Abandonware Video Backdrop games

More than 32500 old games to download for free!

Browse games with theme Video Backdrop

Denotes any action game based on interacting with a motion-video backdrop, either as scenery or as an enemy. Examples include Megarace and Novastorm.

Video Backdrop Games 1-15 of 60

Alien Odyssey abandonware
Alien OdysseyDOS1995
Area 51 abandonware
Area 51Win, SEGA Saturn, Arcade1996
Area 51: Site 4 abandonware
Area 51: Site 4Arcade1998
Asteroids abandonware
AsteroidsWin, Mac1998
Astron Belt abandonware
Astron BeltArcade1983
ATV Rally abandonware
ATV RallyWin, Mac2000
Bega's Battle abandonware
Bega's BattleArcade1983
Burn:Cycle abandonware
Burn:CycleWin 3.x, Mac, CD-i1995
Caesars World of Boxing abandonware
Caesars World of BoxingCD-i1993
Cobra Command abandonware
Cobra CommandArcade1984
Code Blue abandonware
Code BlueWin2000
Corpse Killer abandonware
Corpse KillerMac, SEGA Saturn, 3DO1994
Creature Shock abandonware
Creature ShockDOS, SEGA Saturn, 3DO, CD-i1994
Cube Quest abandonware
Cube QuestArcade1984

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