Download NFL Head Coach (Windows)

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NFL Head Coach

Windows - 2006

Year 2006
Platform Windows
Released in United States
Genre Simulation, Sports, Strategy
Theme Football (American), Licensed Title, Managerial
Publisher Electronic Arts, Inc.
Developer EA Tiburon
Perspective 3rd-Person
4.46 / 5 - 49 votes

Description of NFL Head Coach

About the silder program: sliders are percentages based on multiple aspects of the game. Basically, they're tuners for realistic gameplay. There's a slider for how accurate QBs throw the football, how well wide receivers catch the ball, how well lineman block and things of that nature. Most sports game have sliders integrated into the actual game, but NFL Head Coach didn't and it basically killed the franchise because of it. The program was made by some football gamers in 2006, and its a requirement for realistic gameplay.

External links

How to play NFL Head Coach Windows

Here's the steps, afterwards you'll find the sliders on the sidebar on r/NFLHeadCoachSeries or on FootballIdiot.

Here's how you install it.

  1. Download Daemon tools
  2. Extract the crack.
  3. Mount and install all disc's accordingly (use the serial provided on this page)
  4. Go to "Windows" then "Programs x86" then find Head Coach, removed the Coachfinal.exe that's on disc one and replace it with the cracked version.
  5. Run the game.

Here’s how to install the sliders.

  1. Extract the zip folder
  2. Copy both folders (Not HCSettings) and go to Windows C:\windows\sysWOW64 and paste them.
  3. Go to the original folders that you copied, and copy and paste the individual file in each of them (should have a gear icon) to the same place.
  4. Go to C:\Programs x86\EA Sports\NFL Head Coach and find mscvr71.dll. Copy and paste it into C:\windows\sysWOW64.
  5. Run HCSettings, click “load” then go to documents\NFL Head Coach\Saved and select your career file. (Should be “Career0”)
  6. Adjust the sliders accordingly. I recommend these configurations

Captures and Snapshots

Comments and reviews

noblemile 2024-12-19 0 point

This game is so fantastic but damn if it doesn't crash a lot. I've played my week five game against the Rams so many times.

Helper 2024-05-22 3 points

Ok, to help anyone in the future who is confused here's what you do to get the basic game working:

1. download all 3 iso files
2. download the nocd file
3. mount all three iso files at the same time, depending on version of windows you should just be able to double click all three and they're mounted.
4. Open the mount of the first isofile and open the nflheadcoach.exe file (I think coachfinal.exe or autorun also works)
5. Install the game, i can't remember if i got it to install by just clicking play or the install button but it's easy to figure out
6. Once the game has fully installed go to the location it was downloaded (C:\Program Files (x86)\EA SPORTS\NFL Head Coach); and copy the contents of the nocd crack folder we downloaded in step 2 to these game files, say yes to over ride.

You should then be able to use the cracked .exe (or really any of the ways to start the game) and it should work.

Tommie Washington 2024-05-20 -3 points

If anyone needs help I found out how to do everything in 15mins

Tommie Washington 2024-05-20 0 point

need help installing game i loved playing this game back on ps2 can someone help me please... email

sanchez343 2024-04-28 1 point

Ill take you up on that Day, the only issue I have is that its still asking for the CD

Day Daniels 2024-03-01 4 points

If anyone needs help with doing this, I have finally figured out and can walk anyone through how to do it. Took me about an hour to figure it out but I got it now.

sanchez343 2024-02-07 0 point

Ok, so ive managed to download and extract the files, but for whatever reason, its still popping up with a "no disk read" error. any ideas?

Rob 2023-03-29 1 point

I need to hire a tech who can help me with this stuff, from the ground up. Willing to go through the steps to prove this is legit. I love NFL Head Coach 06. Serious inquiries only. I do not know how to update new rosters. NEED HELP.

TheRareButter 2023-03-06 1 point

Don't get the mod from here it's dated, get the latest one here:

HC06 2023-02-02 0 point

The mod is broken, but you can play the game with new graphics and old rosters. Save a career with the base game installed then install the mod files other than DB Templates.

tatermud 2023-01-20 4 points

The instruction listed are trash and very unclear. I've wasted four hours of my day off trying to get this to work, googling everything under the sun. Maybe put in the instructions that the NOCD file is the CRACK FILE. Looking for this for hours assuming it was in what I was instructed to download.

tatermud 2023-01-19 -2 points

There isnt a cracked folder for step four.

