21 for 1 to 4
DOS - 1989
Description of 21 for 1 to 4
21 for 1 to 4 is a very simple blackjack card game for 1 to 4 players (as the name implies). Nothing much to say about this one, except that it’s worth mention as one of the earliest games included on SoftDisk’s “Big Blue Disk” monthly on-disk publication that pioneered the use of shareware as a viable business model. The graphics are CGA only, but more than adequate to tell the different cards apart. If you have a few minutes to waste with a decade-old card game, check this oldie out.
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Comments and reviews
Bman 2018-10-04 -4 points
I still have the original Big Blue Disk with this on it, plus a bunch of other issues. BBD was really cool. Those were the best days of computers.
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DOS Version
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