Download Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed (Windows)

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Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed

Windows - 2000

Alt names 极品飞车:保时捷之旅, NFS 5, Need for Speed V, Need for Speed: Porsche, Need for Speed: Porsche 2000, Need for Speed: Porsche 2000
Year 2000
Platform Windows
Released in Czechia, Finland, France, Germany, United Kingdom, United States (2000)
Australia (2001)
United States (2002)
Czechia, Hungary (2003)
Germany (2004)
Genre Racing / Driving
Theme Arcade, Automobile, Street Racing, Track Racing, Vehicle Simulator
Publisher Electronic Arts, Inc.
Developer Electronic Arts Canada
Perspectives 1st-Person, Behind view
4.46 / 5 - 772 votes

Description of Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed

Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed, a really nice racing / driving game sold in 2000 for Windows, is available and ready to be played again! Time to play an arcade, vehicle simulator, automobile, street racing and track racing video game title.

External links

How to play Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed Windows

On Windows Windows Vista/7/8/10/11, you may use NFS5 Essentials - an essential package for playing NFS5 on the latest operating systems.

Comments and reviews

ialey 2025-02-16 0 point

the videos and the music don't work, any recomendation??

Oxycodone 2024-11-24 4 points

Definitely the high point in the series as far as simcade racing goes - this actually felt like a serious racer at times.

dhiru 2024-10-12 -3 points

this is an a very nice platform without add of pronografic and providing us an a best experince

Free Race Freak 2024-03-02 -2 points


you can play with savegame

Pete 2023-10-07 1 point

Does it work with Nvidia 3d vision?

blah 2023-09-22 0 point

weird memory limitation cant install the game

Fab 2023-09-18 3 points

Instal the game

Instal the patch

The game starts but crashes when initiating a race... ?

Use the magic tool dgVoodoo2 You can find instructions on YT how to use it. A very simple tool for running old games on new systems. Just copy a few files and a few configuration steps. You choose the old graphics card you want to emulate. You can also set full HD resolution, Antialiasing (AA) and Texture Filtering up to x16 Anisotropic

Works for me then.

cyklon007 2023-09-04 1 point

win 10 64bit
amdfx-8120 , gtx970

install gone perfect, all pathes and essentials, compatibility to win xp sp3 + nglide mounted - game crashes after start of race, turns black screen and boot back to windows, many nerves later i uinstaled and deleted all files

hope it will some day start properly on any system

Bladez1992 2023-09-03 -2 points

Hey everyone, I've had a project for a few years now making new installers for old PC games; Need for Speed - Porsche Unleashed is one of the games I've restored
Come check out Legacy Gamer's Union on Discord for this game and plenty of others that actually work on Windows 10/11

cesar4254 2023-08-31 2 points

I installed everything correctly, including nGlide and the V2 addon essentials, but game crashes after the intro movie. Even happens after running in compatibility XP SP 3. I used the 3.5 No CD patch, and also tried playing with the virtual CD still mounted, but no change in playability; still goes straight to desktop after playing the intro. I'm on Windows 10 v22.

Jhon 2023-07-31 0 point

in fact, more spesifically: nozbufferhw error

Jhon 2023-07-31 1 point

I did try to follow what MEROVINGIAN said, but everytime i try to launch the game it gives me a dx7 error

m1chaels 2023-06-19 0 point

download isnt working right now. it just sends me to an error site.

DESPOTBEAR 2023-05-25 0 point

Worked for me in Win10. Crashes sometimes in Normandie. The Additional Cars mod removes some content, I copied the original files back.

hobbyman 2023-04-27 11 points

Waiting for somebody to remake this game in unreal engine.

Rashel Chowdhury 2023-04-13 -3 points

I recently played NEED FOR SPEED: PORSCHE UNLEASHED on platform and found it to be a great racing game. The gameplay was smooth and intuitive, with a good variety of cars and tracks to choose from. I particularly enjoyed the drift mode, which added a fun challenge to the gameplay.

