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Age of Empires

Windows - 1997

Also released on: Mac

Alt names マイクロソフト エイジ オブ エンパイア, 世紀帝國, 帝国时代, Age of Empires 1, Age of Empires: An Epic Game of Empire-Building and Conquest, Age of Empires: Bâtissez votre civilization., Age of Empires: Ein Spiel über große Zivilsationen und Eroberungen, Age of Empires: Un juego épico para crear y conquistar imperios, AoE, Dawn of Man, Diguo Shidai, Microsoft Age of Empires, Tribe
Year 1997
Platform Windows
Released in Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, United States (1997)
Germany, United States (1998)
Argentina, Netherlands, United States (2001)
Australia, New Zealand (2002)
Genre Strategy
Theme Africa, Classical antiquity, Editor / Construction Set, Egypt, Europe, Generated Levels, Historical Battle (specific/exact), Middle East, RTS, Real-Time
Publisher Learning Company, The, Mattel Interactive Deutschland GmbH, Microsoft Corporation, The Learning Company Northern Europe B.V.
Developer Ensemble Studios Corporation
Perspectives Isometric, Free-roaming camera, Diagonal-down
4.46 / 5 - 323 votes

Download extras files
Manual, patch, refcard, misc, mod, demo and guide available

Description of Age of Empires

Age of Empires is one of the absolute classics of the Real Time Strategy genre. It's fast-paced but has an excellent learning curve. For its time, it offered a diverse range of buildings, units, and tech-trees. Not to mention the differences between the cultures.

Though Age of Empires doesn't quite have the cachet of Warcraft or Starcraft, it holds up well even today as one of the best of the genre, offering lots of replayability at both the story and multiplayer levels. Additionally, the easy-to-use map builder tools allow you to create countless unique scenarios.

Age of Empires boasts fun and colorful sprites with detailed animations for all the various tasks each individual performs. Plus, there are a few neat surprises and hidden secret units (the iconic sports car with the rocket launcher, for example).

Age of Empires is a game you're sure to come back to time and again.

Review By P. Alexander

Don't miss the excellent UPatch-HD mod for Age of Empires:

Age of Empires has the following addons available: Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome, Neue Level für Age of Empires and Age of Empires: Die neue Epoche 2, don't miss them!

External links

Comments and reviews

zodd 2024-09-29 0 point Windows version

i'm looking for the 97 version not the definitive one

Gross 2024-09-13 1 point Windows version

Why it says AOE is available on Steam when it's a definitive edition and not original from 1997 ? Please put links for the old version.

Dan Vasc 2024-09-08 1 point

The unaltered original version is still abandonware. Please add back the links.

Aayush 2024-06-13 4 points Windows version

The buy link is for the new definitive edition & not the classic '97 version. this game is still abandonware!! please add links bro

CHRIS_04 2023-11-04 6 points Windows version

"No longer abandonware, buy it on steam". Yeah right, because steam removed the original and hd version of this game, and you're forced to buy their so called definite edition only. Nobody wants to buy that crap, because it's a completely new game,and it just doesn't have the magic like this masterpiece had.

Eriko-K139P 2023-04-04 5 points

what the hell is this? what happend to the free version?

Yusufylmz1986 2022-09-18 1 point

Oyunla ilgili detaylı video hazırladım. 90'larda keyifle oynadığımız güzel oyunlardan biri Age of Empires :)

AshUzumaki 2021-12-22 3 points

Roggan? Homas!

cx 2021-11-20 0 point

u can gett it elsewhere, gett 'RISE OF ROME PATCH', then gett UPATCH HD, THEN 5TH-legacy,

so u caan have the fullest game in hd with 30 plus civs

Kevin 2021-05-29 1 point

Even though you can't download for free here this place is worth it for the mods alone. Hopefully you guys are making some commission from the links to buy from Microsoft/Steam

Really appreciate the mods adding the demo campaigns into the final product.

Mr. X 2021-03-07 26 points

It's very disappointing that myabandonware links Age of Empires to the Definitive Edition. The original Age of Empires (1997) had very beautiful music in the main menu and the Definitive Edition has totally different music there, not even similar. The music there is not remastered, but exchanged. This is a disgrace, the previous music was part of the identity of this game. There is nothing "definitive" about the remastered game. So Age of Empires (1997) is Abandonware and should be available for download here.

