King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

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King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

DOS - 1992

Also released on: Windows 3.x - Mac - Amiga

Alt names 國王密使 VI:希望之旅, KQ6, King's Quest VI: Heute geerbt und morgen verschwunden
Year 1992
Platform DOS
Released in France, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, United States (1992)
United States (1993)
United States (1995)
Genre Adventure
Theme Fantasy, Graphic Adventure, Puzzle elements
Publisher Erbe Software, S.A., Sierra On-Line, Inc.
Developer Sierra On-Line, Inc.
Perspective 3rd-Person
4.31 / 5 - 102 votes

Download extras files
Manual and guide available

Description of King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow (aka 國王密使 VI:希望之旅, KQ6, King's Quest VI: Heute geerbt und morgen verschwunden) is a video game published in 1992 on DOS by Sierra On-Line, Inc., Erbe Software, S.A.. It's an adventure game, set in a fantasy, graphic adventure and puzzle elements themes, and was also released on Windows 3.x, Mac and Amiga.

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Comments and reviews

Raven 2017-09-04 -2 points Mac version

Weebles-Wobble (or anyone):

How can I load from a restore? I got the game to play just fine but when I went to restore, it tells me "error #25 file not found interp.txt" or something like that. Then it freezes my whole computer. I'm using an old iBook running mac os 9... I even toggled the dates of the computer so it saved the files after the game was created (saved the files in 1994) HELP!!

Gabe 2017-06-11 4 points

We've downloaded this to our MAC and have gotten the game to work. Graphics work. Background sound and music works, but there is no narration or voices for the characters. Help?

simran 2017-04-16 -1 point Amiga version

i like it but it was difficult to download

matt 2016-12-12 -4 points Mac version

Guys i need help , how can i run this game on mac ?

JADe 2016-12-07 -3 points DOS version

Is there any way to get the characters to speak as opposed to having to read their narratives?

Andrew 2016-03-22 1 point DOS version

Narration doesn't work. Can someone provide a solution?

newtodos2007 2016-03-08 1 point DOS version

This game plays in french, is there any way to play in english?

Weebles-Wobble 2016-02-25 2 points Mac version

"Can any Mac users tell me how to access the inventory?"

Click on the bag icon (second-to-last) in the toolbar.

For Mac users, due to a bug in the original game, you may have to set your computer's date back to 1991 or 1992 to get it to work past the very first screen.

JAD 2015-08-31 0 point

Turn narration on by running as Admin

ARandomDosUser 2015-08-25 1 point DOS version

To all those who can't get this game to work on their new computers, the reason is because it's a DOS game , designed for an old (And some say, obsolete) operating system. If you want to run it on anything newer, you'll want to get a DOS emulator. I recommend DosBox, the website is here:

The other option is to go and get yourself an old computer from the mid 90's that runs DOS. ;) However, for most people, that's not cost effective, and it's easier and cheaper (free!) to stick with a good emulator like Dosbox.

Borracho 2015-07-20 -2 points DOS version

How do I install and play this game on Windows 8?

Ladybug 2015-07-17 1 point DOS version

I love Roberta William's King's Quest Collection. Since the first one up. Played them all and looked forward for the next one. So happy I'll be able to play them again.

Salsasis14 2015-04-16 0 point DOS version

Can any Mac users tell me how to access the inventory? I have a regular mouse, but I'm not sure what buttons to click anymore!

Frrstr 2015-03-08 1 point DOS version

At the part where you need to answer riddles to climb the cliff. I have purposely inputting the wrong answers and the stone steps still appear. Does anyone else have this issue?

VEGA 2015-01-08 -1 point DOS version

I forgot to mention: NEVER read game guides. They'll spoil this masterpiece forever... At most, download UHS Hint File and the reader from "". It'll show you just hints first, but if you click on more hints it'll give you a slight more specific hint, again and it'll give you a minor clue...
That way you get exactly what you're looking for... Walkthrough are COMPLETE SPOILERS as they tell you EXACTLY what you need...

VEGA 2015-01-08 -1 point DOS version

What a game! I'm an avid adventure gamer and have played TONS of Sierra Quest games and several Lucas games like Monkey Island series and Grim Fandango.
Puzzles are not what you expect in an Adventure Game. Almost all of them are logical, not hit or miss... I wish they would make more games like this...

Kirkklan 2014-11-21 1 point DOS version

Hand up if you have this on the 25th anniversary CD!

justanotherday 2014-09-05 -4 points DOS version

it says that my computer can not support the file. what do i need to do to get it to work?

Jasrad 2014-07-03 -8 points DOS version

In the .zip, which .exe do I open to install the game?

Amber 2014-06-16 0 point DOS version

I love this game so much. SO MUCH. It's unbelievably fun, has some great challenges to it, and two quite different possible outcomes. Beautiful graphics and some really fun moments in the gameplay, such as when Alexander plays the skeleton dance song or when you find a dangling participle that talks like Yoda.

kayyy 2014-02-23 1 point DOS version

the audio won't work for some reason.

Steve 2014-02-23 12 points DOS version

How do I turn the narration on?

semajoja 2014-01-14 0 point DOS version

great game

Andrea 2013-11-18 1 point DOS version

Yes, The Cd version had voice acting and kind of better graphics. The Cd came with my first computer so I get nostalgic whenever I see about this game.

MoonPrincess 2012-07-31 0 point DOS version

Great game!

PikaDemon 2012-03-21 0 point DOS version

This was one of my favorite games along with the Space Quest series when I was growing up! Wish they'd come out with new ones!!!

admin 2011-12-26 0 point DOS version

Yes you're right, file is updated

DecayedFootwear 2011-12-24 0 point DOS version

It seems to be missing the resource.000 file.

justsomeguy 2011-11-08 0 point DOS version

This game was a lot of fun with its fantastic journey through colorful areas trying to find how to save your beloved princess. I think the CD version had voice acting.

Flugelschlag 2011-02-27 0 point DOS version

I still love this game. I got my cd of KQ6 beside me right now. I would be playing it instead of being on the I-net, but my laptop cant play dos. DANG YOU MICROSOFT!!!

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Buy King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow is available for a small price on the following website, and is no longer abandonware. provides the best release and does not include DRM, please buy from them! You can read our online store guide.

Game Extras and Resources

Some of these file may not be included in the game stores. For King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow, we have the following files:

ManualEnglish version 8 MB (DOS) GuideGuidebook to the Land of the Green Isles English version 3 MB (DOS)

Other Releases

King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow was also released on the following systems:

Windows 3.x



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