The graphics and sound effects were impressive, with detailed car models and realistic engine sounds.

blahblah lets race 2023-03-22 3 points

i love the car destruction in this game, if you destroy your vehicle too much it actually can affect your progress in the game, makes the stakes higher than any other racing game ive ever played. not to mention the only game that has a used car market simulator built in, great music, 10/10 game

idkWHY!! 2022-12-14 -3 points

I installed all of the files and when I want to run Porsche.exe it says it cant locate the CD_ROM is there a way to fix it
but note that I sometimes run Porsche.exe it doesn't happen anything
Im On Windows 7 !!!

CLASSICNDF 2022-12-09 -1 point

I installed the game and ...
but when I want to run the game it open a pop up window and says:You have directX 0
but on my windows xp pc I have directX 9c so could someone help me fix this ?

Spinner 2022-11-21 2 points

Hey, I am able to download the game/patches and get it to start up fine. But, whenever I try to start a race I just get sent straight to desktop, no error message, nothing. Anyone know how to fix this?

DaddyC 2022-11-17 0 point

Nice old games...

HENTZAU 2022-11-03 2 points

@ MEROVINGIAN Thank You so much for your instructions. I did what you told and it has
worked on Windows 11 so good so far.

I have seen a warning about reply on the web . "To quit with saving YOU MUST NOT USE 'ESC', instead you must use the 'quit' button that can be found on the replay taskbar (somewhere in the middle)"

Driver 2022-11-02 1 point


Apparently if the display resolution you're using in Windows exceeds 1080p when you try to install the game, it can somehow cause the installer to either not launch, or spazz out while it's "working" which can lead to issues with the game running. I've seen someone post this solution on a different site, so maybe give it a try? If you were already at 1080p or below then I dunno.

Casp3r 2022-10-27 4 points

Unfortunately this game does not seem to work at all, even with all of the patches and modifications. I've tried this on multiple different machines, even updated my laptop to windows 11 because someone claimed that it "works very well" with win11. But it's all BS. Even if you're able to install it successfully (which doesn't work on my laptop following these instructions on windows 10 or 11,) the game simply will not run. I got it to install somehow on my desktop running windows 10, and it just plays the nglide title card and then goes to a black screen or freezes on the porsche title card.

I've tried following so many different tutorials, running in compatibility mode, editing my registry, and got nothing.

Unfortunately there seems to legitimately be no way to run this game on a modern system. windows XP VM's are too slow to play on, tried that as well. I think the only way to get it to work would be to buy a system from the early 2000's that is still running windows xp or even 7, and try to run it on there. Otherwise you will have no success, unfortunately.

If anyone somehow does claim to have any success, be my guest. enlighten me. because i have probably tried over 8 times now to get this game to run and have not succeeded once. I just want to play this stupid game that i remember being really fun when I was a kid.

MEROVINGIAN 2022-10-18 29 points

It works on Windows 11 64 Bit very well.

Please read the instuctions carefully and do them step by step.


1 - Download the Game ISO Version (546 MB) Bottom of the page

2 - Download the winCDemu (To Mount .cue Files) (Portable)

3 - Download nGlide (To Get Visual Compatibility For Old Games)

4 - Download the NFS 5 Essentials V2 (To Get Playing Compatibility on Win 7/8/10/11)


1 - Install the "nGlide" if you haven't before.

2 - Extract the "" to any folder

3 - Extract the "" to any folder

4 - Run "WinCDEmu-4.0.exe" (PortableWinCDEmu-4.0.exe) and Mount "NFS_PU.cue" in the "Need-for-Speed-Porsche-
Unleashed_Win_EN_ISO-Version" Folder

5 - Install the NFS Porche Unleashed using New Virtual CD Rom as well



1 - Launch the "Setup.exe" in "EssentialsV2\Official Patch Addon Cars Setup\3.5 Enhanced Patch" Folder

2 - If you want the additional cars , launch the all "Setup.exe" files in "EssentialsV2\Official Patch Addon Cars Setup\Addon Cars" Folder

3 - Copy & Paste all files in the "EssentialsV2\Copy to Game Directory" Folder into the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Need For Speed - Porsche Unleashed" Folder

4 - Now you are ready to GO. Launch the "Porsche.exe" on Desktop


1 - I didn't need to run "Porsche.exe" on Desktop with any Compatibility Mode. You can choose "Windows XP Service Pack 3" if you need.

