Abandonware games developed by Microsoft Corporation

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Browse games developed by Microsoft Corporation

List of all abandonware games originally developed by Microsoft Corporation, between 1985 and 2006.

Microsoft Corporation's Games 1-15 of 17

Gorillas abandonware
Hover! abandonware
InkBall abandonware
Microsoft Arcade abandonware
Microsoft ArcadeWin 3.x, Mac1993
Microsoft Encarta (Included game) abandonware
Microsoft Encarta (Included game)Win, Win 3.x2006
Microsoft Entertainment Pack 2 abandonware
Microsoft Entertainment Pack 2Win 3.x1991
Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 abandonware
Microsoft Flight Simulator 98Win1997
Microsoft Mouse (included game) abandonware
Microsoft Mouse (included game)DOS1989
Microsoft Pandora's Box abandonware
Microsoft Pandora's BoxWin1999
Microsoft Return of Arcade abandonware
Microsoft Return of ArcadeWin1996
Microsoft Windows (included game) abandonware
Microsoft Windows (included game)DOS1985
Microsoft World of Flight abandonware
Microsoft World of FlightWin 3.x1995

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