Download Motocross Madness 2 (Windows)

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Motocross Madness 2

Windows - 2000

Alt names 疯狂摩托2, MCM 2
Year 2000
Platform Windows
Released in France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, United States (2000)
Czechia (2001)
Germany, United Kingdom (2002)
Genre Racing / Driving
Theme Motorcycle, Off-Road / Monster Truck, Real-Time, Track Racing, Tricks / Stunts
Publisher Empire Interactive Europe Ltd., Microsoft Corporation, Ubi Soft Entertainment Software
Developer Rainbow Studios, Inc.
Perspectives 1st-Person, Behind view
4.39 / 5 - 344 votes

Description of Motocross Madness 2

If you haven't played Motocross Madness 2 or want to try this racing / driving video game, download it now for free! Published in 2000 by Ubi Soft Entertainment Software, Microsoft Corporation, Empire Interactive Europe Ltd., Motocross Madness 2 (aka 疯狂摩托2, MCM 2) is still a popular off-road / monster truck title amongst retrogamers, with a whopping 4.4/5 rating.

External links

Captures and Snapshots

  • Windows

Comments and reviews

Mental 2025-02-03 0 point

I would like to issue a correction on my previous comment. It didn't work originally, but running the crack exe in Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode did the trick. Runs like a charm now. Thank you Meadow!

Mental 2025-02-03 0 point

This absolutely will not run on Windows 10. I followed all of Meadow's steps. It starts up to the splash screen, then promptly crashes regardless of what wrapper I choose.

Ziegfried 2025-01-24 0 point

se alguém tiver problema não sei se oq vou falar vai resolver

clique com botão direito do mouse no icone do jogo e va em propriedade e va onde tem para abri o jogo usando WINDOWS XP ou SERVICE PACK 2 uma vez baixei não por esse site mas tive q fazer isso para o jogo abri

KLU3K 2024-10-08 -6 points

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Motocross Madness 2]
"HardDriveRootPath"="C:\\KLU3K\\Motocross Madness 2"

j dawg 2024-08-07 0 point

can u still play with peeps on here like are the servers still up

Dave 2024-05-27 0 point

Ok so I can get the game running no issue now but whenever I try and load a race it just crashes and idk what to do. I'm at my wits end with this game because I've been trying to run it on and off for a year now. At least I made progress but could you explain how I can actually load into a race please

Daves Motocrosss Years 60s-70s 2024-03-24 0 point

This is the most awesome page on the internet.

Pascal 2024-03-20 0 point

@ADMIN Thank you and Working :)

admin 2024-03-19 1 point

@Pascal I made it happen :)

Pascal 2024-03-16 0 point

The German version is missing, I once had the CD but then lost it and haven't found it yet

MulishaKid 2024-02-27 0 point

We still need the backflip enabler, flip-trick.exe, backflip hack, no-crash application

I want to do some flips and spins on the Dew Tour, Gravity Games, X-Fighters, and X-Games courses. Let's goooo!

MDT 2024-02-20 4 points

Need help with,
"Write to location 00000000 caused an access violation."
Win10Pro64 user here.
Everything works fine until a map selected and start race clicked, game crashes and closing and back to Windows.

Win10 64
ryzen 7 5800x cpu
Radeon rx6900xt gpu

Any ideas or suggestions?

xanadu_89 2024-02-05 1 point

Got it working using meadow's instructions and by downloading d3drm.dll from here If anyone is interesting is playing online, add me on discord at xanadu1579

xanadu_89 2024-02-04 0 point

Thanks for providing the software, hoping I'll get this working on windows 11 as well. Does anyone play Motocross Madness 2 Online? Using GameRanger or a similar service?

ryder 2024-01-17 0 point

I love dirt bikes

veteran 2023-10-25 -1 point

Does anyone have the flip trick link?

Shred 2023-10-12 1 point

I can't follow Meadows instructions because there is zero disk space in the folder to add more files. Any ideas?

