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Wizard's Crown

DOS - 1987

Also released on: Apple II - Atari 8-bit - Atari ST - Commodore 64

Alt name Wizard's Crown: A Role-Playing Fantasy Game with Tactical Combat
Year 1987
Platform DOS
Released in United States
Genre Role-Playing (RPG)
Theme Fantasy, Turn-based
Publisher Strategic Simulations, Inc.
Developer Strategic Simulations, Inc.
Perspective Top-Down
Dosbox support Supported on 0.63
4.62 / 5 - 34 votes

Description of Wizard's Crown

A real "oldie but goodie" from SSI, this solid RPG goes beyond its CGA, run-from-floppy limitation with solid attention to detail, huge game world, and incredible amount of choices.

A must-have for hardcore RPG'ers who don't mind primitive graphics. It wasn't really the best.

Review By HOTUD

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Comments and reviews

SEADRIVE 2024-03-22 1 point Atari 8-bit version

Before migrating to an Atari ST and Amiga, I played this on my Atari 130XE. I was so hooked on this game. The only thing that captivated me more was when Dungeon Master released on the Atari ST! Fantastic memories!

ArayaScreams 2023-08-15 2 points

Can definitely see how the artwork on this let into the art and design for the later Gold Box games. Wonder now how much of else the development of this game contributed to Gold Box.

Meerling 2019-08-03 2 points Atari 8-bit version

I loved this game. A friend with the Apple version got me hooked, but it wasn't out for my computer yet. (Atari) So I sent a letter to the company with payment, and not long after they sent it to me, though it had the commodore manual and box. It was a while before the Atari version become available at retail though. Gotta love the companies & Devs back then!
Played a lot of it.
From what I can remember, I've got a few tips for folks. Have the characters in the party using all types of damage weapons. (Maces, Swords, Bows, etc) That way if you encounter demons that are immune to all but one weapon type you aren't screwed. Rather than wasting time and hit points trying to find out which is which, just go into fast combat when fighting the demons. Apparently then the game just checks if someone in the part 'can' damage the demons, and then allows the damage calculations to work. A bit of a glitch/exploit, but I consider monsters immune to everything except one secret weapon type to be a cheat on the designers part, so fair is fair.
The second tip is when on a dungeon level that damages you ever step you take. Uncouple the party and move just one character while the others stand still. Take that one to the exit, and go through. The entire party will follow without having to take the damage from walking around. Once on the next level, go back to party movement and HEAL up the damaged character.
I used to have more tips, but it was around 40 years ago I played this game.

Uncle T 2016-12-17 0 point

how do you create a disk

dejayc 2016-12-07 2 points Commodore 64 version

Seriously, people are still playing this game in late 2016?

I'm replaying it on a C64 emulator on Mac, since the DOS version seems to have severe bugs regarding experience and such. I, too, am running into an issue with every copy of the game missing the emerald key from the Old Thieve's guild. Even resetting the dungeons doesn't help. Argh!

Osric 2016-11-20 0 point DOS version

Is in this version here the emerald key in the tavern availlable? All versions i got were played disks where the owner got the key allready and because of this you cant end the game.

help 2015-07-07 2 points DOS version

is there a version of this game for the MAC platform? Playing in my browser doesn't allow me to save, and I am experiencing glitches.


Chris 2015-06-24 3 points DOS version

One of the all time greats, they did so much with so little code.

Torden 2015-03-29 1 point DOS version

I'm also one of those people who lived for this game! I accidentally stumbled onto a bug that can be exploited to finish the game more quickly:

1. Earn more than 200 XP
2. Buy skills until you have less than 100 XP
3. Now buy hit points or something else costing 100 XP. Since you have less than 100 XP, this should not be happening, but it does and you end up with more than 200 XP
4. Repeat the above until EVERYTHING is maxed out (which takes a bit of puzzling)
5. Start finding great stuff (weapons and armor) because your search skills are so ridiculously high, and sell at a high price because of your haggling skills.

This allowed us to finish the game at a reasonable speed, although you can still get in trouble because of fatigue rules.

Jeffman 2015-01-25 0 point DOS version

Has anyone else run into glitches? First I noticed that when using Heal, I got an error saying he didn't have the skill. The after logging out a back in a few times, it started working. Now I realized that the Taverns are not reducing Morale loss at all. Any ideas?

Billy 2014-05-19 0 point DOS version

It's too bad the second game called Eternal Dagger never made it to the PC. Just as good as Wizard's Crown, but you'll love this game if you're into fantasy RPG games.

wyldecat 2014-04-26 -1 point DOS version

I got this game right away when it first came out...I was a sophomore in college and i kid you not I must have played that game every waking hour I had. I cant wait to play it again.

goat 2014-04-20 0 point DOS version

i think everyone should download it awsome

Old Man H 2014-03-09 0 point DOS version

This was an excellent game, I look forward to picking it up again

guest 2012-10-03 0 point DOS version

Review of Wizard's Crown for DOS:

ancientdm 2012-08-06 0 point DOS version

absolutely he best early rpg ever.

chris 2012-06-24 0 point DOS version

I lived for this game when it came out. Trulyl ooking forward to reliving my youth and trying this excellent game once again !


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Buy Wizard's Crown

Wizard's Crown is available for a small price on the following website, and is no longer abandonware. provides the best release and does not include DRM, please buy from them! You can read our online store guide.

Other Releases

Wizard's Crown was also released on the following systems:

Apple II

Atari 8-bit

Atari ST

Commodore 64

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