Download Fort Boyard: Millennium (Windows)

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Fort Boyard: Millennium

Windows - 2000

Alt names Fort Boyard: Millennium (Série Limitée Chocapic de Nestlé), Fort Boyard 3, Fort Boyard: Millenium - Das Spiel zur Abenteuershow, Fort Boyard: Изгнание
Year 2000
Platform Windows
Released in France (2000)
France (2003)
Germany (2005)
Genre Action
Theme Licensed Title, Platform, Puzzle elements
Publisher Microïds, Mindscape France, Mindscape Germany GmbH, Nestlé S.A.
Developer Microïds
Perspective Behind view
4.67 / 5 - 3 votes

Description of Fort Boyard: Millennium

Fort Boyard: Millennium (aka Fort Boyard 3, Fort Boyard: Millenium - Das Spiel zur Abenteuershow, Fort Boyard: Изгнание) is a video game published in 2000 on Windows by Microïds, Mindscape France, Mindscape Germany GmbH, Nestlé S.A.. It's an action game, set in a licensed title, platform and puzzle elements themes.

External links

Captures and Snapshots

  • Windows

Comments and reviews

KASUMI65 2024-12-30 0 point

French version provided. It was available on Adventure Legends, but since 4shared is shut down, I reput it. Original AdventureLegends link :
My upload :

Spanish :

gg 2021-11-04 0 point

Wow, Fort Boyard. I used to love watching this on the French National channel. It was much cooler than the later reality competition shows like Survivor, with real Team Work and challenges with an air of mystery and adventure, unlike the Survivor melodrama and backstabbing that characterized the American reality shows years later.

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Download Fort Boyard: Millennium

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Windows Version

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