2 - If you get "pic16.fsh" or any other memory related errors during the game , select "NO" when the warning to terminate the game appears, and the game will continue.

3 - If the game crashes in "Normandie", "turn the rear view mirror off" when racing on that particular track.

Florincel 2022-10-02 1 point

Working good, nice, thank you

nfspeeed 2022-09-24 -1 point

wide screen and full hd monitor hacklink doesn't work

Adi 2022-09-19 0 point

For people who are unable to start the setup. Search for "Resource monitor" in the windows search bar. Click on it and keep it open. Once you start the setup you should see, "Setup.exe" in the resource monitor. Right click on that and then select "Analyze wait chain". You should see a program running below "Setup.exe", select that program and end that process. If the setup doesnt start, find Setup.exe again in Resource monitor and again select "Analyze wait chain", this time you will see a different program, end that as well. The setup should start now.

pbc3598 2022-08-21 0 point

3d graphics hardware could not be initialized

Taquito 2022-08-12 0 point

For some reason, it downloads a zip file with only a .bin file and a VLC file that doesn't even play. And when I try to read the .bin with a file opener it takes me to VLC MP.

BNDN 2022-07-30 1 point

Thank you @XENOMORPH. I was skeptical to run unknown .exe file, had to do it as last resort as my PC couldn't run the setup file on the original CD. With your setup file it was easiest thing.

Mr Tandrol 2022-07-23 1 point

Does not work with X1 instruction for Win10 And "AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT". Game loads to in game menu, but if I want to start a game, it crashes to Windows...

Psycho 2022-07-13 0 point

Worked perfect with X1 instructions. So many memories! The best NFS, the last one that was more of a sim than an arcade. Thanks!

xenomorph 2022-06-19 1 point

I'm seeing many people having issues installing the game so I created an easy-to-use installer instead.

Install the game like any other game using the downloaded installer and follow the post-installation steps properly.


Uğur Akgöz 2022-06-14 0 point

it would be nice if there were a unpacked portable version

Malik Aizaz 2022-06-09 1 point

i downloaded this games setup but it is only two files that woild not even open , this is a waist of time

susYT 2022-06-06 0 point

hi to everyone I have a problem installing the game when I open ultra ISO and click the setup bottom it says setup unable to find installation languages in my folder
error code:105
my windows:7

nfslover999 2022-06-06 0 point

gobble gobble, I love need for speed !

Christian 2022-06-05 0 point

I'd really like to play this game. So i tried to install it in a virtual box for Windows 10. Since i start the installation i am asked to give in the product key. I don't know where to find it? I appreciate some help...

R. Enoch. Gershon 2022-05-29 -1 point TV.

R.Enoch gershon 2022-05-27 0 point

I like this game

madbadsad 2022-05-19 0 point

Game doesnt open, autorun.exe keeps crashing, wasted 30 mins installing the app and i even tried compability settings but doesnt work (i used windows xp service pack 3)

I use Win11 64bit

Lord_PCB 2022-05-01 0 point

The cd image is broken in some form, please replace it. It always says: "Please instert the correct cdrom".

Porsche 2000 2022-04-23 1 point

I have downloaded all the files and patches. but its not working. Cannot find the setup.exe

Samy5974 2022-03-29 -2 points


stoodle 2022-02-09 11 points

why is it taking so long to download 546mb?

MEROVINGIAN 2022-02-05 3 points

It's absolutely best game of the Need For Speed Series. It works on Windows XP very well. You don't need ISO Files to play.

1. Install the nGlide if you haven't yet.

2. Download the zip file contains all files and Patch Folder
Password : Merovingian-MyAbandonWare

3. Extract the zip file to any folder and run AutoRun.exe

4. After the installation is finished, copy & paste all files in the PATCH Folder into the C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Need For Speed - Porsche Unleashed\ Folder

5. Now you are ready to Go

superboy 2022-02-03 -1 point

use virtual machine

mads 2022-02-02 0 point

My most favourite most played NFS ever.

