Download Asterix at the Olympic Games (Windows)

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Asterix at the Olympic Games

Windows - 2007

Alt names Астерикс на Олимпийских играх, Asterix a Olympijské hry, Asterix alle Olimpiadi, Asterix bei den Olympischen Spielen, Asterix en de Olympische Spelen, Asterix en los Juegos Olimpicos, Asterix na Olimpiadzie, Astérix aux Jeux Olympiques
Year 2007
Platform Windows
Released in Finland, France, Germany, Poland, Spain (2007)
Czechia, Russia, Slovakia (2008)
Czechia, Slovakia (2009)
Genre Action
Theme Comics, Licensed Title, Movies, Olympics, Puzzle elements
Publisher Akella, Atari Europe S.A.S.U., CD Projekt Sp. z o.o.
Developer Étranges Libellules S.A.
Perspective 3rd-Person
4.6 / 5 - 20 votes

Description of Asterix at the Olympic Games

In 2007, Atari Europe S.A.S.U., Akella, CD Projekt Sp. z o.o. publishes Asterix at the Olympic Games on Windows. This action game is now abandonware and is set in a licensed title, puzzle elements, olympics, comics and movies themes.

External links

How to play Asterix at the Olympic Games Windows

Install & play guide (for ISO version, repack install automatically):

  • Mount the disc image. You will need the utility for mounting disc image files, like WinCDEmu, UltraISO, Alcohol 52%/Alcohol 102% or Daemon Tools Lite
  • Install the game by running setup.exe as an administrator (click right mouse button on setup.exe - Run as administrator)
  • Optionally install NoDVD (simply copy paste files in the main directory of the game)
  • Launch the game and play.
  • If you're using NoDVD - launch the game from AsterixJO_game.
  • The game has been tested on Windows 7 64-bit, works fine, the game supports widescreen


  • Installer of ISO version has strange glitch when the buttons "Next", "Back" and "Cancel" are blank. But buttons work, just click on white squares
  • Do not try to change the language of the game without mounted disc image, the game will freeze.
  • If the game doesn't run - install NoDVD, if it didn't help - open the directory of the game and find AsterixJO_game and AsterixJO.exe. Right click on both .exe files - Properties - Compatibility - Set "Run this app in compatibility mode with Windows Vista or Windows 7". Launch the game from AsterixJO_game.
  • If you have troubles with installation of the game - run the Setup.exe from command line as an administrator and you will fail at the end after installing TAGES DRM drivers. After that, run the game with NoDVD

Captures and Snapshots

Comments and reviews

Tom 2024-05-21 0 point

In Czechia released by CD Projekt Czech s.r.o. in 2008.

Tom 2024-02-10 0 point

Yes, upload the original French version for PC if you have it please. Just upload an ISO of the game disk and I will make a full rip (I will pre-install it to skip that SmartScreen nonsense).

Vaxen 2024-02-08 0 point

Could a french RIP of the game be uploaded? I believe it's the original dubbing too.

Tom 2024-01-07 1 point

But luckilly, it's a full rip.

Giuseppe 2024-01-04 0 point

Sadly, the European ISO version refuses to install because it claims that the "Admin has blocked the setup file" or something. I could only play the European RIP version.

DeathCold 2023-11-09 -2 points

One of the worst video games about Asterix & Obelix. Like, it's just a mini games mostly and that's it. First two games of Asterix & Obelix XXL were better.

Tom 2023-10-29 -1 point

DĂNI: Check Documents/Atari/Asterix at the Olympic Games, beacuse there must be "AsterixJO.sav".

Dăni 2023-10-27 0 point

I can't create save file, unfortunately

Kyzen 2023-09-06 0 point

Thank you ;)

It works on Linix with Proton

Tom 2023-02-17 0 point

Thanks for reuploading my ZIPped files:)

Tom 2023-02-14 0 point

No youtuber MACE tohle už hrál a stáhl to přesně odtud (dostal odkaz právě sem na tuto stránku). Určitě to také musel nějak udělat, aby to na svůj PC nainstaloval, jinak by to ani nemohl hrát. Vložit to sem předinstalované každopádně není problém.