XyF G3M 2020-05-10 3 points

Please make this game free

Dario Gutierrez 2020-04-13 2 points Windows version

Muchas gracias

afjl 2019-12-19 7 points


yawa 2019-10-02 0 point

yes il take this game

Septimus 2019-03-12 2 points

I really miss this game, and it's the reason I'm here. Guess I'll still missing until I can buy it.

Annalie 2019-02-25 0 point Windows version

I love age of is a stress reliever and fun.

Rats! 2019-02-21 2 points

“Slaughter these villagers, my lord?”

Bandi_ 2018-12-31 4 points

Hello guys,
Can you tell me why this game is not abandonware anymore? The link drops us to MS store where you can buy only the Definitve version of this game exclusive for Win10. But the original 1997 game is still not available :(

HolyCrapator 2018-08-31 -1 point Windows version

Wow, you guys have .bin and .cue? i have .mdf and .mds. Also, stop uploading stuff we need to use Daemon tool. I wana burn it on a dvd.

ANON717 2018-08-06 -1 point Windows version


Duc Minh Tran 2018-07-22 -5 points

Its not abandon yet, look at Vietnam. There's bunch of player on its

freymark 2018-06-10 1 point

works great using wine on linux mint 18.3

HARSH 2018-05-20 8 points Windows version


CJ 2018-05-05 4 points Windows version

ok .. lets try getting an acutal .iso file please and thank you. this file only had a .cue/.bin file .. WTF ??

Meeow / lisomi 2018-04-24 0 point

anyway if other people can play the game
they should use.
Microsoft visual c++ 86 bit

TheDude 2018-04-20 -6 points Mac version

How do you Install on Mac?

gametracker 2018-04-16 1 point Windows version

Please rework the files.

Andrew 2018-03-31 4 points

It works fine, you have to do a little tweaking after extracting the ISO, mainly downloading a crack that will fix the problem of not having the CD present. I found the correct file here:

There is one big problem though, some idiot replaced the original music with some crappy mixtape - likely to promote it, I can't find it in the game files and the original sound is there. It's so bad, it makes the game unplayable.

akram182 2018-03-27 -1 point Mac version

Stuffit Expander cant open it, please help. Im trying to play in my mac

omadongalong 2018-03-07 1 point Windows version

really interesting recommended

Lord of plants 2018-03-03 0 point Windows version

Works perfectly on my Windows 7 notebook, just like Troels said.
Thank You, My Abandonware!

nik 2018-03-01 -1 point

what a plonkers

buv 2018-02-19 2 points Windows version

No music in game and no cinematics. How to fix??

Troels 2018-02-04 3 points Windows version

Works perfect on Win7.
It comes with 3 errors saying "Driver not installed", but just press OK and your good to go :)

Lorenzo 2018-01-25 -1 point Windows version


Whatever 2018-01-20 -4 points

Its a fucking .bin - not an IS) & ur assholes !

helio frigo jr 2017-12-25 1 point

what remembering!!!!

this guy chris 2017-12-11 -2 points Windows version

how do i run this game it just has some white files and it wont let me play :-(

dan 2017-12-08 -3 points Windows version

works fine except when in mission i have no cursor

Victor 2017-11-27 -6 points

I downloaded the file. But how to install ❓

TF 2017-11-11 5 points

"JEANBAMBOIS 2017-09-19 -1 point Windows version
A window appear saying "cannot start the application correctly (0xc0000022). Anyone know this issue ? (Window 10)"

Search Type and select "Turn Windows features on or off" Expand "Legacy Components" Select "Direct Play" Hit OK Everything should be fixed.

BaJung 2017-11-11 0 point Windows version

I got a BIN file ith the Windows version. What do I do with that?? How can I play the game?

Pelger 2017-10-25 1 point

it's not for DOSBOX, this game is for win9x. it works ok on xp or 7. you might need a patch to fix the colors in win7 or to finish explorer task while you play the game.
google for "direct draw patch" or "direct draw color fix".

