Download Urlaubs Raser (Windows)

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Urlaubs Raser

Windows - 2000

Alt name Vakantie Racer
Year 2000
Platform Windows
Released in Germany, Netherlands
Genre Racing / Driving
Theme Arcade, Automobile, Street Racing, Vehicle Simulator
Publisher Davilex Games B.V., Koch Media AG, Austria
Developer Davilex Games B.V.
Perspective Behind view
4.82 / 5 - 11 votes

Description of Urlaubs Raser

Here is the video game “Urlaubs Raser”! Released in 2000 on Windows, it's still available and playable with some tinkering. It's a racing / driving game, set in an arcade, vehicle simulator, automobile and street racing themes.

External links

Captures and Snapshots

  • Windows

Comments and reviews

RobertTorres88 2021-08-05 1 point

Unless I'm mistaken,
the English version is "Holiday racer".

demontrace 2021-04-26 1 point

Honestly don't know if the game is in English or not, because the installers for both ISOs are in a foreign language. Seems both are in different languages, but I wouldn't know. A shame, because this looks interesting.

DJSoru 2020-07-01 2 points

This game has got to be the cheesiest looking racing game I've seen in a long time, and I'm so glad I found it. Even though the game is german, I can't help but open up a Paul Elstak playlist and hear dutch happy hardcore while driving. It just feels right, and the game got personality with all the silly stuff on it.

XD24 2019-04-27 0 point

Why that bicycle? ????

юрас 2018-12-08 0 point

Классная игра, спасибо.

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Download Urlaubs Raser

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows Version

DownloadAlternative ISO Version English version 356 MB DownloadISO Version English version 157 MB DownloadCD Version German version 360 MB

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