Abandonware games developed by Quicksilver Software, Inc.

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Browse games developed by Quicksilver Software, Inc.

List of all abandonware games originally developed by Quicksilver Software, Inc., between 1984 and 2003.

Quicksilver Software, Inc.'s Games 1-12 of 12

Castles abandonware
CastlesDOS, Amiga, Atari ST, FM Towns, Sharp X680001991
Castles II: Siege & Conquest abandonware
Castles II: Siege & ConquestDOS, Mac, Amiga CD32, FM Towns1992
Conquest of the New World abandonware
Conquest of the New WorldDOS, Mac1996
Conquest of the New World: Deluxe Edition abandonware
Conquest of the New World: Deluxe EditionDOS, Win1996
Invictus: In the Shadow of Olympus abandonware
Invictus: In the Shadow of OlympusWin2000
Master of Orion 3 abandonware
Master of Orion 3Win, Mac2003
Maurice Ashley Teaches Chess abandonware
Maurice Ashley Teaches ChessWin, Win 3.x1995
Shanghai: Dynasty abandonware
Shanghai: DynastyWin, Mac1997
Shanghai: Great Moments abandonware
Shanghai: Great MomentsWin, Mac, SEGA Saturn1995
Shanghai: Second Dynasty abandonware
Shanghai: Second DynastyWin, Mac1999
Star Trek: Starfleet Command abandonware
Star Trek: Starfleet CommandWin1999
Thunder Castle abandonware
Thunder CastleIntellivision1984

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