Raptor: Call of the Shadows

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Raptor: Call of the Shadows

DOS - 1994

Also released on: Windows

Alt names Mercenary 2029, Raptor: Call of the Shadows - 2010 Edition, Raptor: Call of the Shadows - 2015 Edition
Year 1994
Platform DOS
Released in United States, Worldwide (1994)
United States (1995)
Worldwide (1998)
Genre Action
Theme Arcade, SHMUP, Shooter
Publisher Apogee Software, Ltd., WizardWorks Group, Inc.
Developer Cygnus Software Inc.
Perspectives 2D scrolling, Top-Down
Dosbox support Fully supported on current version
4.58 / 5 - 189 votes

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Mod available

Description of Raptor: Call of the Shadows

Raptor: Call of the Shadows (aka Mercenary 2029), a really nice action game sold in 1994 for DOS, is available and ready to be played again! Also available on Windows, time to play an arcade, shooter and shmup video game title.

Can be bought online at 3D Realms.

External links

Comments and reviews

Darryl 2022-03-05 3 points

It used to be free, but I think it still is on dosgames.com

Naniyue 2020-08-21 5 points

I've always preferred Raptor over Tyrian due to its gritty atmosphere and harsh sounding music, especially with a Soundblaster 16.

Highly recommended!

t3hb0ss 2020-04-11 2 points

I remember being 5 years old installing this from 7 floppy disks. I was so happy when it finally came in the mail, I played it 3 days straight

CEN 2019-03-22 -3 points

Good VGA-graphics for a shareware game and this time but it's boring after a while because of missing variety.
Try Tyrian 2000 and Starguner instead.

GB 2019-02-22 0 point

Why this game put back again for selling but on earlier 2016 it's free to download as a full game not only this game including, age of empires, and so many games

kk ofosuapea 2019-01-31 1 point

way back in the 90's this game took my time and my sweet heart away from me.

pusherbot 2017-09-29 0 point

I have Sound FX working with these settings: Sound Blaster, Port 220, IRQ 7, DMA 1, Eight channels. For Music, I'm using Sound Blaster, Port 220. Credit goes to MuffledMosquito, from this post: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=580550279

jager 2016-08-21 0 point

No sound FX? Can't seem to get this working.. doesn't matter what the card is set to. Funny thing is, I actually own this game. It came on 4 floppies when I was a kid, in the mail.

helinux 2016-02-03 5 points

clássico! bons tempos!

DavidScreamo 2015-10-12 2 points

Awesome game, Used to play in my childhood Too!! God damn I love my father for bring me the great stuff from 90's... for these people than run this game on Dosbox and its so fast, ctrl + f11 (Decrease the velocity) ctrl + f12 (Increase the velocity). Hope than I helped

Ajax 2015-10-08 1 point

Yeah!! Full version!! But sound are a little messed up....I remember playing this a long time ago....

Stormy 2015-09-06 -1 point

ADDICTIVE GAME! I was literally addicted to this game. I loaded my Raptor on DosBox last week and was kind of overwhelmed (it had saved my games). Cool. But how do I slow DosBox down a bit to deal with the fact that the 2 computers that I use are both Quad-cores (one an I-7), and it is much harder to deal with these waves of enemies coming down at the speed these computers are bringing them down. Way too fast, or I've gotten way too old (haha). I need to go research DosBox a bit and play with the settings... see if I can slow the emulation down a few notches. GREAT GAME FOR GETTING OFF STRESS!!!

WiCD 2015-03-20 0 point DOS version

Wow... This is a full version, I want to make a donation!

crustyneesan 2015-02-28 0 point DOS version

Loved this as a kid!

Edward 2015-02-16 0 point DOS version

Like! Like! Like! :-)

somethinc 2015-01-19 0 point DOS version

just like old times :D

supersmellysam 2015-01-14 0 point DOS version

played this game too much in college.. almost didn't get my doctorates.

Ben 2014-05-06 0 point DOS version

I love this game, used to play it all the time as a kid.

wpnwa 2014-04-29 0 point DOS version


Nasif 2014-04-25 0 point DOS version

Awesome game,I used to play inn my childhood,

shanty 2014-04-11 0 point DOS version


fog 2014-03-20 0 point DOS version

i love game

Gaizgrol 2014-03-10 0 point DOS version


indstr 2014-02-11 0 point DOS version

A solid game back in the day with some nice and unique graphics. I always enjoyed this one.

Khorn 2013-11-17 0 point DOS version

I get no sound effects from the game but I am running the selected sound card as sound blaster the music is fine but no sound effects

mikelari 2013-10-09 0 point DOS version

superb game!

Felipe 2013-08-19 0 point DOS version

how to make it work on windows 7? =/

Generals 2013-08-13 1 point DOS version

I love this game, thx to this website, i love u raptor, and missed ya
Code: backspace

Juberee 2013-05-15 0 point DOS version

I love You Raptor

niwa 2013-04-25 0 point DOS version

Thank's so much

Leitbild 2013-02-13 0 point DOS version

Yeah! Raptor! A simple, but very addictive game! I remember that I spent much time playing it until the end, buying more weapons up to my favorite, the twin laser gun and then... Playing it again until the end, and again, and again, and again ... You see? ;)

That's the cool thing on it, after you played it until the end you can play further by beginning at the first part again, but this time with all your earned credits and bought weapon systems! You must think it will get boring after a time...

But miraculously it just doesn't... And I f***ing don't know why.! :D

JyMz 2013-01-09 0 point DOS version

thank u sooo much.... i love this game!

Djut 2012-11-25 0 point DOS version

The easiest ways of cheat..press backspace..then u get live again + laser

biresh 2012-11-01 0 point DOS version

not working says doesnt support full screen mode

admin 2012-04-18 0 point DOS version

You're welcome ;)

RetroGamerr 2012-04-18 0 point DOS version

Is working now. Thank you for applying the change.

admin 2012-04-17 1 point DOS version

OK thx, now it's good

RetroGamerr 2012-04-17 0 point DOS version

File_Id.DIZ missing or modified.

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Share your gamer memories, give useful links or comment anything you'd like. This game is no longer abandonware, we won't put it back online.


Buy Raptor: Call of the Shadows

Raptor: Call of the Shadows is available for a small price on the following websites, and is no longer abandonware. Zoom Platform provides the best release and does not include DRM, please buy from them! You can read our online store guide.

Game Extras and Resources

Some of these file may not be included in the game stores. For Raptor: Call of the Shadows, we have the following files:

ModModified savegames for a better start
Provide by Darth_Chippo English version 1 KB (DOS)

Other Releases

Raptor: Call of the Shadows was also released on the following systems:


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