Abandonware games developed by Shiny Entertainment, Inc.

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Browse games developed by Shiny Entertainment, Inc.

List of all abandonware games originally developed by Shiny Entertainment, Inc., between 1995 and 2007.

Shiny Entertainment, Inc.'s Games 1-8 of 8

Earthworm Jim abandonware
Earthworm JimDOS, Genesis, Master System, Game Gear1995
Earthworm Jim 2 abandonware
Earthworm Jim 2Genesis, SEGA Saturn1995
Enter the Matrix abandonware
Enter the MatrixWin2003
MDK abandonware
MDKDOS, Win, Mac1997
Messiah abandonware
Sacrifice abandonware
SacrificeWin, Mac2000
The Golden Compass abandonware
The Golden CompassWin2007
The Matrix: Path of Neo abandonware
The Matrix: Path of NeoWin2005

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