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Weird Dreams

DOS - 1988

Also released on: Amiga - Atari ST - Commodore 64

Year 1988
Platform DOS
Released in United Kingdom (1988)
United States (1989)
United States (1993)
Genre Action
Theme Arcade, Contemporary, Horror, Puzzle elements
Publisher Medalist International, MicroProse Software, Inc., Rainbird Software
Developer Best Ever Games Company
Perspectives Side view, Fixed / Flip-screen
Dosbox support Supported on 0.63
4.33 / 5 - 27 votes

Description of Weird Dreams

Weird Dreams is a very original surrealistic action/puzzle hybrid that is frustratingly difficult. The premise is strange but simple: you are a hospital patient, being put to sleep during a surgery. You then start having strange, menacing dreams that threaten your real-life alter ego, with each new screen weirder than the last... A description of the first few scenes in the game may help illustrate just how weird this game is.

When the game begins, you are shrunk to a tiny size and trapped in a giant candy-floss machine. As the giant stick comes around, you have to hop on and hopefully get lifted out. You then run, in pyjamas of course, through a fairground with a giant bee chasing you across to the hall of mirrors. The mirror you pick determines which level of the game you play next. Do you go to the desert where you can grasp flying fish from the air to hit the living stone statues with, or do you go to the rose-garden to try and pass the man-eating roses? And if you aren't quick, the lawnmower will get you!

This game is definitely a love-or-hate affair. Personally, I love it. There are many features, weird background, and gameplay surprises that keep the game interesting throughout. The only criticism I have is that the game requires such a high level of timing precision and dexterity that it's very frustrating in places. The jump to the candy-stick, for example, has to be extremely precise to the fraction of a second. B Be prepared to get stressed with this game-- VERY stressed. The unusual and involving premise should be enough for everyone to grit his/her teeth and move on, though.

Overall, Weird Dreams is truly weird, but very original and atmospheric. It's certainly not everyone's cup of tea, but if you like surrealistic games and can stomach some gratuitous gore, it's definitely well worth a look. Thumbs up from me!

Review By HOTUD

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Comments and reviews

Mrrks 2022-05-04 2 points DOS version

I remember reading in a UK magazine preview (winter 1988, IBM PC version) and the developer said the controls will feel awkward because they want to simulate the character in a dream. The almost delayed action of the controls was on purpose, part of the challenge of the game.

Divarin 2022-02-24 0 point Commodore 64 version

c64 version seems to just freeze on load

sjlvanq 2022-02-08 2 points DOS version

Best game i've found in a long time! Each screen seems to have its trick, so the way in this adventure-arcade hybrid is try, die, and try again.

Ziyad 2021-07-24 0 point

I h got this game lately but I don’t know how I answer the question in the first page!!
Can you help me please..

Caticorn 2019-03-31 2 points

The discrepancy between how good the art is, and how bad the gameplay is, is even wider than Another World.

I wouldn't even try to play this game natively unless you have the patience of a saint. Access to save states is indispensable for this game.

mymoon 2012-02-29 2 points DOS version

interesting concept, awkward realisation. good game.

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Weird Dreams is available for a small price on the following website, and is no longer abandonware. provides the best release and does not include DRM, please buy from them! You can read our online store guide.

Other Releases

Weird Dreams was also released on the following systems:


Atari ST

Commodore 64

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