Description of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Many of the files was presented by Harry Potter Games Archive Project, we want to thank the participants of that project. The game still has active fan community, so you can find many mods and fan fixes for the game, on ModDB, fansites like HP Games or Harry Potter Modding server on Discord.
Vintage Review
For the first time since the 1970s, there has arisen a marketing force terrifying enough in its inertia to rock the house of LucasArts to its core. Yes indeed, Harry Potter has arrived, and backed by the omnipotent J.K.Rowling has burst on to the gaming market with the force of... well, a million eager children's piggy banks. And that's not even beginning to mention the countless hordes of adults who either pretend to read it to be with their kids, or just admit that they're damn good books.
The game versions of the best-selling novels certainly have a lot to live up to, not least since they're game adaptations of film adaptations of books - not a genre that has the best pedigree. This hasn't stopped them rocketing into the number one slot in the all-format charts in the UK, and in fact, it's not even a matter of concern, because the PC version at least is really very good indeed.
The title loosely follows the plot of the film; and when we say loosely, we really mean it, as the best you get is a brief plot reminder to keep you rolling along. Those who haven't either read the books or seen the film are going to be mightily confused. Our best advice is to settle down and read the lot - we promise you won't regret it. You start with your lessons at Hogwarts school for witches and wizards before rocketing straight to the end of the story with a quick stop-off for dragon rescuing in the middle.
The roller-coaster nature of the game's plot development is a bit of a pity, since it's really excellent entertainment, but essentially leads to a rather short game. You begin with your first lessons during which you learn a number of useful spells by tracing your mouse over a shape onscreen - the more accurate you are, the more points go to your schoolhouse, Gryffindor. The house-points are totalled up on your options screen; nice teachers give them for success, and according to tradition, nasty professor Snape takes them away in a desultory fashion.
Once the spell is learnt, you can use it in the game. Each class contains a challenge that you as Harry are sent on. You're only able to succeed if you use your spells correctly, which is simpler than it might sound. Taking up the spellcasting stance with the press of a button, you can direct your wand to the objects around you. If it's 'spellable', then the spell icon shows up and you can cast upon it. This will either open the pathway, gain you some Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, a collectable Wizard Card, one of the challenge stars needed to complete the task or give you a chocolate frog to restore your health. If you manage to find 24 of the cards, and 250 of the beans through unlocking secret areas, you unlock a special secret wizard card. We'd give you more info but we missed the secret area in the Quidditch lesson - bah!
This brings us neatly to the flying broomstick game. Starting with a quick lesson with Zoe Wannamaker (or rather, her digital equivalent), you're quickly spotted as a star Quidditch player, and promoted to the house team! Through this convenient plot device, you're propelled into an all-star match against the other houses. As the seeker, your task is to zoom around the pitch and pick up the snitch, a tiny golden ball with wings, to clinch the match. In fact, it's probably the trickiest part of the game, and certainly the most fun, which is why the title includes a separate Quidditch league where the enlightened player can zoom and swoop to their heart's content to build their way up the league. You can even have private tuition with the Quidditch teacher to improve your lacking broomstick skills.
Control has been simplified to appeal to all ages, but this leaves you feeling a little bit clumsy. You can move back and forwards, turn left and right, jump, and use a spell, with the mouse being indicated as the sensible way to look around. However mouse control is incredibly awkward, so we ended up moving around with the arrow keys - the lack of a strafe only causing occasional annoyance. Much of the game is platform-style, not dissimilar to a certain Ms Croft's escapades. The way Harry grabs the edge of blocks and bookcases and hauls himself up with a grunt is a dead ringer for the anatomically impossible heroine. What's a bit silly is that the game includes the ability to enable an 'autojump' function. Yes, that's just what it sounds like - we heartily recommend people leave it off since it not only takes away any difficulty from the platform sections, but also reduces the fun quota to near zero.
