Abandonware Cricket games

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Browse games with theme Cricket

Any game that simulates a cricket match. The player will typically take control of a team in either a single match or tournament. The opposing team will either be computer controlled, or controlled by another player in games that allow multiple players. Part of the Sports Themes category.

Cricket Games 1-15 of 43

Allan Border's Cricket abandonware
Allan Border's CricketDOS, Genesis, C64, Amiga, Atari ST1993
Battle for the Ashes abandonware
Battle for the AshesDOS, Amiga1995
Brian Lara Cricket abandonware
Brian Lara CricketWin1999
Brian Lara Cricket '96 abandonware
Brian Lara Cricket '96Genesis, Amiga1996
County Cricket abandonware
County CricketC641989
Cricket abandonware
Cricket 07 abandonware
Cricket 07Win2006
Cricket 2000 abandonware
Cricket 2000Win2000
Cricket 2002 abandonware
Cricket 2002Win2002
Cricket 2004 abandonware
Cricket 2004Win2004
Cricket 2005 abandonware
Cricket 2005Win2005
Cricket 64 abandonware
Cricket 64C641984
Cricket 96 abandonware
Cricket 96DOS1996

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