Abandonware games published by Coleco Industries, Inc.

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Browse games published by Coleco Industries, Inc.

List of all abandonware games originally published by Coleco Industries, Inc., between 1982 and 1985.

Coleco Industries, Inc.'s Games 1-15 of 45

2010: The Graphic Action Game abandonware
2010: The Graphic Action GameColecoVision1985
Antarctic Adventure abandonware
Antarctic AdventureColecoVision1984
Berenstain Bears abandonware
Berenstain BearsAtari 26001984
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom abandonware
Buck Rogers: Planet of ZoomColecoVision1984
Bump 'N' Jump abandonware
Bump 'N' JumpColecoVision1984
BurgerTime abandonware
BurgerTimeColecoVision, Apple II1984
Cabbage Patch Kids Adventures in the Park abandonware
Cabbage Patch Kids Adventures in the ParkColecoVision1984
Carnival abandonware
CarnivalAtari 2600, Intellivision, ColecoVision1982
Choplifter! abandonware
Congo Bongo abandonware
Congo BongoColecoVision1984
Cosmic Avenger abandonware
Cosmic AvengerColecoVision1982
Destructor abandonware
Donkey Kong abandonware
Donkey KongAtari 2600, Intellivision, ColecoVision1982
Frenzy abandonware
Front Line abandonware
Front LineAtari 2600, ColecoVision1984

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