Download Entombed Enhanced (Windows)

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Entombed Enhanced

Windows - 1997

Year 1997
Platform Windows
Released in United States
Genre Adventure
Theme Fantasy, Puzzle elements
Publisher WizardWorks Group, Inc.
Developer Blue Water Entertainment, Inc
Perspective 1st-Person
5 / 5 - 2 votes

Description of Entombed Enhanced

One of the rare adventure / puzzle games that boasts production value that rival big-budget games, Entombed is one of the better Myst-clones on the market (and yes, as diehard adventure gamer I refuse to call them anything but glorified collections of unrelated puzzles): you are an archaeologist who accidentally stumbled into an ancient tomb.

Puzzles are creative if not unique, with on-screen hints to help you along. A good game for all Myst fans.

Review By HOTUD

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Captures and Snapshots

  • Windows

Comments and reviews

Rah-Rah 2022-06-29 1 point

TEX this game is for windows 98/XP

Tex 2019-06-11 0 point

Im running windows 10. The install.exe file brings up a message saying the app cannot be run on my pc. Any suggestions?

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Download Entombed Enhanced

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Windows Version

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