Description of FIFA: Road to World Cup 98
Going once.... Going twice...
EA Sports. The most successful of PC sports gaming companies had a terrible last year. I am not referring to their sales figures, but rather to the quality of their games. Their 97 line had a common problem- too much looks, too little play. One game that went disastrously wrong in this regard was FIFA 97- it is now one year later, and I STILL can't make heads or tails of its, err, intricate control system. But one has to admit- FIFA 97 looked good. Very, very good, in fact.
With most of the other EA Sports games suffering from this same problem in 1997, I was a little cautious when the 98 ones appeared. Especially as they were saying the same things all over again- improved graphics, improved looks, improved feeling of being there... it all sounded a bit too familiar. Then, slowly but surely, my worries were set aside. First it was NHL 98, a fabulous looker, obviously, and incidentally the best PC arcade Hockey game ever. Then came one of the loveliest surprises of the season, NBA Live 98, that, while still needing a patch to reach its full potential, is one heck of a fun game to play. Need I say that it looks amazing too?
But as the days went by, and FIFA 98 was growing near, those worries crept slowly back in. We all know that football, not the American version, is one of the hardest sports games to put on a PC screen. We know that, not only by any objective criterion, like the slow nature of the sport, but also by the fact that good PC soccer games are so impossible to find. Sega World Wide Soccer was, and I quote myself, "the best 3D football game for the PC". While it is true that it is indeed a good game, it certainly isn't on par with games like Links LS or Nascar Racing 2 when compared to the sport they are representing.
Note that I used the word "was" back there. When referring to WWS being the best. And if you wish to know why, well, you will simply have to read on, won't you?
Just a little more patience, please
Patience, because I wish to talk about the little details first. You know, things like installation and options and interface. Things that I am obliged to mention as a reviewer and that you need to know as a prospective buyer, but that you might not really wish to spend a lot of time reading about. I'll try to keep it short, then.
First of all, installation. FIFA 98 uses the same installation method that the rest of EA SportsWin95 games use. It is simple, effective, trouble free, and comes in six languages (English, French, Dutch, German, Swedish and Spanish). Being the brave (and stupid) reviewer that I am, I decided to check the installation options when I started writing the review. This constituted of an uninstall and reinstall... then a phone call dragged me from my computer during the uninstall part, and I absent-mindedly turned it off when it was done. I am happy (happy? overjoyed!) to say that after all of this, reinstalling later restored everything to the way it was before, including all my saved files and configurations. Good job there. The game, by the way, takes less than 120MB for the full installation (which you can only do through choosing everything in "custom"), not 150MB as it says, and I highly recommend it as it is only 12MB bigger than "typical". When you are done, you will have the option to install DirectX5.
When installation is complete, and you run the game, you are immediately treated to a great opening video, and also a double-great, super-wonderful, wowee! soundtrack. FIFA 98's "theme song" is Blur's "song 2", which is also the theme song of the movie "Starship Troopers" advertisement. This song fits so well into the opening video, and my only wish is that I could listen to it without actually running the game. Then again, I guess that's intended, as I will probably go and buy Blur's CD separately. Ever heard of a computer game promoting a music CD? Interesting opportunity for the two businesses.
I digress. FIFA 98's menu interface is slick, similar in many ways to the one used in FIFA Soccer Manager (does anyone know what actually happened to this one?). It uses the Mondial 98 mascot (that silly blue bird), which enters the screen in all sorts of amusing ways if you don't do anything for a while. You can reach any menu from within any other menu with one mouse click, which is fine and dandy. What isn't so fine is the fact that I could not change button assignments. I can understand that there is good reason for that- FIFA 98 simply requires an 8 button gamepad to really enjoy. Reconfiguring would have been a confusing and laborious process, but I would still like the option. I may have missed it though, as my Hebrew translated manual is so poorly translated, that I simply could not use it for advice. I sincerely hope that the manual is translated better into other languages (and wonder if EA Sports would care to send me an original English one...)
You can play a friendly match, and a penalty shootout. You may also train yourself in various aspects of the game- and this is a must if you really want to master free and corner kicks. Time spent there is well spent, and I have a replay of a 90th minute free kick match winner to prove it. The first of the two really interesting modes of play, though, is the Road To The World Cup mode, which allows you to play as any of 172 international teams in six regions, through the exact same qualifying process as in real life. When you do qualify, you get to play on the world cup itself- and you need to qualify at least once to get there directly from the main menu. The same rule applies to the second stage- you need to pass the first stage at least once to be able to get to the "last 16" stage directly. The other mode is league mode, which allows you to play as any of the sides in any of 11 leagues, like the Premiership and the Bundesliga.