Kámen 2023-02-14 0 point

To TOM (also in Czech): Díky za radu, ale bohužel i po vypnutí smartscreenu mi to windows odmítl nainstalovat. Upřímně nevím, co s tím :D ale souhlasím, že kdyby to sem někdo nahrál rovnou předinstalované, tak by to bylo nejlepší

Tom 2023-02-11 0 point

Ideální by bylo, kdyby někdo tu hru sem nahrál v předinstalované formě, ať se nemusíme otravovat se SmartScreenem.

Tom 2023-02-11 0 point

To KÁMEN (now in Czech): Jenom je potřeba udělat něco s tím Defenderem - konkrétně to, že při pokusu nainstalovat hru se objeví červená obrazovka od Defenderu (SmartScreen), která varuje, že by ten program mohl být virus, a nedovolí hru nainstalovat, jenže to ten Defender dělá proto, že hra používá zastaralé DRM (protipirátskou ochranu) TAGES, které bere Defender jako vir. Nezáleží ani na tom, jestli je hra v češtině nebo angličtině ani na tom, jestli je sehnána legálně nebo ne, protože SmartScreen by se objevil i u legální kopie. Určitě se najde návod na internetu, jak tu červenou obrazovku od Defenderu vypnout (např. zde: a pak tu hru normálně nainstalovat. Já jsem zase udělal to, že jsem hru předinstaloval na XPčku, kde to normálně šlo nainstalovat a potom přendal ty soubory vytvořené po instalaci na Win10, akorát jsem ještě zkopíroval celou složku "MOVIES" do složky s nainstalovanou hrou, abych neměl místo hry černou obrazovku, a stáhl si odtud NoDVD patch, abych to ISO nemusel mít v mechanice vždycky, když budu chtít hrát.

Tom 2023-02-11 1 point

To KÁMEN: Yes, the CZ/PL version is safe.

Kámen 2023-02-07 0 point

Ok, I need genuine answer... Is CZ-PL version safe? Has anyone run into any virus? I am very careful about this and TBH i am pretty scared...

Tom 2023-01-23 0 point

To Kiki: If you mean that red screen by Defender is a virus it's no virus - it's only due the game's DRM (anti piracy protection by TAGES) that's not used anymore appearing no matter if you have this game legally or not. You can install the game on Windows XP and copy the game's files to Windows 10 or 11 or find the way how to deactive the red Defender screen (it should be somewhere on the internet).

Tom 2022-10-15 0 point

The NoDVD patch works for the Czech and the Polish version too (but I think it works for any language version of the game).

Thanks for this great thing (the crack I found on Ulož.to was useless) :)

Tom 2022-09-28 -1 point

Nope, it's still not clickable (I can't do it right). But I'd like to add the Czech and the Polish version of the game from this link to My Abandonware.

Thanks in advance,

Tom 2022-09-20 -1 point

That black screen appears due the some game's videofile tried to play so before playing it's necessary to copy the whole folder named "MOVIE" from the folder named "Data" (copy "MOVIE" only) in the game's DVD directory to the folder with the already installed game.

anicka 2022-08-30 1 point

when i opened the game only black screen appeared even though i tried everything you have written.

Tom 2022-08-09 2 points

I'd like the Czech version, please.

Mithrandir 2022-08-04 1 point

Isn't there any English version of the game, cause the game doesnt have an option for english language ?

ChronicSquirrel 2022-04-29 1 point

What. The. Actual. a TNUM key?

Duke Blazkowics 2022-03-10 1 point

Any french version?

Write a comment

Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. If you have trouble to run Asterix at the Olympic Games (Windows), read the abandonware guide first!


Download Asterix at the Olympic Games

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows Version

DownloadFull RIP Czech version Polish version 2.6 GB DownloadISO Version Czech version Polish version 2.7 GB DownloadFull RIP English version German version Italian version Spanish; Castilian version Dutch version 2.9 GB DownloadISO Version English version German version Italian version Spanish; Castilian version Dutch version 3.1 GB DownloadFull RIP English version French version Spanish; Castilian version German version Italian version Dutch version 3.1 GB DownloadISO Version English version French version Spanish; Castilian version German version Italian version Dutch version 3.2 GB DownloadRepack by R.G.Catalyst English version Russian version 2.4 GB

Game Extras

Various files to help you run Asterix at the Olympic Games, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.

NocdNoDVD English version German version Italian version Spanish; Castilian version Dutch version 4 MB

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