The game has its fair share of puzzles, although they're not overly taxing, being aimed at an age group with a large span of years. They're made with style, however, as is much of the game itself. Graphically, it's a feast for the eyes, with convincing representations of the film's heroes, heroines, villains and bit-parts all reproduced. Hogwarts itself looks wonderful, just the sort of place to make kids and adults alike wish that they'd been the ones who'd been picked for wizard school. Likewise, the voices are excellently done. Mimicking the film's cast to perfection, the game is truly immersive - sadly this just heightens the disappointment when you reach the game's ending so quickly.
For a film conversion, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone manages, thankfully, to live up to the hype. It's an excellent title for kids of all ages (yes, even the grown up ones), with a fantastic mixture of gaming genres contained within. Alas, a slightly ropy control system, and disappointing length let us down on what is otherwise a truly enjoyable experience. Flipendo!
Review By GamesDomain
External links
How to play Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Windows
The game with NoCD and fixes has been tested on Windows 7 64-bit and Windows 10, works fine. But the game has some issues on modern systems, for troubleshooting and fixes check our guides and Notes
Here's also some video guides how to run first Harry Potter games on modern systems, if you prefer video over text: first guide, second guide, third guide. Also, here's another text guide by PlayOldGames
Install & play guide:
- Mount the disc image. You will need the utility for mounting disc image files, like WinCDEmu, UltraISO, Alcohol 52%/Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools Lite
- Install the game (if autorun doesn't work - simply launch the installation from Setup.exe inside the disc)
- Also it is recommended to install DirectX from the disc (if you're using Windows 10 - enable DirectPlay, read this or this guide how to do it)
- After you installed the game - install NoCD (simply copy HP.exe from the archive and put it into
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone/System
folder, replacing original HP.exe) - Then install Mouse Fix and Strafing mod (copy files from the archive and put it into
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone/System
folder, agree to replace original files). Here's more information about that fix - And then install Unofficial Widescreen Patch (check step-by-step installation guide below or at this link)
- Open the directory
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone/System
and find HP.exe. Right click on HP.exe - Properties - Compatibility - Set "Run this app in compatibility mode with Windows 2000 or XP" and "Run as administrator" - Launch the game and play. If the game doesn't work - try to launch the game in compatibility mode with old versions of Windows (98, 2000, WinXP or Vista)
That way you will get clean version of original game, but it has poor graphics on modern systems. Here's some advices how to improve game graphics (make sure to save back-ups of original files):
- By default the max resolution of the game is 1024x768, but you can launch it in widescreen by using Unofficial Widescreen Patch and editing .ini files:
- First install Unofficial Widescreen Patch - copy files from the archive and put it into
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone/System
folder, agree to replace original files. - Then go to
My Documents/Harry Potter
folder and open HP.ini in Notepad. Set the FullscreenViewportX and FullscreenViewportY values to your desired resolution - Optionally, edit User.ini and set the DesiredFOV value to compensate: 100 for the 16:10 aspect ratio, and 106.26 for 16:9
- Also, you can change the screen resolution with Harry Potter Settings tool, just launch it and select desired settings, then press "Apply" and tool will make all required changes in .ini-files.
