Abandonware Sandbox / Open World games

More than 33000 old games to download for free!

Browse games with theme Sandbox / Open World

Sandbox and open world games allow players to freely explore and influence the game world. While many games have no overall objective, they will feature certain goals in order to allow progression, however the player will be free to choose how those goals are achieved.

Sandbox / Open World Games 1-15 of 37

3059 abandonware
Air Blocks abandonware
Air BlocksWin1997
Amsterdam Taxi Madness abandonware
Amsterdam Taxi MadnessWin2004
Blockland abandonware
Driv3r abandonware
Grand Theft Auto 2 abandonware
Grand Theft Auto 2Win1999
Grand Theft Auto III abandonware
Grand Theft Auto IIIWin2002
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas abandonware
Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasWin2005
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City abandonware
Grand Theft Auto: Vice CityWin2003
Habitat II abandonware
Habitat IISEGA Saturn1996
LEGO Island abandonware
LEGO IslandWin1997
Madman abandonware
MadMan abandonware
Morbius Isthmus abandonware
Morbius IsthmusDOS1993

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