Abandonware Pre-school / Toddler games

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Browse games with theme Pre-school / Toddler

Denotes games aimed at pre-school children and toddlers. Such games are designed to be both entertaining and educational, and include memory puzzles, number and word association games. Controls will typically be simple or encourage parental participation.

Pre-school / Toddler Games 1-15 of 424

1-2-3 Bumblebee abandonware
1-2-3 BumblebeeWin2005
10 Little Robots abandonware
10 Little RobotsApple IIgs, Mac, C64, Amiga1989
A Bee C's abandonware
A Bee C'sC641983
A to Zap! Featuring the Sunbuddies abandonware
A to Zap! Featuring the SunbuddiesWin 3.x1995
ABC Fun Keys abandonware
ABC Fun KeysDOS1991
ABC-Talk abandonware
Add It! abandonware
Add It!DOS1992
Adiboo Magical Playland abandonware
Adiboo Magical PlaylandWin, Mac1996
Adiboud'Chou à la Campagne abandonware
Adiboud'Chou à la CampagneWin, Mac2001
Adiboud'Chou à la Mer abandonware
Adiboud'Chou à la MerWin, Mac2001
Adiboud'Chou dans la Jungle et la Savane abandonware
Adiboud'Chou dans la Jungle et la SavaneWin, Mac2001
Adiboud'Chou sur la Banquise abandonware
Adiboud'Chou sur la BanquiseWin, Mac2001
ALF in the Color Caves abandonware
ALF in the Color CavesC64, Atari 8-bit1984
ALF's Thinking Skills abandonware
ALF's Thinking SkillsDOS1988
All Dogs Go to Heaven Activity Center abandonware
All Dogs Go to Heaven Activity CenterWin 3.x, Mac1997

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