The wealth of options in FIFA 98 is no less than staggering. You have all the usual tactical options for every team, like positioning and general strategy (conservative vs. attacking slidebar), but you can also give attack and aggressiveness biases to players. You can edit your team, right up to the design on their socks and shorts, tertiary shirt colors, and stadium name. You can edit individual players, which not only includes changing any of their 13 skills (using a point based system), but also changing their skin tones, shirt number and preferred position, and up to adding facial hair. International teams are manageable too, and they all have reserve squads available. You can arrange for trades and cash transfers between teams. You can obviously decide on things such as weather and ref strictness, but also, and not so obviously, on things like AI assisted headers (a godsend), shot targeting (controlled either by you or by the CPU), automatic crosses and passback on or off (also nice until you become familiar with the control system). Inside the game, in EA Sports time honored tradition, you have an almost infinite number of camera angles, and, as it was in the very playable FIFA 96, there is really no reason to change the default one. As for multiplayer, the game offers all the regular options, including serial, modem and IPX network connections. All in all, FIFA 98 will not disappoint in the options department. Does it do well in the gameplay department too?
Patience is a good thing
No, I won't answer this question just yet. Let me say a few things about "immersion in a gameworld" first. No, I am not talking about an RPG here, I am referring to this totally amazing, whizbang PC soccer game. People, NHL 98 seems miserable when compared to FIFA 98. Let me repeat that. NHL 98, another of EA Sports' titles, the one which was, only three months ago, considered the new standard to which others must conform to graphically, seems terribly outdated when you run it near FIFA 98. That's because the latter has SO many intricate little details inside, that even after an accumulated over-20 hours of play, new things keep popping up all the time unexpectedly. Look at the players moving their heads to follow the ball in flight. See the striker shake himself as he comes up after a rough tackle, then makes a little, annoyed hand gesture. Watch how the referee raises his head to look straight in the eyes of the red-carded fullback, as the latter is shouting and waiving his hands at the former in agony. Evidence the attacking midfielder doing his little dance as he blitzes past yet another defender, switching legs and giving the ball a little push with the outside of his shoe. See the player about to throw a ball from out of bounds receive it as it is thrown from the sidelines, and watch he net moving satisfactorily when a goal is scored. FIFA 98 simply looks tremendous, and I shudder in anticipation to think about next year' installment. The movements of the players are so fluid, so realistic, that in my first few games I had to stop once in a while simply to admire them. It is the first game ever in which I sometimes run a CPU only match, because it is so much better than any screensaver. EA Sports are claiming an increase of up to 500% in the number of frames (up to an amazing 15 frames per movement!), and it certainly shows. No, don't ask me if the non-3dfx (FIFA 98 also supports PowerVR straight from the box) version is good enough to play- it simply doesn't matter. I know I said this about a few games this year (notably Moto Racer and Screamer Rally), but I had no idea what I was talking about, really. So I will say it again, and this time with conviction: if you love soccer, even a little, and you do not have a 3dfx card, buy FIFA 98 and a 3dfx card. It is a really cheap ticket to gaming heaven.
Trying hard to find some fault in the graphics, I can think of two things: in crowd animation, EA Sportsare still using that 2D overlay, although this time there is some low resolution movement at the front row or two. And you may also get a very rare bug, in which the ball seems to go into the goal after it had hit the outside part of the net, and vice versa. As for sound, well, it doesn't disappoint. The graphics are so superbly done, that the audio is belittled in comparison, but let me assure you that EA Sports did a great job here too. Yes, you still get the occasional funny mistake by John Motson in the play-by-play, like forgetting to mention that a penalty was given until after it was actually shot, or claiming that the referee was "a little lenient" when an opposing player just received their second yellow and was thrown off the field. And Andy Gray is as boring as he ever was, at least in the FIFA series (sorry, Andy). But these errors are rare, limited to maybe once or twice per 12 minute game, which is way better than anything else on offer in your local computer shop. They have also included some nice, colorful remarks, like when Motson claims that this is great treatment they are getting back in the media booth. Lastly, ambient sounds, like crowd cheers, are good and add to the overall experience.
