Abandonware Puzzle-Solving games - page 5

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Browse games with theme Puzzle-Solving

Download Personal IQ Test, Phonics Plus, Plotz!, Pop-Quiz, Reading Blaster 2000 to play games with Puzzle-Solving inside!

Puzzle-Solving Games 60-75 of 87

Personal IQ Test abandonware
Personal IQ TestWin, Win 3.x1998
Phonics Plus abandonware
Phonics PlusDOS1991
Plotz! abandonware
Pop-Quiz abandonware
Reading Blaster 2000 abandonware
Reading Blaster 2000Win, Mac1996
Robix abandonware
Runoff abandonware
Sea Run abandonware
Sea RunDOS1994
Space Pyramids abandonware
Space PyramidsWin2002
Super Jigsaw Puzzles abandonware
Super Jigsaw PuzzlesWin, Mac2003
Swappers America abandonware
Swappers AmericaWin, Mac2005
Take a Break! Crosswords abandonware
Take a Break! CrosswordsWin 3.x1992
Talking Phonics Plus abandonware
Talking Phonics PlusDOS1991
Tetcolor abandonware

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