- Please note that with this method it is not recommended to run the game in any resolution higher than 1920x1080, because the game starts to show graphical glitches/bugs. If you want to play in higher resolution - use dgVoodoo
- First install Unofficial Widescreen Patch - copy files from the archive and put it into
- If you want to play with anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering and other cool features - run the game through dgVoodoo utility: copy the dll-files from the MS/x86 folder, dgVoodooCpl.exe and dgVoodoo.conf in
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone/System
folder, then launch dgVoodooCpl.exe to change dgVoodoo settings. After that run the game through desktop shortcut or HP.exe. dgVoodoo is compatible with Widescreen Patch and HP Settings tool, so you can enable anti-aliasing + texture filtering in dgVoodoo settings, then change the resolution, and the game will look really great & working in good resolution. Please note that dgVoodoo requires video card with DirectX 9 support, so it doesn't work on most of Intel graphics - If your graphics card doesn't support DirectX 9 (like most Intel graphics) - use Unreal Engine DirectX 11 Renderer, it is fork of Kentie's Direct3D 10 renderer, it might cause some bugs, read this guide for more details. If you want you can install ESRGAN Upscale Pack(pack of upsacled textures) with DirectX 11 Renderer
In summary, to run the game on modern systems you need NoCD + Mouse Fix and Strafing mod + Unofficial Widescreen Patch + edit configs (manually or with HP Settings tool) + graphical wrapper like dgVoodoo or UE DX11 Renderer, also you will need to cap the framerate to 60 FPS. If you don't want or don't know how to do all of that - you can download repack by Magipack(also mirrored on this page), it includes all needed fixes & dgVoodoo for graphics enhancement
If the installation doesn't start - try to launch Setup.exe in compatibility mode with old version of Windows (98, 2000 or XP)
NoCD is required for the launch because the game is using SafeDisc DRM protection, which doesn't work on modern systems. That NoCD "breaks" DRM protection and allows the game to work on modern systems
If the game doesn't work in compatibility mode with Windows XP - try to run it in compatibility mode with older Windows versions (Windows 2000, Windows 98/Me, etc.). For some users the game didn't work in compatibility mode with Windows XP but worked with Windows 2000
The game works on DirectX 7, so if you're using Windows 8, 8.1, 10 or 11 - you need to enable DirectPlay: Go to Control Panel, and select 'Programs'. Select 'Turn Windows features on and off', click on 'Legacy Components' and check the box 'DirectPlay'. Select OK, once the installation is done, restart your computer
If the game doesn't launch even with NoCD - it can be very rare bug of SafeDisc DRM drivers. Read this guide how to bypass it
If the game is lagging - try to change Color Depth in game settings (16-bit or 32-bit) and launch the game again
Unofficial Widescreen Patch is 100% compatible with US, European and Russian versions of the game. It should work with other versions too, but it's not guaranteed
There's an unknown bug when you can't use mouse look in the game, especially on new systems. Use Mouse Fix and Strafing mod to fix that problem
Note that all fixes will reset game's language to English. If you're playing other language version - you will need to manually edit config files after you installed the fix, read this guide how edit config files
If you have low frame rate - use dgVoodoo or DDRaw Compact, read this guide for more details
If you have sound issues, like bugged sound in Quidditch Match - use DDRaw Compact, simply put ddraw.dll next to HP.exe
If you have graphical bug when certain transparent effects and textures are not rendered properly - you can edit config files like in this guide, or use dgVoodoo utility
Sometimes the in-game physics and/or cutscenes are getting broken when the game works too fast, so better to limit the game's framerate to 60 FPS. There are 3 ways to do that:
- Install an app that allows to limit the framerate, like RTSS or Bandicam, read this guide for framerate limit utilities
- If you're using dgVoodoo 2.75 or later version - open dgVoodoo.conf with Notepad and find the line FPSLimit = 0. Change "0" to "60" to limit the game's framerate to 60 FPS
- For advanced users - you can use Deus Ex Speedup Fix, both games work on Unreal Engine 1 and that fix is compatible with Harry Potter game, according to PCGamingWiki
For users of Windows 64-bit systems: if the game doesn't work after you launched it - open Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del by default) and check for processes HP.exe and rundll32.exe. Close HP.exe but don't touch rundll32.exe (it's a Windows app for running old apps from 32-bit operational systems, most old games running through rundll32.exe). Now try to launch the game again, it must work. Don't forget to close rundll32.exe process in Task Manager after finishing playing
If you want - you can install Colored Intro mod. It replaces intro images with upscaled colored ones
Don't forget to check PCGamingWiki page if you have troubles, it is very useful!
