Abandonware Mini-Games games

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Browse games with theme Mini-Games

Denotes games that contain a collection of mini-games. Typically, mini-games are short activities that can be completed quickly. They can be numerous and form a secondary element of a core game, or they can be a title that consists of an entire collection of mini-games.

Mini-Games Games 1-15 of 571

1st Grade abandonware
1st GradeLeapster2003
20 em 1 abandonware
20 em 1Master System1995
2005 MiniGame MultiCart abandonware
2005 MiniGame MultiCartAtari 26002005
A Day with the Wiggles abandonware
A Day with the WigglesWin1998
A Tale Of Two Worlds abandonware
A Tale Of Two WorldsWin2000
A.J.'s World of Discovery abandonware
A.J.'s World of DiscoveryDOS, Mac1992
AAAHH!!! Real Monsters: Music Decomposer abandonware
AAAHH!!! Real Monsters: Music DecomposerWin, Win 3.x, Mac1998
ADIBOU présente la Cuisine abandonware
ADIBOU présente la CuisineWin, Mac2000
ADIBOU présente la Magie abandonware
ADIBOU présente la MagieWin, Mac2000
ADIBOU présente le Dessin abandonware
ADIBOU présente le DessinWin, Mac2000
Adiboud'Chou à la Campagne abandonware
Adiboud'Chou à la CampagneWin, Mac2001
Adiboud'Chou à la Mer abandonware
Adiboud'Chou à la MerWin, Mac2001
Adiboud'Chou dans la Jungle et la Savane abandonware
Adiboud'Chou dans la Jungle et la SavaneWin, Mac2001
Adiboud'Chou sur la Banquise abandonware
Adiboud'Chou sur la BanquiseWin, Mac2001
Adventures in Odyssey: The Great Escape abandonware
Adventures in Odyssey: The Great EscapeWin, Mac2005

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