Download SimSafari (Windows)

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Windows - 1998

Year 1998
Platform Windows
Released in United States (1998)
Thailand (2000)
France, Germany, Netherlands (2001)
Genre Simulation
Theme Africa, Managerial, Real-Time
Publisher Electronic Arts, Inc., Maxis Software Inc.
Developer Maxis Software Inc.
Perspectives Isometric, Diagonal-down
4.38 / 5 - 82 votes

Description of SimSafari

Yet another entry in Maxis' popular "Sim..." series, SimSafari is a fun game for kids that let you build your own park and camp area, populating them with animals of your choice.

As befits a game designed primarily for kids, SimSafari is very easy. You basically just click on what you want to buy (buildings, animals, plants, cars, and so on) from pop-up menus, then click the location you want to place it. That's all there is to the game, and similar to SimTown this is more of a "toy" than a real game.

Since you start the game with far too much money than you'll ever need and everything is very cheap, there is never a danger of running out of money, which is the only way to 'lose' in this game. In the rare case that you are not sure what to do next, you need to just click on the "advice" button to let the game tell you exactly what to do.

On the upside, the graphics are very nice - you can even tell apart the different plant species, and notice little realistic details such as sunshine reflecting off car's roofs. And young kids in your house will probably like building their own safari and seeing the animals run around and interact with the environment (as well as spectators).

Recommended only for very young gamers in the house. For a real strategy game about running zoos, check out recent titles like Seaworld Tycoon instead.

Review By HOTUD

External links

How to play SimSafari Windows

To install the game in Windows 7+, follow the instructions on the PCGW game.

Captures and Snapshots

  • Windows

Comments and reviews

VERSY 2024-09-11 2 points

For anyone who downloaded the Rip version and are missing videos and only see a picture of a lizard when you click on an animal: you need to download the ISO version of the game, open it, copy the contents of the DATA folder into the DATA folder of the Rip version, then it will work.

AJ 2024-06-20 0 point

THANK YOU. Can't wait to play. Simon's comment about adding those lines to the .init file worked perfectly.

MACBOOK Air 2022 2024-04-29 0 point

What do I need to do in order to download for MacBook Air 2022?

Oh yea, I though of this game whilst driving and out of no where did the same come to mind after so many years.

Valerie 2024-03-09 -1 point

Thanks Simon, that worked for me!

malech 2024-01-26 2 points

When I click on an animal, it shows the correct name, correct description, but will always display a picture of the same lizard.

Fer77ghj 2023-11-17 0 point

Badly with every version i try it says the archive is damaged.

Simon 2023-04-07 7 points

Download the "Rip" Version
open the simsafari ini and put fallowing in it. after that gamefolder works everywhere





Erica 2023-03-14 1 point

Thank you so much Matt! Was able to install with my Windows 11 Home.
I played this game at my computer class and didn't even know how to play and read all those English subtitles lmao but now I'm 26 and finally be able to enjoy this game perfectly!

milowo 2023-02-18 3 points

my brain just decided to randomly resurface some old memories of playing on my daycare's blocky, slow computer when i was about nine. there was a sims town, sims ants, ms paint- but my favorite by far was this game. i spent hours looking up "old sims park game" "old sims zoo game" and, after seeing the graphics for SimSafari, I knew this was definitely it.

my family was deep in poverty at when i was that age. we could barely afford to eat, nonetheless own video game consoles. this is probably the game that sparked my love for building games :)

iCarly 2022-01-10 0 point

if you download the "rip" version, extract it directly on the c drive, so that it's just a single folder "smsafari". It should work then.

To install elsewhere, just change the directory listed in smsafari.ini to match where you are storing the file.

Vyck 2020-08-09 -1 point

I followed the instructions Matt left about Mounting the ISO. I did that and found the ENSETUP folder and nothing happens :/ Please advice

Joe 2020-06-30 6 points

If you download the game as zip you need to edit the ini file and change the file paths there to the correct ones

butz 2020-05-04 2 points

If having problems with installer, download 32-bit installer

Franzirene 2020-04-12 -5 points

I can download the game just fine but when I try to install it it says unsupported 16-bit application. What do I need to do?

liv 2020-04-03 -1 point

does it work on a mac?

Kaz 2020-03-18 -1 point

many thanks Matt. your comment helped me to install simsafari on my computer.

Janice 2020-02-10 -1 point

Enjoyed your game in the 90’s

matt 2019-06-06 14 points

I did this to install on Windows 10 successfully:
1) Download the ISO version.
2) Mount the ISO. Look this up on google if you don't know how to do this.
3) Navigate to the SETUP folder on the mounted DVD image.
4) Install using ENSETUP.EXE

Try that and you should be set.

Billz 2019-01-18 3 points

I really like simsafari, unfortunately I can't install this on my computer.
I think something is wrong with the files on this website.
None of the versions worked.

Cyn 2018-09-18 25 points

I obsessed over this game when I was a kid. I could get a 5 star park in like 15 minutes. A decade later, I got a job driving the safari truck at Disney World and my trainer was in shock that I knew every animal already, including the kudus and guineafowl. It was a proud day. lol

Dogo 2018-05-31 1 point

I remember this game from back when I was a kid. Like the reviewer commented, it is like SimTown and the other games from the Sim like aimed to younger audiences. It is a mix between a toy and an educational game, teaching a little about biodiversity and balance, like migratory events (as in: in dry seasons the animals leave to look for food, or if it is an overabundance of food and no predators you'll face a populational explosion of a certain species). Not challenging, but it can be fun for kids.

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Download SimSafari

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows Version

DownloadRIP Version English version 23 MB DownloadISO Version English version 145 MB ManualEnglish version 423 KB

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