Perfect Cherry Blossom (Windows)

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Perfect Cherry Blossom

Windows - 2003

Alt name Touhou 7
Year 2003
Platform Windows
Released in Japan
Genre Action
Theme Danmaku 弾幕 (Bullet hell), Fantasy, Shooter
Publisher Team Shanghai Alice
Developer Team Shanghai Alice
Perspective Top-Down
4.31 / 5 - 64 votes

Download extras files
Patch and mod available

Description of Perfect Cherry Blossom

Perfect Cherry Blossom (aka Touhou 7), a really nice action game sold in 2003 for Windows, is available and ready to be played again! Time to play a fantasy, shooter and danmaku 弾幕 (bullet hell) video game title.

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Comments and reviews

Anon 2022-03-09 0 point

Which file with malware tho? there's 2 files like 9mb and 462mb

MischiefNight 2021-10-03 1 point

Does this really have a trojan in it? I really wanna try this one

jojofire12 2021-06-08 12 points

Yeah this also has BScope.Trojan.DarkHtl, aka darkhotel inbedded in the files. Do NOT download

Quwanti 2019-10-02 -12 points

This is not abandonware. It is still being sold in Japanese stores for the original retail price (1000 yen).

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Buy Perfect Cherry Blossom

Perfect Cherry Blossom is available for a small price on the following website, and is no longer abandonware. You can read our online store guide.

Game Extras and Resources

Some of these file may not be included in the game stores. For Perfect Cherry Blossom, we have the following files:

PatchPatch 1.00a English version 211 KB (Windows) PatchPatch 1.00b English version 441 KB (Windows) PatchEnglish Translation Patch English version 3 MB (Windows) ModEnglish "custom" config exe English version 26 KB (Windows)

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