Abandonware games published by Three-Sixty Pacific, Inc.

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Browse games published by Three-Sixty Pacific, Inc.

List of all abandonware games originally published by Three-Sixty Pacific, Inc., between 1987 and 1996.

Three-Sixty Pacific, Inc.'s Games 1-15 of 28

Armor Alley abandonware
Armor AlleyDOS, Mac1991
Blue Max: Aces of the Great War abandonware
Blue Max: Aces of the Great WarDOS, Amiga, Atari ST1990
Dark Castle abandonware
Dark CastleDOS, C64, Amiga, Atari ST, Apple IIgs1987
Das Boot: German U-Boat Simulation abandonware
Das Boot: German U-Boat SimulationDOS, Amiga1990
Harpoon abandonware
HarpoonDOS, Mac1989
Harpoon BattleSet 2: North Atlantic Convoys abandonware
Harpoon BattleSet 2: North Atlantic ConvoysAmiga, DOS1990
Harpoon II abandonware
Harpoon IIDOS1994
Harpoon II: Admiral's Edition abandonware
Harpoon II: Admiral's EditionDOS1996
Harpoon II: BattleSet 2 - WestPac abandonware
Harpoon II: BattleSet 2 - WestPacDOS1994
Harpoon II: BattleSet 3 - Cold War abandonware
Harpoon II: BattleSet 3 - Cold WarDOS1995
Harpoon Scenario Editor abandonware
Harpoon Scenario EditorAmiga1991

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