FantasMic 2023-09-22 1 point

Working perfectly on win11 thanks to Meadow's guide!

PiggeryAxe 2023-09-11 0 point

Update from helping my brother get it on a different computer (we were kids who grew up with the game, so this has been wonderful): Additionally, when installing on AMD, if you get white textures that fail to load in, try going to the DirectX tab of the dgVoodooCpl application and checking the "fast video memory access" option. This might resolve that specific issue.

PiggeryAxe 2023-09-10 2 points

Adding another comment to the ring. There seems like a few different critical things to make sure of.

First, after install, replace the EXE with the fixed EXE.

Second, make sure to grab the d3drm.dll and the MS dgVoodoo2 dlls from the site Meadow mentioned.

Third, make sure to grab that dgVoodoo .exe, copy that in and run it in the MM2 directory, click the / on the top right of the program to direct it to the MM2 directory instead of the dummy one it comes with, and it'll generate the conf file you'll need for dgVoodoo2.

And fourth, and this is where I had issues, you gotta make it run in the right compatibility modes. So double check, don't just use the windows troubleshooter like I tried first. Open the .exe launch application file's Properties, head over to the Compatibility tab, and make sure to set the settings to the XP Service Pack 3, but also what fixed it for me was to go further and "Change settings for all users" to that same Compatibility setting.

Daniel 2023-06-18 -1 point

Just tested it on Windows 11 and it works thanks to Meadow's guide.

Unown 2023-06-04 2 points

I also have used Meadow's method (see comment below dated 2020-01-12).
It works great, thanks Meadow.
I'm running Intel Celeron Windows 7 (notebook).

Windows 11 2023-05-31 3 points

I used Meadow's method (see comment below dated 2020-01-12).
It works great, thanks Meadow.
I'm running Windows 11 and using a PS3 controller on my PC.

MulishaKid 2023-04-14 0 point

4/13/2023 We need the backflip enabler
flip_trick.exe “Bart Simpson head app” Would be nice to make some cool inverted tricks happen again!

Grovermon 2023-03-19 0 point

I third the backflip file request! Just started playing for the first time and its a blast.

MulishaKid 2023-01-02 0 point

I second with the flipper guy, does anyone have the backflip enabler? We're still able to inject all tricks with Sik Trix. Would be nice to start making new tricks again.

eddy 2022-11-03 0 point

amazing game

Lancaster 2022-10-11 -2 points

When you say it's an ISO, then effin make sure it's a damn ISO. Not some proprietary BS.

I really didn't like having to install Alc120 just to effin access it.

FranceSquareonIBM 2022-09-02 0 point

i have a disc copy of the game, EURO.TEX wont copy to the computer, anyone know why?!

Kwailin 2022-06-20 1 point

Very awesome! Got it working on WIndows 11... played it heaps 20 years ago.

Now i am trying to play it with my kids over LAN. Can't get it set up. When i attempt to start a multiplayer game it freezes after the 'Host' / 'Join' window comes up.
Any idea why this is. I gave the mcm2.exe all access through the firewall.
Anyone here that can help?

Endofline 2022-05-04 2 points

Game crashes after doing everything said, game enters fine but then for some reason there is no sound on menu, then when i select what to drive it loads and crashes out of the game. check for error logs
16 processor(s), type 586.
1024 MBytes physical memory.
Write to location 00000000 caused an access violation.

so dont know what to do now

MCM2-backflipper 2022-05-02 4 points

someone still has backflip enabler?!?

zxqwqz 2022-01-22 1 point

One last thing (if anyone has the same problem):

If your game crashes with the error "Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation" at the start of a race, it may be caused by a peripheral. As soon as I unplugged my racing wheel it started working. Perhaps the game detected it but failed to utilize it.

zxqwqxz 2022-01-21 1 point

Also as an answer to INEEDTHISGAME:

It may also be related to potential spaces in the setup file path. On another machine that (i.e. removing the spaces in folder names) seemed to fix the error.

