Mario's Early Years: Fun with Numbers
DOS - 1994
Description of Mario's Early Years: Fun with Numbers
Mario's Early Years: Fun with Numbers (aka Mario apprend a compter), a really nice educational game sold in 1994 for DOS, is available and ready to be played again! Time to play a math / logic, pre-school / toddler and licensed title video game title.
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This game has no in game-capture, if you download it, you could maybe send us some screenshots ?
Comments and reviews
KingKoopa123 2024-06-03 0 point
I had the same problem @Jurajov - when I try to install it on DOSBox, I get the error "cannot open file MMATH.PIF" and the installation crashes. Very frustrating.
Jurajov 2020-03-21 0 point
uf...what do you mean upload DOS? where? be specific, I'm not English please, i dont understand:)screen or files?
Jurajov 2020-03-21 1 point
I can't install the game. Error is while testing"cannot open file MMATH.PIF", and return back to dos. File to run game or cfg of the game are mising in installation directory...
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We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!
DOS Version
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