Abandonware Hovercraft games

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Browse games with theme Hovercraft

Games in which hovercraft play a significant role or in which they are an integral part of the plot. Such games can be historically accurate portrayals of hovercraft, a craft capable of travel on land, water, etc. Alternatively, they can be sci-fi-based vehicles capable over hovering above the ground (but not flight).

Hovercraft Games 1-15 of 37

AceSpeeder! abandonware
AceSpeeder! Remix abandonware
AceSpeeder! RemixWin2003
AceSpeeder2 abandonware
AceSpeeder2 Origin abandonware
AceSpeeder2 OriginWin2007
Air-Rush abandonware
Battle Race abandonware
Battle RaceDOS1996
Battlerace 3D abandonware
Battlerace 3DWin2001
Beyond Good & Evil abandonware
Beyond Good & EvilWin2003
Canopia abandonware
Chris Sawyer's Locomotion abandonware
Chris Sawyer's LocomotionWin2004
Defiance abandonware
F-Zero abandonware
Future Bike Simulator abandonware
Future Bike SimulatorC64, Amiga, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC1990
Galactic Empire abandonware
Galactic EmpireDOS, Amiga, Atari ST1990

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