I have not yet figured out how to fix the actual in-game 3D rendering, because DirectX7 does not work on Windows 10.

Legogirl 2021-08-19 0 point

Open the files and start "startup". This will open the game. Only the videos between the tutorial scenes won't work.

forallsoftware90s00s 2021-05-31 0 point

has anyone managed to get this work?

henry 2020-08-13 1 point

this isn't working anymore

Roo 2020-03-31 0 point

ISO version doesn't work as you can't see the animations 2020-03-07 0 point


Duderino 2020-02-16 1 point

Hmm, the game switches between the hud and the actual animations and scenery depending on if I hold the mouse button or not.

con 2019-07-20 0 point

best game

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Download LEGO Creator: Knights' Kingdom

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows Version

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