Stuttering during all play calls? 2022-11-24 1 point

Is anyone experiencing stuttering anytime you try to select a play during any practice or game? How can I fix?

Patch? 2022-11-24 -2 points

How do we install the patch?

Evilsonicman 2022-06-26 0 point

Is this download safe?

User 2022-05-01 3 points

If you're experiencing crashes, simply delete the mod files and play the base game. (Though I'd keep the STADIUMS.dat)

If the base game crashes then enable windows compatibility mode for the game. If all else fails then here's an in depth guide on getting the game running. (made for Madden 08, but NFL Head Coach is Madden 06's engine. Same thing.)

TheButter 2022-04-24 3 points

The No-CD and serial code files are not "extras", those are a must to run the game. The sliders are a must for decent gameplay, but not required to boot the game itself.

Dartman 2022-04-14 2 points

what do you mean by the cracked version? Disk one two and three are here to download. I assumed they are the cracked version of the disk. NO? is the mod download the cracked version.

Lots of non computer geeks love this game. And you for making it possible.. But could you speak technotard so more of us could enjoy it.

Very Respectfully

dk 2022-03-31 8 points

Please help i really want to download this game but im sort of a noob and need more detailed instructions

Extreme1125 2022-01-21 4 points

How to I extract the crack in Daemon tools?

MG 2022-01-16 1 point

AS mentioned by THERAREBUTTER the sliders are a must and fantastic.

I played a game with them. I was the Lions playing against the Jets. At half time I was 23-14 up.
I played a 15 minute quarter (my sliders below)
So you can change numerous things with the sliders. This game didn't come with the madden settings or sliders so this slider mod was made to cure that.

You can change difficulty level. Original game Rookie, my setting up to ALL PRO.

As mentioned original game 5 minute quarters. Mine set to real 15. You can set this to your desired time like 5,8,10 or full 15 like me.

You can change injury frequency and severity too, for both you and opposition. But I have left that on default which starts about half way. So you can lower or higher.

Finally my sliders for offense and defense (I leave special teams default) these sliders for both you and cpu opposition.

ME: OFF- All down from 50-40
DEF- All up from 50-65
CPU: OFF- Down from 50-35
DEF- Up from 50-60
This for me makes a more realistic game with no high scoring. Especially when having more time in quarters.
For the slider moves just put mouse cursor over slider bar, hold left mouse button and drag to your desired setting number. While doing this you will see the number changing.

Hope this helps someone out and don't forget these sliders are a must and improve this game immensely.

Butter 2022-01-06 -1 point

If your game is crashing at the start of training camp (with the mod installed) simply swap the UNIFORMS.dat from the mod with the original UNIFORMS.dat from the base game into your NFL Head Coach documents.

For some reason the updated practice uniforms are causing crashes, so you'll need to use the old ones.

TheRareButter 2021-12-01 0 point

This should probably be on the description somewhere, but the difference between NFL Head Coach and Madden is that there's no gameplay. It's Madden "Coach Mode" on steroids.

TheRareButter 2021-12-01 1 point

This gem is so underrated. It's got such on field depth that people think it's broken because they don't understand why their players aren't playing correctly.


When EA made the game all the Front Office Football strategy guys were excited for it, but without having sliders the game plays like rookie mode Madden. Everyone wanted a challenge and was disappointed when NFL Head Coach got released.

The OG Madden PC community (Then "Football-Freaks", now "FootballIdiot") created the Slider Program for it way back in 2006 to fix it, but sadly it's only compatible for the PC version.

(NOTE: The slider program might disappear overnight in some cases, this is because it's made from CheatEngine.

When you download the program your it will pass your antivirus, it's 100% clean trust me. But, it's made with a program that works the same way viruses work, changing internal (game) files, so your PC might automatically delete it as a precaution.

You'll need to manually approve it with your windows defender.

Write a comment

Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. If you have trouble to run NFL Head Coach (Windows), read the abandonware guide first!


Download NFL Head Coach

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows Version

DownloadISO Version
Disk 1 English version 626 MB
DownloadISO Version
Disk 2 English version 640 MB
DownloadISO Version
Disk 3 English version 597 MB

Game Extras

Various files to help you run NFL Head Coach, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.

GuidePrima's Guide English version 20 MB NocdEnglish version 3 MB PatchPatch 1.1 English version 6 MB MiscSerial Key English version 233 B MiscSlider program English version 1 MB

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