Download Dogs of War (Windows)

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Dogs of War

Windows - 1996

Year 1996
Platform Windows
Released in Worldwide
Genre Strategy
Theme Board / Party Game, Historical Battle (specific/exact), World War II
Publisher Software Engineering, Inc.
Developer Software Engineering, Inc.
Perspective Top-Down
4.67 / 5 - 3 votes

Description of Dogs of War

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Dogs of War is an excellent shareware wargame unofficially based on Axis & Allies, a popular Milton & Bradley boardgame of the same name.

The story of how the game came to be abandoned (or "orphaned" if you prefer) by its creators, Software Engineering Inc. (SEI), is one that is both interesting, and a stark reminder of how possessive companies are of their intellectual property. Dogs of War is based on A&A the board game, but with some minor differences because SEI did not have the official sanction from Milton Bradley. After getting some loyal following in the wargaming community, M&B (by then a subsidiary of Hasbro) threatened to sue for copyright infringement unless they took it off the net and stopped selling the game. It's not surprising that MB's threat came right before Hasbro began selling the official version of Axis & Allies, but it is ironic that the official version is much more inferior to the fan-made shareware game, with many critical bugs and a weak AI (at least until the patched version, Iron Blitz, was released).

For anyone who is not familiar with the board game, here is a short synopsis of the game. Axis & Allies simulates World War II on a strategic level, abstracting away small unit tactics and bringing the strategic, economic and full scale logistic problems of global conflict into focus. Each player assumes control of one of the five major historical powers of the War: Russia, Germany, Great Britain, Japan and the United States. It begins in the Spring of 1942, well into the War where the battlelines and political alliances are clearly drawn. The strategic questions confronting all players are what do I build, how much do I risk in weapons research, and what do I do with the resources I have to carry out the war without depleting the "economic stamina" of my country.

Despite amateurish graphics, Dogs of War excels in spades in the gameplay department, offering a challenging AI, many alternate options from the board game version, and best of all, multiplayer support to play over the Internet. If you enjoy strategic-level wargames, Dogs of War is simply a must-have, and a welcome change in the genre that is typically dominated by tactical-level titles. Two thumbs up, way up!

Review By HOTUD

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Comments and reviews

solved 2023-07-20 0 point

I found the code in the readme file

sdaohrr 2022-03-19 2 points

Nobody gave you a code because people are scumbags and can't even be short people just SUCK. Especially computer people.

Confused 2021-12-01 1 point

Does anyone have a code for this so I can play beyond the demo?

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Windows Version

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