Monster Bash
DOS - 1993
Description of Monster Bash
Monster Bash (aka Graveyard) is a video game published in 1993 on DOS by Apogee Software, Ltd.. It's an action game, set in an arcade, horror and platform themes.
Can be bought online at 3D Realms.
External links
Captures and Snapshots
Comments and reviews
Brisso 2023-12-16 3 points
For over 12+ years, ive been attempting to remember yet find this game from my childhood. Thankyou for sharing this finally found it!
Roxy 2017-09-13 -4 points
I have been looking for this game for years.
How do I download it onto my phone PLS PLS PLS help
LRGPNS 2016-06-26 1 point
For the folks asking about accessing the other episodes, run BASH2.EXE for the second episode and BASH3.EXE for the third.
Orionintheforest 2016-06-07 -5 points
Who went out of their way to find this because of Jontron?
Strange Lola 2015-09-03 1 point
This game is awesome. I used to play it all the time in my childhool back in the 90s. And now I'm playing it all over again . Part 1 is my favourite! =)
mergatroid 2015-06-26 -1 point DOS version
I beat the episode 1 expecting it to take me to episode 2. It did not. How do I play episode 2 and 3? In the shareware version, there was always a screen to select which one to play, but 2 and 3 wouldn't work. This screen does not appear here. Screenshots show alternate opening screens. How do I get to these?
Mergatroid 2015-06-23 -3 points DOS version
Is it possible to skip to part 2 or 3? I really don't want to have to replay part one (which I beat multiple times in my childhood.)
LW 2014-11-29 1 point DOS version
It won't let me download :,( It says it's not compatible. I have windows 8 - what can I do to get this game? I NEED it back in my life! And, downloading it would make my mum's Christmas complete!
indstr 2014-02-11 1 point DOS version
Fun game! I had forgotten the title of it. Great stuff. Thanks myabandonware!
avidDOSgamer 2013-11-29 0 point DOS version
Donation section anywhere?
Great game works well with dos.
dirk 2013-06-26 -1 point DOS version
how do i play this! sorry iam not good with computers! ik want to pl;ay this game i know it from my child hood
Ainhoa Nyan 2013-06-12 -1 point DOS version
OMG thank you, I've been looking for these games for hours, and always the links were broken or there was only one of the three parts. You saved my life. Thank you
Alex 2012-10-17 0 point DOS version
Great classic game! Though I've been unable to find a downloadable version compatible with Mac; every time I play online (The Classic RGB Games site) after a while it gets so laggy that its not worth continuing (and of course I can't save my progress online). Suggestions?
admin 2012-04-20 0 point DOS version
Right! Archive contains now full version of episode 1, 2 and 3.
Have fun !
RetroGamerr 2012-04-20 0 point DOS version
File_ID.DIZ missing or modified - message shown after beating first level (all three episodes).
Gabi 2012-02-22 0 point DOS version
Hey, so classic game I love it. How come i didnt get the full version?
PrettyBlondDumb 2011-11-15 0 point DOS version
Finally all the parts I played pt.1 on a 100 free games disc but now all of them. "put's gun to head" Now I can die "pull's trigger"
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Buy Monster Bash
Monster Bash is available for a small price on the following websites, and is no longer abandonware. and Zoom Platform provide the best release and does not include DRM, please buy from them! You can read our online store guide.
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