FIN_K89i 2022-02-01 1 point

how trsform this in a iso?

5believer 2022-01-14 0 point

e o world do carro de Minas e energia e o world do

Algrab 2022-01-14 0 point

Game may need a video helper for newer systems
dgVoodoo2 is a set of implementation of old graphics API's for Windows 7 and later versions

DriftR/RoadKing 2022-01-01 -1 point

Competing online was so much fun. Online ranking system was great. Competing for lap records was also fun. I also made some of the most popular mods for this game.

Evaldas 2021-12-26 3 points

I managed to install it after disabling one of the background programs interfering with the setup. Then it would not launch, so I installed that 3.5 patch. Once the game was launching I have not been able to enter any race, the game would just crash.
I tried few tweaks with the resolution but nothing worked, so i gave up and uninstalled this game.

Opera Ghost 2021-11-14 16 points

If install seems to quit, go to Task Manager, Details tab, right-click on setup executable, Analyze wait chain, and end the program causing the problems.

B 2021-11-06 2 points

Unfortunately the setup file does not run my on Windows 10 64 bit. Tried running as admin and in compatibility mode, all failed :(

sameer prince 2021-10-26 -1 point

what is the serial cod

rapeenthusiast1488 2021-10-21 2 points

simply the best game ever made

hi 2021-10-12 0 point

how do install game?

Navid Anwar 2021-09-23 0 point

Thank you so much
I downloaded from this site.
and added patch from this one:
Enjoying :-* :-* :-*
I want to pay you people. Love you so much. Pakistani from Saudi.
I have played long nights on this, alone and friends in 2000. I was a med student by then. I had DX2 486.
Love it !!!

Jay Jay 2021-09-17 1 point

awesome game

asantha 2021-08-29 0 point

i like the game

90's kid 2021-08-26 0 point

This was such a fun game back in the day!

a guy 2021-08-09 4 points

Setup file doesn't even launch at all, even with compatibility mode.

kaka 2021-08-01 -2 points

doesnot work after installation...

dopeey451 2021-07-10 0 point

this was awesome for just the sounds the rest is a bonus.

retbro 2021-07-10 0 point

ey GAVEGA - it's an ISO, you right-click it and there will be a 'mount' option near the top of the context menu (in win 10) - if not win10, google 'mount iso' freeware and install something open-source and mount it with that.
This makes a fake CD in My Computer, use it like a disk drive and install away.

Mishu 2021-07-09 1 point


nathan 2021-07-08 0 point

can you get the videos in evolution to play

unknown 2021-07-03 0 point

this is not working

Anon 2021-06-28 2 points

You need to install a program like MagicISO to be able to mount the BIN file that's been downloaded. Then you can install it.
Afterwards, just run it in compatibility view.

Gavega 2021-06-08 -1 point

Once downloaded, I see no way how to install it. I have the old version in a CD, unfortunately, it doesn't work on new computers. I had it working in an old computer, unfortunately, it stopped all of a sudden . I saw someone else asked for help to install it, so far no response as of today June 10, 2021

samivansam 2021-05-28 1 point

They really should remaster this

Shovon 2021-05-26 -1 point

cannot install, help??

Soboy 2021-04-04 1 point

One of the best racing games! The Evolution mode really adds a nice element of money management that helps make you think when rushing through stages and crashing your car. As your car gets banged up, your car's performance starts taking a hit, but if you keep repairing your car before every race, repair costs start adding up, and you're losing lots of money.

Monnan 2021-03-22 1 point

Does this support in win xp?

Fiat_146 2021-03-16 8 points

everything is working okay but where is the intro and also all the images that are supposed to show in the main menu doesn't work so can someone provide me with a link to restoring all these files?

myfas 2021-03-14 0 point

There is a patch where the game can be run at any resolution, with lots of fixes.
Just installed, works fine on my 2K display :)

DjeL KJ 2021-03-13 0 point

If your game is crashing specifically on Normandie track, try turning "Lens Flare" off on advanced graphics options menu. It worked fine to me.

Djel KJ 2021-03-13 1 point

Try deactivating compatibility mode if you have Win10 to avoid game crashing during races.