OK, OK, gameplay
Ah... the big question mark. Is FIFA 98 a blast to play? Surprisingly enough, the answer is a most emphatic yes. This year, EA Sports went back to the tried and true arcade methods of shot control, then made them much more complex while still keeping their basic simplicity. Sounds confused? I will try to explain. First of all, an 8-button gamepad is fully used- there are buttons for lob, shot, and pass, and also avoid tackle and speed burst. The latter replaces turbo in a much more realistic way, allowing the player a short burst of speed to pass an opponent, but also tiring the attacker. You cannot use too many of those during a break, as the player will simply run too tired too quickly, and the defender will easily catch up and strip him of the ball. You also have the R(ight) and L(eft) buttons, which, combined with other buttons, perform specific actions, such as a spin or leg change or any other of a large number of different combinations. Every move you ever saw in real life is possible in this game, if you try hard enough, and are quick enough with your fingers to perform it.
OK, so this is pretty basic, except for the R and L buttons. Where the control system gets complicated is in the fact that a different type of execution of each button press will have a different result. For example, you may shoot normally by pressing and holding the shoot button (the shot gets stronger the longer you hold down the button, up to about one second), but you may also make a direct, strong, low shot if you simply tap it once, or a chipshot if you tap it quickly twice in succession. You can pass to a player normally, or may pass to an open space by tapping the pass button. You can lob low or high, depending on how you use the lob button, and you can even "lob" the ball to yourself, preparing for a bicycle kick. Did I mention already the necessity of training? If you really want to master this amazingly rich control system, then you will have to spend some serious time with it. But if you don't, you can do very well with the few basic options, never caring about the flashier moves. Still, where's the fun in that?
And how does the AI perform? Very well, thank you. No, FIFA 98 isn't perfect, but then again, I don't think anyone can expect it to be. Today's computers are simply not advanced enough for that. But compared to other soccer games, this one is a leap forward- players move realistically, changing places and running for open spaces. Defenders switch positions and cover for each other, executing offside traps with cunning accuracy. Your teammates will position themselves well in almost any situation, but only as dictated by their level and skills. Goalies and defenders let balls slide over the line, protecting them from advancing strikers. No more of the "two defenders leaving the ball, undecided" phenomenon seen on other games- in FIFA 98, if you want to score against a better team in World Class level, you need to work for it. The other two levels, Amateur and Professional, are good for the first few games, but it's in World Class that the most fun can be had. Another nice touch that has to be mentioned is the how the different teams play- you can expect different things from Colombia and Germany when you pit your lads against them, with the former going for many short, on the ground passes and flashier plays while the latter being much more effective- and boring.
All in all, when it comes to gameplay, FIFA 98scores heavily. The pace of the game is right- it feels like real soccer is being played. Movements are realistic, and your plays are rewarded or punished as your would expect them to be had the match been real. Controlling your players is as impeccable as you want it to be- if you spend the time learning the game, your can do precisely what you want to do. It takes some time to understand that things are not perfect. To finish the section, I am reminded of one incident that happened while I was writing this review. Remember the "Rosenthal miss", in the premiership, from several years ago? The one where he hit the crossbar from 5 yards, after a breathtaking break, and while standing alone in front of the goal? You must have seen it, as it is still starring in almost every "premiership bloopers" collection shown. Well, it happened to me too... same player, different setting. And in another match, I managed to duplicate Poborsky's goal in the Euro championships. These little moments of deja-vu are evidence of how good FIFA 98 really is. From time to time, the game really makes you feel as if it is real football you are watching, that you remember the play you just saw from sometime in the past.
The niggles, nudges, and annoying tidbits
Yes, FIFA 98 is not perfect. First and foremost, there is the "catchup logic" problem. EA Sportshave included a bizarre feature in the game, which takes effect during the second half if the computer is down at halftime. What happens is that the computer will start shooting wildly, from improbable distances, making your goalie smack his lips in anticipation of a big bonus after so many saves. I am not talking simple long shots here, I am talking ridiculous- 40-50 yard attempts become rather commonplace. You can "disable" this feature from the options menu- I strongly recommend that you do this before you begin to play- thus reducing the problem to a much more bearable state. You still get the occasional "shooting streak", but in general, CPU teams at least try to get closer to goal most of the time. In any case, EA Sports have promised a patch for this problem, and to be honest, with this feature disabled, my enjoyment from the game was not ruined.
Other, much more minor problems, are also there. Goalies still make some silly mistakes sometimes- the most noticeable one is leaving the ball to the closest defender to clear, effectively allowing a charging striker to reach the ball first and force the keeper to make an instinctive jump to save a possible goal. Would have been easier to collect the ball in the first place, but most of these situations do not end up in goals anyway, as the striker is under pressure from just behind. Trying to reach a ball that is lying just by the sidelines seems impossible for computer controller players, as they will almost always push it over. Players about to take a corner kick usually try to fix the position of the ball, only contrary to real life, they do not move it to the edge of the marked area, but rather to the middle, which seems a little unrealistic.
