Download Ardennes Offensive (Windows)

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Ardennes Offensive

Windows - 2004

Alt names Ardennen Offensive: Die Entscheidung, Ardennes Offensive: Operation "Rhine Watch" - Winter 1944
Year 2004
Platform Windows
Released in Germany (2004)
United Kingdom (2006)
Genre Action
Theme Historical Battle (specific/exact), Shooter, World War II
Publisher ASYLUM Games, IncaGold plc
Developer ASYLUM Games
Perspective 1st-Person
3.92 / 5 - 12 votes

Description of Ardennes Offensive

Here is the video game “Ardennes Offensive”! Released in 2004 on Windows, it's still available and playable with some tinkering. It's an action game, set in a historical battle (specific/exact), shooter and world war ii themes.

External links

How to play Ardennes Offensive Windows

If the game doesn't work - try to run it through DXWnd with disabled DEP and disabled "Hot Patch" settings

Captures and Snapshots

Comments and reviews

Rittwik 2023-10-26 1 point

Guys just use PowerISO for mounting the disk file
Its works just fine for me

tonygamer12 2023-09-30 -4 points

i want to play it but is a cd file fuck that is soooooo stupid why cant be rar or 7 zip

tonygamer12 2023-09-15 -2 points

i cant play it cd file fuck that ;c

PokeMetalero 2023-01-20 1 point

the game closes after the intro

Ketshke 2022-11-30 0 point

The game crash after the intro.

J.D. 2022-11-23 2 points

a poor-man's "Medal of Honor"

hemorrhoid 2022-02-18 3 points

Finally, thx for archiving.

Write a comment

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Download Ardennes Offensive

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows Version

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