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Companions of Xanth

DOS - 1993

Year 1993
Platform DOS
Released in United States
Genre Adventure
Theme Comedy, Fantasy, Graphic Adventure, Licensed Title, Puzzle elements
Publisher Legend Entertainment Company
Developer Legend Entertainment Company
Perspective 1st-Person
Dosbox support Fully supported on 0.65
4.27 / 5 - 30 votes

Download extras files
Manual and cluebook available

Description of Companions of Xanth

Companions of Xanth is a charming game based on Piers Anthony's "Demons Don't Dream," in which two humans compete for a prize without knowing that two demons are using them as tools in their own wager.

Like the novels, puzzles are heavily pun-related in ways reminiscent of Infocom's Nord and Bert, but a lot easier. Most puzzles are also not related to the plot, and the game is far too easy. It's a fun game, but not up to par with other Legend releases. Recommended only for fans of the novel and novice adventurers.

Review By HOTUD

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Comments and reviews

BR1M 2023-05-07 0 point

CD version of Companions of Xanth hangs and freeze after using agony moss on ironwood trees.

Crossman 2023-01-16 0 point

Companions of Xanth is a game that has a different take to offer than most of the other works out there, since it takes a step further the notion of belief and the difference it makes on the overall outcome of the adventure. To judge this game based on prior writings or published material is like going by the ruff draft of a story before it was published, or different books of a certain category and saying they're all the same.
First of all, it's a GAME for God's sake, nothing to be taken seriously. Y'all familiar with the concept of entertainment, right? LMFAO
Second, games are games, something you play when you have time or something, your life doesn't revolve around it.
If it does, my sympathies go with you and anybody unlucky enough to be around you :-D

yeet 2021-09-04 0 point

CoX is a fun game for all fans of the Xanth series, and those who have read the series will probably have more appreciation for it than those who haven't, but it's straightforward enough that a newcomer can get into it. You'll probably die (a lot) in this, as there are a great many ways to die, but the adventure overall is fun and interesting.

Gunderson 2021-07-05 4 points

This game is no longer available for sale. It is once again abandonware. It was, temporarily, available on GoG, but has since been taken down.

Luis 2020-11-23 1 point

I have this game but disk 6 got corrupted. On 5.25 floppy disks none the less will try this download as I enjoyed the game

Naniyue 2020-08-24 0 point

Having read some of the books, and with a penchant for British humor, I found the game rather fun. True, it's not as good as some other Legend releases, but a fun time nonetheless.

ALWAYS get the Talkie Version of any and all Legend adventure games! The voice acting adds to the fun!

Here just for this 2020-04-30 1 point

I think that maybe paper brain doesn't understand puns well enough to realise that he was trying to be funny way before this novel. Love piers to death though

Jim 2020-02-10 2 points

Pot, meet kettle.

Punny Business 2019-05-28 4 points

You detest people like Paperbrain who just voiced his particular tastes and personal opinion on some games and books. You personally attacked him for providing his personal opinion.
YOU are the person to detest here. So angry that someone might dislike something you like you have to attack them personally. A video game and a book no less.

Here's a pointer, Roogna: Try getting angry over things that actually matter; like the way people treat each other over petty, inconsequential things. If someone's opinion of a VIDEO GAME made you that angry, you're going to have an awful, bitter, and unfulfilling life.

A valid, worthwhile thing to get angry about:
Seeing someone treat another human being like trash as you've done here for voicing their opinions on ENTERTAINMENT.

People are going to have different opinions than you. Best deal with that before you die of a heart attack when someone tells you they don't like the taste of chicken or something equally idiotic.

Good luck, Roogna. You're going to need it.

4KbShort 2018-03-09 0 point

@SLX - Once the game is installed go to the installed directory (X:\Xanth) and type "Install". It's basically the same as "setup" and you can change your options there.

slx 2017-07-01 0 point

There is no setup in this game? How can I change the sound cards?

Roogna 2017-03-14 -5 points

PAPERBRAIN: "A horrible novel"? Oh, I see, you're one of those "fans" who thinks you could do better. I think this game is ridiculous, but it's Xanth, so I had to try it. And now, years later, I'm downloading it just for the hell of it. Maybe I'll read Demons Don't Dream repeatedly while playing it. It was a goofy novel, but it was still fun and much better written than anything I've read by PAPERBRAIN.
You know, I detest people like you. ... I'm sure you've memorized every single character in every book you've ever read, no matter how insignificant, just so you can smirk at people who don't remember every little blade of grass in every book. And you actually think that strangers should follow your advice, because you're obviously the end all be all on everything. Tell you what; you write something better than Demons Don't Dream or Killobyte, then I won't think of you as a acne faced, greasy haired, little kid with an oversized mouth.

goon 2016-02-15 0 point

theres another one of these?

ChimeTheSimling 2013-09-23 -2 points DOS version

Does anyone know of a 64-bit version?

bink the third 2013-03-27 0 point DOS version

OMG yes

paperbrain 2012-07-16 0 point DOS version

Oops not Terry Brooks, he is American, and writes epic fantasy, not satirical fantasy I meant to say Terry Pratchett, author of the Discworld novels.

paperbrain 2012-07-16 0 point DOS version

A bad game based on a horrible novel. "Demons Don't Dream" was the worst book in a series that could be very good or very bad depending on Piers Anthony's mood at the time. If you are a fan of the series, stick to Journey into Xanth, for that matter, stick to the earlier books, cause Anthony started trying too hard to be funny and profound after Terry Brooks started being published in the US.

Triacom 2011-11-02 1 point DOS version

Very very aggravating with plenty items really early in game that you can miss and be doomed later on causing you to have to start all over.
Not well designed but fans of the series will probably enjoy it.

admin 2011-04-10 1 point DOS version

You're right, updated with the good game, thx !

suomynonA 2011-04-09 1 point DOS version

This file is actually "A Journey into Xanth", a text only game published in 1993 - Companions of Xanth was later. This is fun if you've read the series, but I'm finding it frustrating without hints!

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Buy Companions of Xanth

Companions of Xanth is available for a small price on the following website, and is no longer abandonware. You can read our online store guide.

Game Extras and Resources

Some of these file may not be included in the game stores. For Companions of Xanth, we have the following files:

ManualEnglish version 5 MB (DOS) ManualAlt manual English version 7 MB (DOS) CluebookEnglish version 8 MB (DOS)

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