Download Rollerway (Windows)

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Windows - 2009

Year 2009
Platform Windows
Released in United States
Genre Racing / Driving
Theme Rolling Ball
Developer ALZ Games
4.71 / 5 - 7 votes

Description of Rollerway

If you haven't played Rollerway or want to try this racing / driving video game, download it now for free! Published in 2009, Rollerway was an above-average rolling ball title in its time.

Captures and Snapshots

  • Windows

Comments and reviews

anon 2019-08-21 0 point

what starts out as innocent fun, like a super monkey ball-esque ball game, quickly turns into a tightrope-walking nightmare in the last couple of levels. Some of the mid-late levels had really interesting jumps and even some cool tricks/skips you could do with enough skill, but none of it mattered at the end of the day when every level would inevitably be like trying to thread an elephant through a minefield of lasers. Even though there is a load button, it doesn't seem to work, and if you try to alt tab or minimize the game you essentially need to restart your computer or make a program that can force exit everything, because the game will take control of your mouse and force it into the top left corner of your screen. What this means is that, as far as i know, you have to beat all of the levels in a single session, and after about 30 minutes of trying to beat the last couple of levels again i finally gave up around level 14 or 15, wherein you reach YET ANOTHER tightrope section, except there are speedboosts placed EVERYWHERE and there's almost no way to avoid them. What you're supposed to do, I assumed, was inevitably hit them, and then send yourself flying up into the air so that you can lose all of your speed and re-gain your footing on the tightrope and continue onwards. But as there are multiple sections of this in the same level, and a simple message on discord made the game crash, I decided to give up because I felt like I wasn't learning anything or getting any better and honestly did not feel like it.

3/5 a fun game ruined by awful, awful level design

Noah Ivy 2019-08-04 0 point

This is one of the best games I ever played on this site, and rodion that's some serious commentment

some anony user 2019-02-04 0 point

cool I guess

RodionRaskoljnikov 2019-02-03 1 point

This game is very challenging, but not in a fun way. Often you have long sections that are simple and uninteresting, then after 20-30 seconds you get a tricky jump that seems impossible. After days of trying I finally managed to finish all 15 levels:

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Windows Version

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