Abandonware games developed by Pangea Software, Inc.

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Browse games developed by Pangea Software, Inc.

List of all abandonware games originally developed by Pangea Software, Inc., between 1990 and 2008.

Pangea Software, Inc.'s Games 1-14 of 14

Billy Frontier abandonware
Billy FrontierWin, Mac2003
Bugdom abandonware
BugdomWin, Mac2000
Bugdom 2 abandonware
Bugdom 2Win, Mac2004
Cro-Mag Rally abandonware
Cro-Mag RallyMac1998
Enigmo abandonware
EnigmoWin, Mac2003
Enigmo 2 abandonware
Enigmo 2Win2008
Firefall Arcade abandonware
Firefall ArcadeMac1993
Nanosaur abandonware
Nanosaur 2: Hatchling abandonware
Nanosaur 2: HatchlingWin2004
Nanosaur Extreme abandonware
Nanosaur ExtremeWin, Mac2002
Otto Matic abandonware
Otto MaticWin, Mac2005
Power Pete abandonware
Power PeteMac1995
Weekend Warrior abandonware
Weekend WarriorMac1997
Xenocide abandonware
XenocideDOS, Apple IIgs1990

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