Captures and Snapshots
Comments and reviews
This Guy just wants to play the game... 2024-11-27 0 point Windows version
What normal english files do I need to download this game without any other extras?
for windows
AzarothDarkFury 2024-09-17 -9 points Windows version
This is totally different than the Playstation version. For example, the great hall where you first start has two doors on the right, not just one. And the story progression is much different. Like, aren't you supposed to rescue Hedwig first? Totally confused.
Common Sense Guy 2024-09-06 2 points
Listen everyone, if you're having trouble with this, go to the PCGamingWiki. It has all the answers you're looking for. The full documentation, it was made for stuff like this.
Exping 2024-08-22 0 point Windows version
How do i change the language. installation works but cant seem to find the language options. the scandinavian version doesnt work when im trying to download
SirLanzelliot 2024-06-10 1 point Windows version
Is not working at all and is not even letting me delete the files or uninstall the fking program... damn you
joaquin256 2024-04-09 1 point
Hello friends, this is a game from my childhood that I have been wanting to play again for a long time, what I don't know is if the languages can be changed here.
When I played it it was translated into Spanish but you can change the language of the game, right?
Dumbguy 2024-03-28 1 point
Can i play the 2003 re- release on my pc and just connect a controller or how am i going to play it ????? please help me
Bourkey 2024-03-21 3 points Windows version
So I got a little nostalgic and decided there was no way I was gonna get my old CD copies to run. Thankfully, My Abandonware comes in clutch again but as is par the course I ran into 2 major issues, luckily, I figured out what the solutions were and I think they'd benefit you in the future.
1. If you can't seem to move your mouse once the game boots up and it's stuck to the left hand side of the screen, disable capture mouse in the *General tab* of the *dgVoodoo Control Panel* (accessible through the *System* folder)
2. The biggest issue I came across was that I wasn't able to pass the Flipendo lesson because the % Bar wasn't filling up despite the fact I was tracing the spell perfectly. To rectify this, just check the box in the *DirectX tab* marked *Disable and passthru to real DirectX*. Why this issue is present I'm not too sure, I suspected it was to do with frames but whatever it was this should solve the issue.
These games were a huge part of my childhood so I hope I've helped any fellow Potter fans relive those memories, enjoy :)
Dingle 2024-03-01 0 point Windows version
I downloaded WinCDEmu and then downloaded the magipack one. I was a bit confused at first and trying to run it from the desktop icon didn't work. I went into the game folder and found the hp.exe and ran as administrator and it ran FLAWLESSLY. I only played for about 20 minutes or so but it was perfect. I'm just so happy
Dumbguy 2024-02-14 0 point
Can i download the game here or do i have to buy the game disc or is this here the full game
bukaru 2024-02-06 0 point Windows version
Magipack launches no problem in windowed without the fixes. needs a game resolution to beat the class minigame.
Reaper 2024-01-02 1 point Windows version
ARBITER's solutuion for the mouse worked on my machine as well. Clean install no mouse patch installed
Arbiter 2023-12-27 1 point Windows version
I don't know if this is the best solution for the Harry Potter Collection, but the mouse works. For Chamber of Secrets and Philosopher's Stone, I allowed editing permission for dgVoodoo.exe, ran it, and disabled the capture mouse setting. The mouse seemed to be spinning while the setting was on.
linoy0191 2023-12-02 1 point Windows version
hi there!
I installed the game with the help of the "repack by Magipack" and it works great.
my only problem is during the game - in the part where harry and malfoy fight, and harry needs to throw stuff at him. on the screen it says to use the space bar but it doesnt work. I tried to change the controllers and it didnt work. also pressed on every other button and it didnt work... any thoughts on what can I do to make it work?
thank you!
9oowangdae 2023-11-16 1 point Windows version
So I tried downloading the NOCD thing and put it in the system folder, changed compatibility settings, run as admin, all that, so then when I go to run the application, a window opens that says, "Do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher make changes to your device?" And I click "Yes" and then the window closes and nothing happens. Nothing opens. Nothing.