Cajual Playa 2021-03-12 0 point

I L O V E D this game as a kid, and now I'm in love with the soundtrack!

Sami 2021-03-05 0 point

Where is cd key???

Redeye 2021-02-22 0 point

I loved this game! I own it but I don't feel like looking for it or it may not run on Win10 anyway. Thank You.

Tomas 2021-01-27 0 point

All good, game is working fine, but I miss good old soundtrack, so 4/5

AWAIS 2021-01-15 0 point


falcon 2020-12-26 -1 point

heart touching driving experience. loveable to drive on the road. very enthusiastic

bop 2020-12-12 1 point

i cant fix the texture :( pls help

LC-DDM 2020-11-20 1 point

I'd like to recommend -anyone- with some amount of know-how to visit PCGW when you're trying to handle old games. It never hurts to keep that site bookmarked!

As for me, I want to know how to make a custom portrait for the license. I know you can do it with basic images, but my knowledge stops there. I think it's a BMP?

MikeMike 2020-11-15 2 points

The best NFS game.
Installs and runs great.

Michael 2020-11-05 -2 points

Where can i get a tutorial to instal this game?

s0m3dud3 2020-11-03 2 points

Tried to play this on the VM and got an error saying "You have DirectX0. Please install DirectX 7."

sitew 2020-10-25 2 points

" Svajoklis 2020-06-19 1 point
For anyone trying to play this on a modern PC try to pair it with nGlide, it helps out with the graphics. The game runs fine on Windows 10."

ooh yeah when it should work on win 10
WHY IS IT THEN CRASHING when a race should start !!!

Lanzaguisantralladora!! 2020-09-10 -1 point

Me sirvio a la perfeccion se lo recomiendo a todos compis

Tasty 2020-08-25 -1 point

please tell how to do it guys.

alvin 2020-08-18 -2 points

i successfully install the game, but it just cannot run, even I set the Compatibility to windows XP , anyone can help, thanks

GvoGames 2020-07-28 0 point

@valmord autobahn, alps and switzerland they are not bonus tracks, they are tracks released when completing the "evolution" mode (which is basically the career, you buy your own cars, fix them to be damaged and eventually buy upgrade parts).
I love the "classic" part of the career, the 356 and 911 are perfectly represented

Gimbo 2020-07-19 0 point

All da way back to 1st PlayStation it was da best game

Abr 2020-06-21 0 point

Following message appear while installation:

"Cannot determine installation directory"
Please guide how to fix

vr6dude1978 2020-06-20 -5 points

The serial Key doesnt work?!?

Svajoklis 2020-06-19 1 point

For anyone trying to play this on a modern PC try to pair it with nGlide, it helps out with the graphics. The game runs fine on Windows 10.

HeckNo 2020-06-19 0 point

@Jay: On the executable, right click, Properties, "Compatibility" and change it to like Windows XP Service Pack 2. That should do it.

Jay 2020-06-13 3 points

When I try to install on Windows 10, I can mount the image and run Autorun.exe, even running as admin the screen just disappears so I don't know how to install it.

bruce steven 2020-05-30 1 point

v. good game

Rishav jha 2020-05-30 0 point

best game compared to its ram

rabah86 2020-05-25 -5 points

how to install it ...i've win 8

Fuad 2020-05-11 0 point

I Love this game. It's works properly.
Nice old games.

NFS Porsche fan 2020-05-08 0 point

I am using windows xp - I don’t have an option to run as an as admin? Is there something in the registry confused because I used my code VS the one on this site?

Daejes 2020-05-07 1 point

CDKEY Unavailable is cured by using Run As Administrator :)

NFS Porsche fan 2020-05-07 1 point

Hey all- I lost the cd for this game I owned back in 2000. I tried the file and before I saw the code was included here used the one listed on my original cd case. It worked and the game loaded. I shut it down and ever since it says incorrect cd, please insert correct disk. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times and I cannot get back to installing the proper code for this site download. Any tips? Thanks!

Francis kb from Aboso - Pieso .. 2020-05-07 -3 points

## This NFS very nice Game to play...
Special the the Drivers
Nice Design....... ##

Ramidu 2020-05-06 -9 points

how can i install this? the file downloaded ".bin" opened in VLC... what should I do?

