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DOS - 1983

Year 1983
Platform DOS
Released in United States
Genre Educational
Publisher IBM
Developer IBM
4 / 5 - 19 votes

Description of Logo

Logo is a video game published in 1983 on DOS by IBM. It's an educational game. One of those obscure title!

Captures and Snapshots

Comments and reviews

LIEVEN 2024-02-02 1 point

@NANA: You can draw a circle as follows:

nana 2023-12-08 0 point

i cant do anything. i couldn't even make a circle. i was the turtle moving, but it didn't make the circle. pls help. is it broken or am i just stupid??

Moe 2022-08-20 0 point

Logo is a programming language. It is LISP.

AJFA 2021-02-11 0 point

The exit command is .DOS

Rodrigo Espinosa Huerta 2020-11-25 0 point

I would say that LOGO is not a programming languaje but an educational drawing game that helps "players" to develop the basic-most abilities needed in programming.

Those abilities are: (1) Clearly understand what you want to achieve (in this case, what you want to draw), (2) Give ordered instructions to the computer using specific words to do that.

As general as it sound, that is the foundation of programming.

LOGO is a drawing enviroment designed to help children understand, develop and practice that.

And now, this 35 years old child is going to do some nostalgia stuff...

The93DomGuy 2020-11-18 0 point

Nice little application to mess around with,
Fun to see what you can make with it!

endlessbender 2020-05-07 1 point

I learned this in elementary school, maybe 1st or 2nd grade. Incredible introduction to computers. Loved every minute in the computer lab, using a monochrome (green) Apple II. We used to make the turtle turn right 1 or two degrees, then forward 10,000, it made insane moire patterns on the screen and locked up the computer. Beautiful.

UltraSonic 2017-12-03 2 points

Anyone remember what the exit command is? I thought it was “bye”, but that wasn’t it. Not a fan of a hard exit.

FrequentFlier 2015-11-20 2 points

LOGO is (was?!) a "programming language" to program a "turtle-like" movement which was also used for drawing shapes.....

infiernet 2015-10-23 1 point

its the programming language... LOGO

to havar 2013-05-02 0 point DOS version

I guess that is Logo (programming language).

havar 2011-11-15 0 point DOS version

Anyone know what this is?

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DOS Version

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