Trizar 2023-11-11 0 point Windows version
Haris, I followed the instructions and made three working games with mods on the US 2003, EU (Eng) and RU versions. At each stage, check if the game is working.
First, mount the disc image, enter the serial code (for your game version), install the game, then paste the NOCD (for your game version) into the System folder. In the settings of the .exe file, select compatibility with Windows98/XP, as well as run as an administrator.
Second, install the Mouse fix and strafing mod, for this you need to copy all the .u files to the "System" folder. Warning! The "Source" folder and the files in it do not need to be copied.
Third, install Widescreen-Patch (for your version of the game) and then Widescreen fix for AdamJD mod. Warning! For the EU version, you need to copy all files with the extension .dll and .u from the "For European (Italian release) version" folder and paste them into the "System" folder, and then install the Widescreen fix for AdamJD mod.
Fourth, install the Harry Potter Settings Tool in the "System" folder and set the resolution for the game in it. Install the DirectX 11 Renderer by following the instructions on
Fifth, install ESRGAN Upscale Pack, for this you just need to copy the files to the folder with the game, after that also install ESRGAN Upscaled Main Menu (Multilanguage) v2 and Upscaled Colored Intro.
You can also use dgVoodoo utility and other fixes presented on this site.
Haris 2023-11-08 1 point Windows version
I also downloaded the Harry Potter connection I can't use/ move my mouse also downloaded the mouse Patch but it is still not working. Am I downloading it wrong or are there other alternatives please tell me. Help!
Faehart 2023-10-20 2 points Windows version
I downloaded the repack by Magipack, and it seems to be running smoothly more or less. Problem I noticed is the spell puzzles are broken. They're supposed to base the completion percentage by how accurately the puzzle is traced within the time frame but this download seems to be factoring how quickly the tracing is completed as well such that it's almost impossible. I've looked online and the original puzzle was never like this. Does anybody have a clue on how to fix this?
Marco 2023-10-17 23 points Windows version
I have problems moving the mouse when I start the game (I installed the Harry Potter Collection).
Does anyone have a trick for that?
mister winkie 2023-09-18 0 point Windows version
I am running this on Linux Pop_OS using WINE. Works great!
Bladez1992 2023-09-03 1 point Windows version
Hey everyone, I've had a project for a few years now making new installers for old PC games; Harry Potter Classic Collection (Chamber of Secrets + Philosopher's Stone + Prisoner of Azkaban) are three of the games I've restored
Come check out Legacy Gamer's Union on Discord for this game and plenty of others that actually work on Windows 10/11
cookiec 2023-09-03 1 point Windows version
I need help pleaseeee
when I click on the game to install it an error pops up saying....
error extracting support files:
catastrophic failure
what do i doooooo
admin 2023-04-22 0 point
If you see BIN/CUE or MDF/MDS files - that means it is disc image and you need utility for mounting disc image files, like Daemon Tools Lite. However, if you don't know how to use it - you can download Installer or repack by Magipack, both is coming in .EXE format, you just need to launch the installation
aaaa 2023-04-18 1 point Windows version
Why there is only bin file in the zip folder? bin file and video file nothing else
admin 2023-03-14 2 points
@ARNOLD Did you download European version, it has English, French & German languages? Also, make sure to select German language in installer. I checked that version just right now, it has full English, French and German localizations
grouchomarx 2023-03-14 -1 point
The classic games are a thousad times better than HOGWARTS LEGACY.-
Arnold 2023-03-09 0 point Windows version
Hey dudes, i cant run the game in German, only in english. Please help me.
admin 2023-02-20 2 points
We have updated the game, added many new languages (all sorted out) plus all required fixes and patches to make the game work on modern systems. We wrote detailed guide how to install fixes, don't forget to check it
JayCee 2023-02-17 2 points
Id like to play the first three HP games again and since its for nostalgia reasons I would like to play them in german, however before even downloading anything Im confused. What do I have to download to get the german version and are additional steps required to get it to run despite what has already been commented
Robotas 2023-01-10 2 points
After the instalation being succeded, you should take a look on this page:
This link will tell how to fix the game for windows 8/10/11 to support modern computers issues, if it is too fast, if you want to change the game resolution but you can't inside the game menu, how to support widescreen monitors and many other issues.