Sahil Gera 2020-05-05 0 point

Where is the key available so that i can install it

MOK 2020-05-02 -1 point

Thanks alot for bringing me back to my childhood.

VALMORD 2020-04-19 4 points

YES itsworking welldone ****
where ı can find the bonustracks like aoutoban, switzerland, alps ....

PRO PLAYER 2020-04-15 1 point


moad 2020-04-13 -3 points

i have win 10 it cannot be run i don't know why?
i have a great memories with this game i realy want to play it

Just A Mod Guy 2020-04-05 1 point

you guys can use vmware to get windows XP or 95 to play this games! thats what i did this most of them.

XTriCKs 2020-04-01 1 point

To play the damn thing, open the .bin file with a ISO tool, I prefer PowerISO. Extract the files in a folder, run the Autorun.exe, after installation right click Porsche.exe, go to compatibility settings and set run in Windows 7 or XP XP3 mode, and as an admin. Have fun.

Trevoulin 2020-03-21 4 points

For some reason in 2020, this doesnt run on Win 10 not even the Setup. doesn't open.

Dan 2020-03-16 -5 points

Are but it's working on Win 10?

NFSMW 2020-02-17 -1 point

its a very good game!

Tatum 2020-02-16 2 points

how do you get this one running? i have no experience with dosbox etc whatsoever.
please help?!!

FxMxRx 2020-02-07 1 point

Can't play the game, this message pop's up:

"3d graphics hardware could not be initialized"

rgs13 2019-12-26 -6 points

Anyone knows if it works in iOS for Mac?

Racingmachine2234 2019-12-26 6 points

Why is there no gameplay music,intro videos available for this game?
If you have a perfect original copy of this game please upload it.

özkal 2019-11-23 -4 points

Downloaded the package called the essentials and worked all fine for me in windows 8.1

NFSP-Fan 2019-11-11 -3 points

I remember you have to delete a file named gimme.dll in the games main directory to get it to run in newer Windows versions.

G. 2019-10-25 3 points

The peak of the NFS franchise. A perfect mix between realistic physics, simulation, car management and arcade simplicity.

It's like the combination of the good games: NFS2, Underground and Shift into a single game.

pussy 2019-09-06 0 point

it works for me btw iam on windows 7 32 bit

kenken 2019-08-14 -4 points

(win7 x64) run as administrator and use Windows compatibility mode as window xp sp3

horsman 2019-08-14 -7 points

Can not run on Win10 64bit even i install all the patched. Any idea about this issue?

NFSrules 2019-07-27 4 points

Works great on WIN10, but you have to input the emulator command right after running the shortcut or else it crashes back to desktop.
1. Start the game by clicking the shortcut on your desktop
2. IMMEDIATELY press ` (the key left to the 1 on your keyboard) and type in /ECHO WINx486 emulate true = 1
3. If you typed it correctly, now the game runs in compatibility / emulator mode
4. Enjoy

Viperconcept 2019-07-02 2 points

I'm on Windows 7.
I tried everything in a whole afternoon. Doesn't work.

Balesky 2019-06-09 2 points

I tried everything, nfs essentials, compatibility patches, fixes, etc. Nothing. The game crashed every single time I go into a race, I'm on windows 10 64bit btw.

nandanisteroy 2019-06-03 0 point

i like to play again. remember my old memories

Alma 2019-05-20 1 point

Great Game. Its works fine

x1 2019-05-12 11 points


- mount .cue with winCDemu
- start cddrive:\\setup\Setup.exe
- write cd key (nxt)
- set custom type and set destination folder ("d:\games\nfs5") (nxt) (nxt) (nxt)
- IE GameUpdater installer (CANCEL) !?
- add desktop / register later

- copy patch (Need-for-Speed-Porsche-Unleashed_Patch_Win_EN_Patch-35.exe) in to game directory (d:\games\nfs5 ?)
- run the patch (d:\games\nfs5\Need-for-Speed-Porsche-Unleashed_Patch_Win_EN_Patch-35.exe)
- install, yes, ok

- copy "" content into game dir
- overwrite all files

[wide screen and full hd monitor hack] - it doesn't work for me, and every time it is frozen with dx7 render, so i use nGlide
- download this: (1.0.1?)
- read the readme

workable with thrustmaster f430 wheel (auto-center: by the wheel)

smoke9918 2019-05-08 -4 points

the game doesn't work. the game doesn't even want to install on my pc...
what awaist of time...

