Abandonware Hack & Slash games

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Browse games with theme Hack & Slash

Hack and slash games are a sub-group of action role playing games in which the gameplay focuses on combat with hand-to-hand weapons. Diablo is a typical hack and slash game where the combat is fast paced and against waves of enemies and forms the predominant gameplay element, over the secondary role play elements.

Hack & Slash Games 1-15 of 33

Blade of Darkness abandonware
Blade of DarknessWin2001
BloodRayne abandonware
BloodRayneWin, Mac2003
Chaos Legion abandonware
Chaos LegionWin2003
Conan abandonware
Crescent Pale Mist abandonware
Crescent Pale MistWin2006
Crossed Swords abandonware
Crossed SwordsNeo Geo, Arcade, Neo Geo CD1991
Crossed Swords II abandonware
Crossed Swords IINeo Geo CD1995
Daemon Vector abandonware
Daemon VectorWin2005
Dispel abandonware
Divine Divinity abandonware
Divine DivinityWin2002
Dynasty Warriors 4 abandonware
Dynasty Warriors 4Win2005
Dynasty Warriors 6 abandonware
Dynasty Warriors 6Win2008
Enclave abandonware
Eragon abandonware

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