cryoshotz 2022-12-07 3 points
i did everything mentioned including replacing the exe but i keep getting starting error
milk 2022-12-01 0 point
I tried to follow other comments directions but i cant switch the hp.exe with the other hp.exe. it says i can't do that and then it says starting error if I try to open it
IntenseRabbit 2022-10-10 2 points
To add to ProjUltra and The Dude:
I had to swap my installed HP.exe with the Hp.exe found in the "No-CD" folder. Swapping with the HP.exe found in HARRY_POTTER_US_ System was not working for me. Maybe that's what was implied by ProjUltra all along, but it took me a while to figure that out so thought I'd post clarification.
Otherwise with The Dudes addition as well, I got it running. Thanks
The Dude 2022-10-04 4 points
PROJULTRA 2022-08-01
"I got my game to work with the following steps:
1. I downloaded both the misc extra file with the serial key, and the installer.
2. I extracted the zip folder into a folder I made for this, it contained a HP1.exe file and a file.
3. I extracted the HP1 zip file and opened it up, I then went into HARRY_POTTER_US_ and the ran the AutoRun.exe file. I let it install, and when presented with the serial key, I used the key provided in the text file:
4. When I went to play the game it told me I needed to run it in administrator mode. I realised that it was a shortcut, so I right clicked and Opened File location where I was presented with a HP.exe.
5. I deleted that HP.exe and replaced it with the one in the initial folder I extracted the zip file to. I ran that, and the game runs for me now."
Guys this worked for me too, credit to op. I will add to this and say that the .exe file he mentions is inside the installer download folder. If you use the iso and serial key, also download that installer version and swap it's .exe file in. Run as admin and you're good.
ProjUltra 2022-08-01 18 points
I got my game to work with the following steps:
1. I downloaded both the misc extra file with the serial key, and the installer.
2. I extracted the zip folder into a folder I made for this, it contained a HP1.exe file and a file.
3. I extracted the HP1 zip file and opened it up, I then went into HARRY_POTTER_US_ and the ran the AutoRun.exe file. I let it install, and when presented with the serial key, I used the key provided in the text file:
4. When I went to play the game it told me I needed to run it in administrator mode. I realised that it was a shortcut, so I right clicked and Opened File location where I was presented with a HP.exe.
5. I deleted that HP.exe and replaced it with the one in the initial folder I extracted the zip file to. I ran that, and the game runs for me now.
holo 2022-07-08 1 point
I've tried just about everything. Mounted it on the ISO, ran as administrator, tried to download the cracks but it contained malware. Watched several tutorials. Nothing worked for me. Honestly, just buy an older computer if you want to play older games.
PSMNM 2022-06-12 1 point
You need to copy the crack and paste it in the system folder where the game has been installed.
Download the crack from this site -
RangerFan49 2022-03-08 -5 points
THIS IS TURNING OUT TO BE A COMPLETE F******* WASTE OF MY TIME!!! Installed the game, did what I was supposed to do. Went to play it, and what do you know, NOT A THING HAPPENED. All that I got was "Please login with administrative privileges and try again." BTW THERE WAS NO CRACK IN THE ISO!!!
Emily 2022-01-05 3 points
I downloaded the game from this site and install the game. But it doesn't work and I can play it.
hrey 2021-12-29 4 points
when i dld it it says play i click run as administrator but it dosent play
Koumori Tsukino 2021-11-10 3 points
Hey all, I Installed the game, did the serial code, but when i try to play its asking me to log in with admin :( plz halp!
HP_Archivist 2021-08-03 0 point
"S: Not sure if anybody still looks at this page... but when I try to install it is asking for the second disc containing a certain file, and it gives me an error when I select the folder containing that file... so I am not having luck with installation... help would be appreciated."