Lastly, but for me, the most annoying aspect of the game, are those little animations during deadballs. Just before freekicks, goalkicks, or any other such activity, the game "treats" you to a short, admittedly beautiful, animation of the player "doing something"- fixing the ball position, moving away to prepare for the shot, etc. This is nice in the first match or so, and in an impromptu "screen saver mode" as I mentioned earlier, but becomes terribly annoying when you've seen it all for the umpteenth time already. I really wish EA Sports would have added an option to skip those annoying little animations automatically.
So, with these problems admitted, how can I dare give FIFA 98 a gold? Maybe I will try to explain it this way: playing FIFA 98 comes in four stages. The first stage, of shock, is where you become stunned by its amazing performance. It takes a few games just to register everything that is going on around you, and to start getting used to the controls. Then comes stage two, of pure enjoyment. You begin to understand what you are doing, get excited by scoring your first goal, and the like. The third stage is the one where you get annoyed by some of the glitches the game has, like the "catchup logic" problem. And the last, fourth stage, and the one I am in right now, is that of growing admiration. Even after playing 40 games I am still enjoying this game tremendously. I keep on learning new things. I become excited by new funny moves I find out that I can perform. I do silly things like grow beards for all of my players, and then give them all black outfits, hopefully enlisting the ref on my team. You see, FIFA 98 is truly a masterful creation. It is one of those rare games, where you simply keep on playing over and over again, but never actually feel like it is beaten. It always has something new up its sleeve to throw at you, something exciting, something special. And to top it all off, FIFA 98 is also revolutionary. How so? Well, it is the first PC soccer game ever where the graphics actually contribute to gameplay, rather than simply being beautiful by themselves. EA Sports have really outdone themselves with this one, and they deserve all the praise I can give them. So I don't give squat whether it has some sillinesses. Who cares? With such an amazing play value, how can I complain?
Review By GamesDomain
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Comments and reviews
TJ500 2024-10-07 1 point Windows version
It will work on Win10 but you need to make sure you do all the following:
- Download the ISO and mount it.
- Download and install the FIFA 98 patch from Zeus software mentioned here in the comments.
- To get the installer to run on 64 bit systems download and install the latest version of OTDVM from:
- Ensure you have nGlide and DirectX already installed. If not get them installed.
- Run the Autorun.exe from the mounted ISO image and install the game from there (create a location not in Program Files and install into there)
- Alter the shortcut icon properties to run the game as an administrator and compatible with WinXP (service pack 3).
- Run the game from the desktop shortcut.
- Note, test out different compatability settings to find best working option for your system to fix sound and lag issues etc.
maxstyle 2024-05-28 1 point
Use otdvm app with compability mode windows 98 and administrative.Drag on to otdmvm while inside the disc image mount as virtual image not necesarry install it.
EPYON 2024-05-02 6 points Windows version
To A:
We know the frustration of not playing the games out of the box, but since the games here were not supported by the original developers for a very long time. Therefore the games are not guaranteed to run well on modern machines. This site only provide us the necessary game files. After that it's pretty much on our own to figure out how to play the games we downloaded. Fortunately there are many communities dedicated to help us fix these games such as pcgamingwiki. Still frustrated to fix games by yourself ? Check out the stores such as steam or GOG and find out if they are selling the old games you want. In most cases these games can run well out of the box without the hassle.
For this game i would recommend to run on pcem emulator with windows 98 installed.
A 2024-01-04 -1 point
STAV8 Are you talking to me?
Are you too rude to write in a nice way?
And i did use google, but i dont know how to use that DXWnd.
Not everyone knows about those things, just because you know about it.
Maybe you know about how to run this kind of games and programs, and I dont know it.
But maybe I know other things in life that you dont know.
So respond people in a good way.
And yes i do know how to use google and I did find the program.
Also i found this website here by using google.
And I have downloaded the program DxWnd but it doesnt start or start run by itself to install.
And i just see a lot of files in the folder after i extract it. Not sure which file to make it work.
Maybe you should instead tell how to make it work and how that DxWnd works instead of responding in a rude way.
Seems like you have no manners and never learned how to respond, text or talk to people in a good way.
Ya ebn el kalb.
Try to google that. lol
Combinedcafe843 2023-09-03 1 point
It does not work, am in windows 11 and it does not let me install it. Please make it 64 bits thank you.
