Abandonware Amusement park games

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Browse games with theme Amusement park

Amusement parks games are those which are predominantly set within, or those simulating activities that take place in theme parks. These games can be amusement park management simulations, roller-coaster design games or adventure and arcade games taking place within a theme park setting. The most well known example of an amusement park game is Theme Park.

Amusement park Games 1-15 of 63

1893: A World's Fair Mystery abandonware
1893: A World's Fair MysteryWin, Mac2003
3-D Ultra Pinball: Thrillride abandonware
3-D Ultra Pinball: ThrillrideWin, Mac2000
3D Roller Coaster Designer abandonware
3D Roller Coaster DesignerWin2000
Ace Lightning abandonware
Ace LightningWin2002
All the Fun of the Fair abandonware
All the Fun of the FairCD-i1993
Bottle Buster abandonware
Bottle BusterWin2008
Carnival abandonware
CarnivalAtari 2600, Intellivision, ColecoVision, Arcade1982
Carnival Massacre abandonware
Carnival MassacreAtari 8-bit1983
Clubhouse Sports abandonware
Clubhouse SportsC641988
Coaster abandonware
County Fair abandonware
County FairApple II1981
Crazy Shot abandonware
Crazy ShotDOS, Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST1989
Dark Seed II abandonware
Dark Seed IIWin 3.x, Mac, SEGA Saturn1995

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