Hey there, yes. It's best to start over and do a clean installation. There isn't a second disc, that is only an error.
Please see my comments on this thread regarding uninstalling and starting over for a clean installation:
And if you need any further help, please ping us in the Harry Potter Games Archive Project Discord server.
—HP_Archivist, Project Lead
Harry Potter Games Archive Project
S 2021-08-02 0 point
Not sure if anybody still looks at this page... but when I try to install it is asking for the second disc containing a certain file, and it gives me an error when I select the folder containing that file... so I am not having luck with installation... help would be appreciated.
HP_Archivist 2021-04-02 15 points
Future Readers:
It is recommended to use the newer, improved no-cd crack instead of the legacy, older 'scene crack', as the newer crack contains improvements from both the OldUnreal Forums and Harry Potter Modding Discord communities.
The end-user should download the following ZIP, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001, Han's No-CD Crack Included).zip which contains a copy of the retail game and a separate folder for the improved no-cd crack, the file HP.exe. There is a readme.txt which explains the improvements for the newer crack. This can be located courtesy of the Harry Potter Games Archive Project page on the registered 501(c)(3) non-profit, the Internet Archive at e.g., this page:
It has come to this Project’s attention that some might try to use the retail copy of HP1 SS game provided on this page (the Installer buttons below this comment section) and one *can* do that. But for use of the improved crack, the newer HP.exe, it is highly recommended to check out the Project’s page and follow install instructions provided on the above link.
Some background on the improved HP.exe no-cd crack (this is also found on the link above):
"HP1 PC game launched without the ability to change the render device other than by selecting Software and/or DirectX7, thus why this new .exe was created. With this new hp.exe (crack) the end-user is provided the option to select or allow for other render devices. Furthermore, the improved selection menu is from the standard Unreal Engine Launcher. Since this version allows for other render devices, it makes sense to ask the user. The legacy or historic no-cd crack is also archived for data preservation and for integrity of the history of these games and their continued accessibility."
We’ve archived both the legacy crack and the improved crack for continued accessibility and operability in the name of software and digital preservation only. The Harry Potter Games Archive Project exists to prevent software obsolescence and to allow digital preservation of culturally significant works of art and media to be indefinitely accessible, the basis to any flourishing and informed society.
—HP_Archivist, Lead
Harry Potter Games Archive Project
Organizations who have collaborated with this project include:
-Gaming Alexandria
-The US Library of Congress, Packard Campus for Audio-Visual Conservation
Additional input and consulting from:
-Video Game Preservation Collective (VGPC)
-Video Game History Foundation
*The organizations or entities mentioned here do not condone the use of a ‘crack’ or ‘no-cd crack’ and their involvement in this Project focused on physical preservation (scanning of box art, disc media, manuals, etc) as well as the acquisition of donated physical media and materials. The Harry Potter Games Archive Project is open to a healthy discussion regarding data preservation while also respecting the rights holders. This project believes in working with - not against - individuals, independent entities, and intellectual property holders so that together, an informed citizenry, the epitome of any flourishing society, can take hold for a better tomorrow.
HP_Archivist 2021-01-08 1 point
@JENK4 - did you correctly copy the crack to where the retail .exe is located?
e.g., You have to install the retail game first. Then grab the HP1 SS HP.exe crack, copy it to this folder C:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\Harry Potter\System
When you do that Windows will prompt with a window warning you're about to overwrite a file of the same name. Click Yes/Continue.
I'd recommend joining the Archive Project server on Discord if you have any further questions.
Project Lead
jenk4 2021-01-08 -4 points
After downloading the software going through all the steps etc. When i click on either the autorun launcher or the desktop shortcut it just takes me to the harry potter start up, I press play then it asks me if I want to make changes to my device - I press yes and nothing happens. Any ideas?
justin vaughn 2020-12-18 -11 points
how to get harry potter and the sorcerers stone on windows 10
HP_Archivist 2020-11-01 2 points
Harry Potter games and related ephemeral materials.