Mac 2017-09-26 0 point Mac version

Guys I presume the Mac version is PPC only, so any modern Intel Macs won't run it. Perhaps it will run via Rosetta on Snow Leopard.

Just run a VM (Virtual PC, Parallels, VMware Fusion) and play the Windows version.

JeanBambois 2017-09-19 0 point Windows version

A window appear saying "cannot start the application correctly (0xc0000022). Anyone know this issue ? (Window 10)

Coolness 2017-08-24 -1 point Windows version

Never mind, I just needed the right patch. I got it off of

Coolness 2017-08-22 0 point Windows version

When I run it and click single player game, it says that I need to insert a disk and restart the game. Any ideas?

Wayne Campbell 2017-06-08 2 points Windows version

If you cant run it use a virtual drive. Google is your friend.

mervish 2016-12-22 -5 points

will this game work on a dos boxer or do you need something else

nelo 2016-11-27 -2 points

I can't run the installer on OS X Yosemite, the message says "The application could be damaged or incomplete", how can I run it?

javidoc 2016-10-15 1 point

me neither, what did you do??

Bob 2016-10-05 0 point

I played this game as a kid and loved every second of it, so when I found this website, I almost had a stroke out of happiness. Thank you so much to whoever made this website.

lilzaviir 2016-10-01 -4 points

will this actually work with Macbook air?

CC 2016-09-03 2 points

I can"t play that.

scab on my dick 2016-08-21 1 point

Is there another emulater for mac v. 10.5.8? I cant use the ones suggested?

old school 2016-04-13 0 point

i can't unzip them, what is the best program to unzip

Norm 2016-02-25 0 point

What about all the info saying daemon is full of malware?

lolzinberg 2015-11-07 0 point

i have been trying to get this game for so long and this didn't help me i downloaded both...nothing

matt 2015-10-07 3 points

I cant get this to work

anon2 2015-09-04 1 point

Apparently the application itself is damaged. I mounted the disc and everything is there but the installer can't be launched.

Anon 2015-07-19 -4 points Mac version

All there in the manual folks, RTFM next time.

Opubose 2015-05-02 0 point Mac version

I got 2 files. One is AoE.bin and the other is AoE .cue. What do i do with them? I want to play this on my mac.

Smell 2015-02-26 -8 points Mac version

Not working for mac? help!

twobob 2014-12-13 -7 points Mac version

How can this be played on an Imac?

Write a comment

Share your gamer memories, give useful links or comment anything you'd like. This game is no longer abandonware, we won't put it back online.


Buy Age of Empires

Age of Empires is available for a small price on the following websites, and is no longer abandonware. You can read our online store guide.

Game Extras and Resources

Some of these file may not be included in the game stores. For Age of Empires, we have the following files:

ManualEnglish version 18 MB (Windows) PatchPatch 1.0c English version 901 KB (Windows) RefcardEnglish version 4 MB (Windows) MiscBeta Version v00.08.09.0716 English version 55 MB (Windows) MiscAlpha Version v00.05.01.0204 English version 35 MB (Windows) ModAge of Conquests Unofficial Addon English version 100 MB (Windows) ModAdditional campaigns from the early versions and demos
adapted to work with the final version English version 1 MB (Windows)
ModAdditional scenarios from the early versions and demos
adapted to work with the final version English version 1012 KB (Windows)
ModFinal Conquest Campaigns English version 48 MB (Windows) ModMore Empires Scenarios English version 9 MB (Windows) ModSybex Unofficial Addon released in France
Campaign and scenario should be copied manually English version French version 32 MB (Windows)
ModConquests of the Ages English version 2 MB (Windows) ModAddons compilation English version 19 MB (Windows) DemoEnglish version 23 MB (Windows) DemoEnglish version 24 MB (Windows) GuideOfficial Guide: Inside Moves English version 103 MB (Windows) GuidePrima Guide English version 76 MB (Windows)
ManualEnglish version 4 MB (Mac) PatchPatches English version 160 MB (Mac)

Other Releases

Age of Empires was also released on the following systems:


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