A 2023-08-11 -2 points
MadMatt667 i dont know what is DXWnd. You dont tell what it is or where to get it or how to download it or how to do to make the game work. For me its just a text you wrote with no explanation how to make the game work.
madmatt667 2022-08-21 3 points Windows version
I've had to use DXWnd to get this to go past the black screen. It runs fine, although there are a few crackles in the audio. DXWnd even has a profile for this already, just change the screen res to suit and you're set to go. Even works with my Xbox Wireless Controller.
A 2022-06-26 -11 points Windows version
Its not working. Why you have so many games that isnt working on your website. Wasting many hours to download and wasting many GB of data on downloading games that isnt working.
The game can be dowloaded and installed, but then when starting the game it shows this fifa98 road to world cup and next it shows black screen and game freeze, or it shows white screen with EA sports logo and freeze. And then game dosent continue.
Why you add so many games on your site that isnt working????
zsé 2021-12-09 0 point
Legjobb volt gyerekként. Régóta kerestem,hogy újra játszhassam. Végre megvan.
mike 2021-12-04 3 points
To run the game in newer Windows versions regional standards and formats must be set to English (USA), and the pagefile must be 1014 mb initial and 1014 mb maximum size. Great game! Played it on my N64 like hell back in the 90's. ;)
Chris Waddle 2021-08-12 1 point
Fock'n ace like. Neva realised until recently that you can change the national squads from the entire pool of players. Hidden depths like, yinaar. Plenty o' leagues to choose from as well as ya world cup like. Great playability too. Fock'n excellent.
Peter Beardsley 2021-08-12 2 points
Best fock'n Feeyfa game ever, like yinaaar. Fock'n class like.
Fifa Fan 2020-12-24 2 points Windows version
Although this game was not the first FIFA game I played, it is one of the FIFA games I enjoyed the most. I liked particularly the International Selection thing about FIFA 98. I was a kid and loved toying with changing the International squad of certain countries, especially countries that had a lot of players in International Selection. The Brazilian national football team in FIFA 98 has most players of any national team, with 305 players in addition to the 20 players who already are in the main squad, for a total of 325 players in total for Brazil.
petr 2020-07-01 -3 points
na win 10 to boužel nefunguje pokud máte na win 10 fifa 98 napište mi díky
Crom86 2020-05-21 2 points Windows version
Unfortunately doesn't seem to work for me on Win 10. It loads only the first screen and then blacks out and nothing happens. Pity because it brought back memories just checking the screenshots.
bittu debbarma 2019-06-01 0 point
its was a wonderful game,i have never played such game like this one............
Tuhin Emtiaz 2019-02-16 2 points Windows version
OHH! Thank you guys for making us to download the game.
This game seriously turn back TO me, In MY childhood memories.It also be the first and all time favorite game of my life.
Remind me the @Ricky_martin song and my unforgettable story with my elder brother for playing this game such a long time.
You guys really make me nostalgic...
kidfix 2019-02-14 2 points
It does kind of work on Mac (mavericks) through Wine. The start up and settings screens are a bit slow but the game play seemed good...the first half at least, then it froze.
FIFA Freak 2018-11-21 0 point Windows version
Does work on Windows 10... but either crashes before match or at half time without fail. Such a pity
Jose Castro 2018-09-30 0 point Windows version
Hello from Colombia.
How do I run this game in Mac?
Best regards.
Easy PC 2018-09-27 2 points Windows version
I used to buy FIFA games every year for the PC, including this one.
For me, this is still the best FIFA game of all time in terms of variety of teams, fun and easy-to-pick-up playing.
mikelann 2018-08-25 0 point Windows version
Best football video game ever along with Championship Manager 2000 and 2002
Will 2018-06-28 -1 point Windows version
I noticed some sound issues in the game. The issue was fixed by using the following program to create a profile for the game. It adds some files to the game directory to fix the sound.
Will 2018-06-28 1 point Windows version
Thanks for the upload.
I tried it on Windows 10. It works but you need to install nglide and a patch from their website.
f 2018-06-09 -2 points Windows version
Doesn't work. The fix doesn't work too. How to run it on Windows 10?
Limeni 2018-05-24 0 point
Played this game 20 years ago! Had so much fun with this game!
I'm installing Windows 98 on Virtual box now to bring back some memories!
Thanks for uploading these old gems!
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Download FIFA: Road to World Cup 98
We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!
Windows Version
Game Extras
Various files to help you run FIFA: Road to World Cup 98, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.
Genesis ROM
- Year: 1997
- Publisher: Electronic Arts, Inc.
- Developer: Extended Play Productions, XYZ Productions
- Year: 1997
- Publisher: Electronic Arts, Inc.
- Developer: Electronic Arts Canada
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