zxqwqxz 2022-01-18 1 point

As an answer to INEEDTHISGAME:

If it's the error:
"Setup was unable to find (or could not read) the language specific setup resource dll",
then just copying the folder to desktop fixes it, as in the following video:

INeedThisGame 2022-01-06 -2 points

I cant launch the setup. I get an error message as soon as I start lauunching it. Some kind of language.dll error. Did someone have the same issue and can help me with it?

jeanjean3810 2021-03-08 -2 points

Hello everyone, I followed the instructions but the software keeps crashing during the launch, just before I access the menu... anyone has an idea how I could fix this?
Many thanks in advance!

Frozium 2021-01-19 1 point

Oh man I'm so happy to finally be able to replay this game after so many years. This time I will surelly catch that UFO!

tex 2020-12-30 -2 points

MCM2 exe - compatibility mode XP SP3

Chris Schönfeld 2020-12-03 0 point

TY Myabandonware you only a Mouse

Win10, NEC Multisync LCD 1760NX Gaming PC (2018) No Games
3X AMD-ATI-XP System, 2X NEC Multisync LCD 1970NX, 1x Fujitsu Siemens Szenicview P19-2
Superbike World Championship, Superbike 2000 und 2001 (Milestone). Mercedes Benz Truck Racing (Synetic GMBH). F1 Racing Championship (Ubi_Soft)
Extreme 500 (Ascaron GMBH)
Grand Prix 3 und 4 (Microprose)
Grand Prix Legends ( Standard ) ( Papyrus Group) Warm_Up (Lankhor) Alle Original ISO
Motocross Madness 2

Saitek PS 2700 und 2x P1500 Gamepads.

Chris Schönfeld 2020-08-11 -1 point

This work all

Bud only with AMD-ATI

Des 2020-08-09 -1 point

Hmmm... I can't even run the Setup.exe file.
It reports not enough memory...
Anyone have any ideas how to get around this?

hoverdonkey 2020-08-06 1 point

This guide worked perfectly just now:

Finally running MM2 again - 1920x1200, full screen & glitchless!

jOE 2020-06-18 -1 point

Anyone know why my keyboard binds are not working? i can control the camera but i cannot move the bike

MCMAD 2020-06-07 1 point

Works for me on Win10. I used: suggested by VINAY

Then follow suggestions from MEADOW, but skip the iso conversion.
Works with both Rasterization or graphics card, sorry CORONAGUY

Vinay 2020-05-10 -2 points

Hello peeps here is how I managed to get it work on windows 7 i3 Intel HD Hp notebook

1.Get iso mounter like
2.Extract motorcross files , right click on Motocross Madness 2.mds select mount to drive (choose any free letter)
3.Install the game I chose C:\Program Files (x86)\MM2, close the installer
4.Copy T:\GAME\MCM2.exe to your installation folder(C:\Program Files (x86)\MM2) click Yes to replace

Mysterehyde 2020-04-24 -1 point

Was able to make it work with the help of katie nerd girl on youtube.

Apparently my missing part was the fact that in the end, you should start the game from where you installed it, and not the cd mouting parts ;-)

Mysterehyde 2020-04-24 1 point

Same here. wasn't able to do the meadow explanation.
Or more, was able to do it, but not able to open the game after. Had the installation going like "successfull" but it was at the end. (runnin on windows 10)

zeet 2020-04-22 0 point

I still am not able tp play this game, can you help me out?

Juliano 2020-04-13 0 point

I Would like to run Motocross Madness 2, as I used to run Motocross Madness 1.

