Abandonware games published by Telegames, Inc.

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Browse games published by Telegames, Inc.

List of all abandonware games originally published by Telegames, Inc., between 1983 and 1998.

Telegames, Inc.'s Games 1-15 of 27

Adventures of TRON abandonware
Adventures of TRONAtari 26001983
Air Raiders abandonware
Air RaidersAtari 26001983
Alcazar: The Forgotten Fortress abandonware
Alcazar: The Forgotten FortressColecoVision1985
Breakout 2000 abandonware
Breakout 2000Jaguar1996
Brutal Sports Football abandonware
Brutal Sports FootballJaguar1994
Bubble Trouble abandonware
Bubble TroubleLynx1993
Bump 'N' Jump abandonware
Bump 'N' JumpAtari 26001983
Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf abandonware
Desert Strike: Return to the GulfLynx1993
Double Dragon abandonware
Double DragonLynx1993
European Soccer Challenge abandonware
European Soccer ChallengeLynx1993
Fat Bobby abandonware
Fat BobbyLynx1997
Glacier Patrol abandonware
Glacier PatrolAtari 26001988
International Sensible Soccer abandonware
International Sensible SoccerJaguar1995
Iron Soldier 2 abandonware
Iron Soldier 2Jaguar1997

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