Download Jimmy White's 2: Cueball (Windows)

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Jimmy White's 2: Cueball

Windows - 1998

Alt names Billard Clubhouse, Billard Nights, Billares, Cueball, JWC2
Year 1998
Platform Windows
Released in United States (1998)
Australia, Germany, United Kingdom (1999)
United Kingdom (2002)
Genre Simulation, Sports
Theme Licensed Title, Pool / Snooker
Publisher Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd., Virgin Games, Inc., Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Europe) Ltd.
Developer Awesome Studios
Perspective 1st-Person
4.86 / 5 - 7 votes

Description of Jimmy White's 2: Cueball

If you haven't played Jimmy White's 2: Cueball or want to try this simulation video game, download it now for free! Published in 1998 by Virgin Games, Inc., Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Europe) Ltd., Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd., Jimmy White's 2: Cueball was an above-average pool / snooker title in its time.

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Comments and reviews

Whatsacue4 2021-12-22 0 point

Good for beginners

Mack 2021-03-18 -1 point

1..Create a folder on your desktop name it :Jimmy Whites 2 Cue ball ISO:.
2..From Myabandonware site download Jimmy Whites 2 cue ball.
3..Locate ISO downloaded :Usually....Users...Your name folder....Downloads.
4..Copy ISO from downloads copy and Paste into the folder you created on
your desktop :Jimmy Whites 2 Cue ball ISO:.
5..You must have either :Winzip...Winrar or Haozip: installed for the next step
to work. This applies to :Windows not sure about Mac:.
6..Right click the Jimmy Whites 2 cue ball ISO scroll down and locate :Mount Disc
image: select then open :Computer: on your desktop there should be a :Mounted Disc: with the title Jimmy Whites 2 cue ball.
7..Click and open :Mounted Disc: locate :SETUP: double click install the game.
8..After installation an icon will appear on your desktop click to open. You will find
three icons :Hardware...MMX...Software: i selected : Hardware: opened compatibility selected windows 7.
9..Your choice is dependent upon OS and which versions. The game works okay on windows 7 but remember this game is 23 years old.
10..I have not tried on :Mac: or :Windows 8...Windows 10: if you have installed :Winzip...Winrar or Haozip: in theory the game should play. Again not sure about :Mac:.

Hopefully these instructions have helped. Stay Safe & Take Care

greyfox278 2020-05-13 0 point

this was a cool game first played it when a buddy came to visit and he got it from an old warez page when it was a thing. great game lol

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Download Jimmy White's 2: Cueball

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows Version

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