Coronaguy 2020-04-10 0 point

Guys, the game works perfectly. But only in software resterization or whatever it's called. If I select my own graphics card to play at the beginning when it asks for a 3D engine, it crashes. I don't know how this is fixable. But with the software resterization you are limited to small resolutions because higher ones are stuttering as hell. If someone has a solution about this, please upload it!

r2d2 2020-04-04 3 points

Best game ever for quarantäne la corona!

meadow 2020-01-12 50 points

I finally figured out how to get this to work.
1. Get an MDF to ISO program and convert the file to an ISO.
2. Install the game, then in the game's main folder replace mcm2.exe with the fix from this website.
3. find dgvoodoo2, and download both it and d3drm.dll (they're both on the voodoo site)
3. put the "ms" x64 dll from voodoo and d3drm.dll into the game's main folder
(if this doesn't work try some of the other dlls from the program)
4. Set mcm2.exe to run in compatibility mode for Windows XP Service Pack 3
5. Enjoy

chris 2019-07-06 -3 points

i never use piece of crap 3d wrapper

Rupam Naik 2019-05-19 0 point

This is my favourite

Nothany 2019-04-21 0 point

To the person who uploaded this, you could have at least specified that it was a ".MDF/.MDS" file instead of falsely calling it an ISO file.

Also, are ".MDF/.MDS" files used as a way to copy games with copy protection without triggering the copy protection?

And if so, does converting ".MDF/.MDS" files to ".ISO" trigger that same copy protection?

86DrifterYT 2018-12-07 -2 points

Is it controller supported ?

Jesse 2018-11-27 1 point

I have no clue how to get this to work. I converted it to an ISO file and went through the setup/installer. I now have the Motocross Madness 2 Icon on my desktop but it simply fails to launch.

Aussie Shane 2018-10-17 1 point

Motocross madness is the best.

Thank you for the download

Bob the Builder 2018-08-07 2 points

MDF/MDS is a CD/DVD image file(exact virtual copy of the actual Compact Disc). Use AnyToISO app to convert MDF/MDS image into ISO(smaller sized and more compatible) image file. Than use the MagicDisc or Daemon Tools app to mount the ISO file on the virtual CD/DVD drive.

In most cases old software is incompatible with the modern operating systems. Read the FAQ.

Anonymous 2018-06-08 7 points

how do i use the MDF and MDS files

im not a pc expert and i know of .rar .zip .exe .vbs and .bat so can you help me?

Anonymous 2018-06-07 0 point

i saw this cause of nerdcubed and well i whink it will be fun

im going to play it whan its done

thanos 2018-05-05 -3 points

its a god gifted game

hello aus 2018-02-20 -4 points

hi, I can install the game (using daemon tools virtual drive) but I can only open setup not the game itself, whats going on ?

UnlimitedREKT65 2018-02-13 -2 points

Also, this is a Rainbow Studios game... THQ owns Rainbow Studios... Right?

UnlimitedREKT65 2018-02-13 1 point

I seem to notice this now but there is a connection I made. The levels in this game seem oddly similar to the levels in the original MX Unleashed. Also, this is a game published by Microsoft. As another fact, the enbankments on the outskirts of the map are the same as those such in MX Unleased. In conclusion, very many things are similar between the two games.

Jefferson 2018-01-25 2 points

This game was and is so good !! Insane online game as well , for that time it was really next level and there was a very nice online community with user made tracks that were really great . Thanks myabandonware , this made my day .

Tairetsu 2017-12-19 2 points

Unfortunately it seems to crash on boot on Win7, have not been able to get it running yet.

Jean mimi 2017-12-02 -3 points

Its the full version or the demo?

omer 2017-11-01 1 point

i love it

annesha chatterjee 2017-10-20 1 point

tell me how to download???

YEW TO DAAKAAR HE HE DAAKHAR 2017-09-17 0 point


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Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. If you have trouble to run Motocross Madness 2 (Windows), read the abandonware guide first!


Download Motocross Madness 2

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows Version

DownloadISO Version English version 521 MB DownloadISO Version German version 498 MB DownloadISO Version
Rerelease English version Swedish version Norwegian version Finnish version Danish version Spanish; Castilian version Portuguese version 536 MB
ManualEnglish version 998 KB

Game Extras

Various files to help you run Motocross Madness 2, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.

NocdNoCD English version 732 KB NocdGerman version 940 KB

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