The Harry Potter Games Archive Project:
To get the oldest Harry Potter PC games running on modern hardware and without physical media you will need the no-cd cracks which have been archived at the following link. There are instructions in the form of readme.txt files.
There is a sizable and active community on Discord
Archive Project
Gaming Alexandria
Harry Potter Modding
Hope this helps!
Project Lead
Lord Voldemort 2020-10-18 0 point
I am able to install the game in my pc windows 7 but when I tried to run the game it says please insert the correct CD ROM,select ok and restart the application.....please help me
Queen So Sashley 2020-07-04 11 points
This is the security code to the game, i got it form the misc. link.
HP_Archivist 2020-06-12 -3 points
@TY: Did you use the method from MaxG's tutorials for HP 1 and HP 2?
Ty 2020-06-10 -4 points
Hi Guys, I got everything downloaded and the game runs the menu screen but when I click "Play" it says, "Please login with administrator privileges and try again".
Anyone know how I can get past that?
Altaïr 2020-06-01 0 point
Hi guys, I managed to run the game on win10 from another abandonware website (french version)
I used the automatic version, the game is speeded up but it works, they added a 'plugin' or another program to make it work I guess, maybe that can help create an english version that works correctly on win10
here is the link :
btw tried it on a virtual machine under XP, I could start the game but the mouse pointer did not work correctly
HP_Archivist 2020-05-31 3 points
Hey everyone! There is a preservation project for these games.
With an active Discord community as well, archival resources below for the project.
Help is here 2020-05-18 2 points
Hello guys, I managed to run this game thanks to this article, no VM needed:
There is a lot of possible issues, in my case (I have windows 7) This section was important:
What I did, I created bat file in the folder of the game which helped me to run it. As described in the article, DRM that they used back then is now a security hole. This bat file effectively reopens the security hole, starts the game, and then patches the vulnerability again after 1 second. You'll likely need to run the script in Administrator mode. You can experiment with different timings if 1 second turns out to be too short on your system.
Anyway, my bat file that works for me is:
@echo off
sc config secdrv start= demand & sc start secdrv
start C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"EA Games"\"Harry Potter"\System\HP.exe
timeout /NOBREAK /T 1
sc stop secdrv & sc config secdrv start= disabled
@echo on
foodie 2020-05-16 2 points
Has anyone gotten the iso to work? I don't know jack about virtual machines so I'd like to just play it in windows 10
M 2020-05-15 0 point
The .iso version doesn't run in Windows 10 alone, regardless of compatibility or admin mode. It likely needs to be played through a VM.
The rip version is flagged by multiple sources as a trojan and does not appear safe to run.
Parkour1 2020-05-05 2 points
The game runs but the screen is tiny and the mouse pointer does not move in sync with actual movement. I am running the game inside an Windows XP virtual machine. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
Joe 2020-05-02 4 points
Asked for CD code, installed correctly, ISO is mounted, running in compatibility and administrator mode but it's just not running...
Retro Pixel Lizard 2020-05-02 2 points
While the game itself is simple good fun, I just can't help but admire the textures and use of lighting, something to expect from a triple-a using the Unreal engine.
Fun Fact: looking into the files you can find content that neer quite made it (likely due to time constraints) like the dreadful Dursleys and the eightball launcher from Unreal.
E 2020-04-28 2 points
Nevermind, I found it. Thanks for this game, it's one of my childhood favorites!
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Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. If you have trouble to run Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Windows), read the abandonware guide first!
Download Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!
Windows Version
Game Extras
Various files to help you run Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.
Mac Version
- Year: 2002
- Publisher: Aspyr Media, Inc.
- Developer: KnowWonder, Inc.
Visit MacintoshGarden for more information about MacOS version and how to install it
Game Extras
Various files to help you run Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.
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