Abandonware games published by Sirius Software, Inc.

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Browse games published by Sirius Software, Inc.

List of all abandonware games originally published by Sirius Software, Inc., between 1980 and 1983.

Sirius Software, Inc.'s Games 1-15 of 39

Alpha Shield abandonware
Alpha ShieldAtari 8-bit1983
Bandits abandonware
BanditsC64, Atari 8-bit, Apple II, VIC-201983
Beer Run abandonware
Beer RunApple II1981
Borg abandonware
BorgApple II1981
Both Barrels abandonware
Both BarrelsApple II1980
Buzzard Bait abandonware
Buzzard BaitDOS1983
Call to Arms abandonware
Call to ArmsDOS1982
Capture the Flag abandonware
Capture the FlagAtari 8-bit, VIC-201983
Copts & Robbers abandonware
Copts & RobbersApple II1981
Critical Mass abandonware
Critical MassC64, Apple II1983
Cyclod abandonware
CyclodAtari 8-bit1982
Dark Forest abandonware
Dark ForestApple II1981
Deadly Duck abandonware
Deadly DuckVIC-201982
Epoch abandonware
EpochApple II1981
Escape from Rungistan abandonware
Escape from RungistanApple II1982

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