Shortline Railroad
DOS - 1992
Description of Shortline Railroad
Shortline is an excellent beer-and-pretzel realtime railroad management game that eschews complicated financial aspects (as in A-Train) and all realistic factors in favor of the pure joy of creating a miniature railroad.
You goal is to assure an uninterrupted collision-free passage of different trains to target points, and your success both in traffic dispatch and railroad management and construction determines your score. It's a lot of fun, and quite addictive :)
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Comments and reviews
InterJecht 2024-09-25 1 point
Works well on DOSBox, and setting a personal profile (as seen in the help document section 11 does reset the game to lvl 1 instead of starting at 16.) I use the command "SL.exe 1" to set it to profile 1.
It does seem to be a problem with this version that it auto-calls the trains. you can find online versions that you have to call the trains manually, which makes the game actually playable. I don't know how to switch the "setting" to not be auto-call or if it can be switched.
Strava 2023-03-16 1 point
You can give Shortline a name when you start it like this:
SL.exe "Bob"
Each time you use a new name you will start with $100,000 and Level 1.
bukimi 2020-02-08 0 point
You can't do anything at all when one train is almost at its destination and another one appears there. Also, game is quite slow.
KC 2020-01-13 0 point
This game keeps freaking out, no way to control it, then it crashes. I'm using Boxer.
KC 2020-01-11 0 point
Hi MARTIE, have you tried using DosBox? It's a DOS emulator. It should allow you to play this game in Dos.
crem 2019-08-19 -1 point
As far as I remember, one has to delete RESULTS.TBL file to reset it into level 1.
Bug? 2018-12-24 0 point
It starts on LvL 16 and there´s no way to change it? I´ve tried but couldn´t change the level =\
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DOS Version
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