Captain Dodo 2019-04-27 -6 points

Is it working for windows 10?

Gene 2019-04-12 0 point

Have to say, NFS Porsche is without a doubt the best game ever. I like Flight Sim as well, from MS, but nothing holds a candle to Porsche! Thank you for this!

KingLich 2019-03-20 -1 point

Please see the PCGamingWiki page of this game to see how to get it working.

suria 2019-01-31 1 point

i still cannot open the game. btw, i'm already follow the step but i found out there's no 'setup' thing during d-fend reloaded. i don't know what happen. someone help me,, i really want to play this game so bad :(((

kevin nash 2019-01-14 2 points

tnx great game

t44e6 2019-01-13 0 point

Thanks for the upload! I can't find my copy. To those who wondered where to install the patch, I just pointed to the NFS folder in the program files where windows put the EA folder. Running on Windows using W95SP3 compatibility setting.

Zeeshan 2019-01-02 -4 points

Not working on Win 10. Even after patch.

World game player 2018-12-28 2 points

I did not get to play this game in windows XP, even installing the game correctly and applying the patch. But after a moment I have an idea and I run the executable of the game in compatibility mode with the option "Windows 95" enable so the game runs perfectly. But for this works must be the patch installed.

Viiiiiiiiii 2018-12-13 0 point

Is there instructions on where to place the extra files?

favorit1 2018-12-01 0 point

No idea how to install. Someone explain to me like i'm 5. THX

sha 2018-11-19 -1 point

how to install vedio please

Pax 2018-11-12 1 point

Really would have liked if someone would have brought newer graphics to this game. Same engine, nothing to tweak here, but newer graphics...

Yay 2018-11-04 0 point

”Got it installed and extras too but it kicks out on Normandie same as my old copy.
Not sure what's been fixed then. So disappointing as I gave it a last chance.
Anyone can help with this?”
I think you should play around with the in game graphic setting or your graphic setting, reset it, or whatever. Also sometimes resetting your progress may fix this, stepback a bit. Sometimes you need to drive carefully.

tipa 2018-10-24 0 point

thanks for you

Mumrik 2018-10-18 1 point

Got it installed and extras too but it kicks out on Normandie same as my old copy.
Not sure what's been fixed then. So disappointing as I gave it a last chance.
Anyone can help with this?

madman 2018-10-07 1 point

Works on Windows 7?

Zohan 2018-09-17 2 points


Skeletoar 2018-08-15 -2 points

setup wont run :(

Earthshine 2018-08-03 -6 points

CD key is under GAME EXTRAS Serial Key, (bellow comments and reviews)

NFS FREAK 2018-07-02 -1 point


Mick 2018-06-24 -7 points

Why can't it find the file directory??

aliahmadasmat 2018-06-23 0 point

this is a good game

mw 2018-06-18 15 points

Crashes right after the intro video during 'loading', switching back to Windows.
Why? How to fix?

FOREX TRADER 2018-06-06 3 points

The Best Game Ever

bob317dz 2018-06-05 17 points

Simply the best NFS ever, I can't count the nights I spent to finish it again and again

DON 2018-05-18 3 points


iula185 2018-05-15 -8 points

how can I get the CDkey for install?

banejusty 2018-03-26 19 points

One of the best NFS games ever,really good for that old game.

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Download Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows Version

DownloadISO Version English version 546 MB DownloadLGU Repack by Bladez1992 English version 425 MB ManualEnglish version 236 KB

Game Extras

Various files to help you run Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.

PatchPatch 3.5 English version 4 MB FixBroken Textures Fix English version 1013 KB MiscSerial Key English version 25 B ModAdditional Cars English version 5 MB

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